The City and County of San Francisco, acting by and through the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, selected Reservoir Community Partners LLC (a joint venture between BRIDGE Housing Corporation [a nonprofit affordable housing developer] and Avalon Bay Communities) to act as master developer for the proposed Balboa Reservoir Project. The proposed project would develop the 17.6-acre Balboa Reservoir site with mixed-income housing, open space, a childcare facility/community room available for public use, retail space, on- and off-street parking, and new streets, utilities, and other infrastructure.

The San Francisco Planning Department has determined that an environmental impact report (EIR) is required for the proposed project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and on August 7, 2019, published a Draft EIR on the project. The purpose of the Draft EIR is to inform governmental agencies and the public of the potential environmental impacts of the proposed mixed-use development, recommended mitigation measures to lessen significant adverse impacts, and comparative merits of alternatives to the project. The project sponsor has filed an application with the Governor's Office of Planning and Research for certification of the proposed project as an environmental leadership development project under the Jobs and Economic Improvement through Environmental Leadership Act of 2011 (Assembly Bill [AB] 900, as updated to comply with Senate Bill [SB] 734 and AB 246). Beginning on August 7, 2019, pursuant to the requirements of this act and concurrent with the administrative process, this website provides access to all documents and materials in the record of proceedings for this project in a downloadable format.

Document Date Author Title File
2018-01-22 Rockridge Geotechnical Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation Proposed Residential Development at Balboa Reservoir Phelan and Ocean Avenues, California EIR_References\2018-0122_rockridge_Prelim GeoReport_DRAFT Balboa.PDF
2018-01-27 SCS Engineers Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Balboa Reservoir EIR_References\2018-0127_scs eng_Phase I ESA Jan 27 DRAFT Balboa.pdf
2018-03-23 Carlile Macy Due Diligence Survey Record Boundary and Easement Mapping, Balboa Reservoir EIR_References\2018-0323_carlile macy_due diligence survey.pdf
2018-06-01 Van Meter Williams Pollack LLP EE Diagrams EIR_References\2018-0601_EE Diagrams.pdf
2018-06-01 Reservoir Community Partners, LLP Application for Environmental Evaluation EIR_References\2018-0601_rcp_EE App_Balboa.pdf
2018-06-01 Reservoir Community Partners, LLP Project Description EIR_References\2018-0601_rcp_Project Description Balboa.pdf
2018-06-01 Reservoir Community Partners, LLP Application for Environmental Evaluation-Signature Sheet EIR_References\2018-0601_rcp_signature sheet ee app.pdf
2018-06-27 Van Meter Williams Pollack LLP Revised EE Diagrams EIR_References\2018-0627_Revised EE Diagrams.pdf
2018-07-13 Reservoir Community Partners, LLP Revised Project Description EIR_References\2018-0713_rcp_PD Balboa Reservoir_Rev1.pdf
2018-07-13 Van Meter Williams Pollack LLP Revisions to the 6/1/18 Balboa Reservoir Development EE Diagrams and Project Description EIR_References\2018-0713_vmw_BalboaEE_Revisions memo.pdf
2018-07-13 Van Meter Williams Pollack LLP Revised EE Diagrams EIR_References\2018-0713_vmw_EE-Diagrams.pdf
2018-10-05 Alvin Ja NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-05_Alvin Ja.pdf
2018-10-09 Alvin Ja_1 NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-09_Alvin Ja_1.pdf
2018-10-09 Alvin Ja_2 NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-09_Alvin Ja_2.pdf
2018-10-10 Alvin Ja_1 NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-10_Alvin Ja_1.pdf
2018-10-10 Alvin Ja_2 NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-10_Alvin Ja_2.pdf
2018-10-10 City and County of San Francisco Public Notice Availability of Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report - County Clerk Stamped EIR_References\2018-10-10_ccsf_NOA of NOP posted at County Clerk.pdf
2018-10-10 City and County of San Francisco Public Notice Availability of Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report EIR_References\2018-10-10_ccsf_NOA_Final_clean.pdf
2018-10-10 City and County of San Francisco Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report and Notice of a Public Scoping Meeting EIR_References\2018-10-10_ccsf_NOP_Final_clean_signed.pdf
2018-10-10 City College_Marian Lam NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-10_City College_Marian Lam.pdf
2018-10-10 Environmental Science Associates Notice of Completion EIR_References\2018-10-10_esa_NOC_signed.pdf
2018-10-10 Environmental Science Associates Affidavit of Mailing EIR_References\2018-10-10_esa_Signed Affidavit of Mailing.pdf
2018-10-10 State Clearinghouse Proof of Receipt EIR_References\2018-10-10_SCH_Proof of Receipt NOC-Balboa.pdf
2018-10-10 City and County of San Francisco Planning Department Environmental Review Notice EIR_References\Ad 10-10-18 NOP of EIR.pdf
2018-10-11 Alvin Ja NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-11_Alvin Ja.pdf
2018-10-11 San Francisco Department of Building and Inspection_Thomas Fessler NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-11_Department of Building and Inspection_Thomas Fessler.pdf
2018-10-11 Kevin Burke NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-11_Kevin Burke.pdf
2018-10-11 Bay Area Metro Center_Wally Charles NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-11_Wally Charles.pdf
2018-10-11 Environmental Science Associates Consolidated Mailing List EIR_References\2018-10-30_Consolidated Mailing List.pdf
2018-10-12 Dennis Hong_1 NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-12_Dennis Hong_1.pdf
2018-10-12 Dennis Hong_2 NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-12_Dennis Hong_2.pdf
2018-10-12 Harry Bernstein NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-12_Harry Bernstein.pdf
2018-10-12 Roan Kattouw NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-12_Roan Kattouw.pdf
2018-10-14 Alvin Ja NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-14_Alvin Ja.pdf
2018-10-14 Marilyn Rodriguez NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-14_Marilyn Rodriguez.pdf
2018-10-15 Conor Johnston NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-15_Conor Johnston.pdf
2018-10-15 Ira Kaplan NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-15_Ira Kaplan.pdf
2018-10-15 Mike Fleming NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-15_Mike Fleming.pdf
2018-10-15 Nathan Ng NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-15_Nathan Ng.pdf
2018-10-15 Paul and Lisa Anderson NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-15_Paul and Lisa Anderson.pdf
2018-10-15 Phil Crone NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-15_Phil Crone.pdf
2018-10-15 Sean Hall NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-15_Sean Hall.pdf
2018-10-15 Theodore R NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-15_Theodore R.pdf
2018-10-15 Zack Subin NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-15_Zack Subin.pdf
2018-10-16 Nick Marinakis NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-16_Nick Marinakis.pdf
2018-10-19 Allan LeBlanc NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-19_Allan LeBlanc.pdf
2018-10-21 Alvin Ja NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-21_Alvin Ja.pdf
2018-10-21 Marilyn Rodriguez NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-21_Marilyn Rodriguez.pdf
2018-10-22 Stuart Rosenthal NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-22_Stuart Rosenthal.pdf
2018-10-24 Joseph Alvarado NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-24_Joseph Alvarado.pdf
2018-10-25 Lick-Wilmerding High School_Christine Godinez Jackson NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-25_Lick-Wilmerding High School_Christine Godinez Jackson.pdf
2018-10-25 Rita Evans_1 NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-25_Rita Evans_1.pdf
2018-10-25 Rita Evans_2 NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-25_Rita Evans_2.pdf
2018-10-26 Native American Heritage Commission NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-26_NAHC.pdf
2018-10-28 Aaron Goodman NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-28_Aaron Goodman.pdf
2018-10-29 Andrew Ciscel NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-29_Andrew Ciscel.pdf
2018-10-30 Agenda EIR_References\2018-10-30_Agenda.pdf
2018-10-30 City and County of San Francisco Scoping Meeting Presentation EIR_References\2018-10-30_ccsf_Scoping presentation (ID 1041719).pdf
2018-10-30 Jane Ivory Ernstthal NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-30_Jane Ivory Ernstthal.pdf
2018-10-30 Meg Kammerud NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-30_Meg Kammerud.pdf
2018-10-30 Mike Zonta NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-30_Mike Zonta.pdf
2018-10-30 Monica Collins NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-30_Monica Collins.pdf
2018-10-30 Sign In Sheet EIR_References\2018-10-30_Sign In Sheet from Mtg.pdf
2018-10-30 Speaker Cards EIR_References\2018-10-30_Speaker Cards.pdf
2018-10-30 Steve Rauch NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-30_Steve Rauch.pdf
2018-10-30 Taylor Hughes NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-10-30_Taylor Hughes.pdf
2018-11-01 Alvin Ja NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-01_Alvin Ja.pdf
2018-11-04 Alvin Ja_1 NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-04_Alvin Ja_1.pdf
2018-11-04 Alvin Ja_2 NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-04_Alvin Ja_2.pdf
2018-11-05 Owen Katz NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-05_Owen Katz.pdf
2018-11-06 Alvin Ja_1 NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-06_Alvin Ja_1.pdf
2018-11-06 Alvin Ja_2 NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-06_Alvin Ja_2.pdf
2018-11-06 Janet Lohr NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-06_Janet Lohr.pdf
2018-11-07 Debra Wilensky NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-07_Debra Wilensky.pdf
2018-11-09 California Reporting, LLC Transcript of October 30, 2018 Public Scoping Meeting EIR_References\2018-11-09_Balboa Reservoir Scoping Mtg Transcript - 10-30-18 FINAL.pdf
2018-11-09 Kate Favetti NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-09_Kate Favetti.pdf
2018-11-10 Leslie Simon NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-10_Leslie Simon.pdf
2018-11-10 Noreen Weeden_1 NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-10_Noreen Weeden_1.pdf
2018-11-10 Noreen Weeden_2 NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-10_Noreen Weeden_2.pdf
2018-11-10 Pauline Jue NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-10_Pauline Jue.pdf
2018-11-10 Robert Hall NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-10_Robert Hall.pdf
2018-11-10 Virginia Maddan NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-10_Virginia Maddan.pdf
2018-11-11 Ken Crizer NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-11_Ken Crizer.pdf
2018-11-11 Larry Bernard NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-11_Larry Bernard.pdf
2018-11-11 Laura Frey NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-11_Laura Frey.pdf
2018-11-11 Rita Evans NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-11_Rita Evans.pdf
2018-11-11 Sonja Trauss NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-11_Sonja Trauss.pdf
2018-11-12 Brian Marabello NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-12_Brian Marabello.pdf
2018-11-12 Christine Hanson_1 NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-12_Christine Hanson_1.pdf
2018-11-12 Christine Hanson_2 NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-12_Christine Hanson_2.pdf
2018-11-12 Christine Hanson_3 NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-12_Christine Hanson_3.pdf
2018-11-12 Christine Weibel NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-12_Christine Weibel.pdf
2018-11-12 Fred Muhlheim NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-12_Fred Muhlheim.pdf
2018-11-12 Harry Bernstein NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-12_Harry Bernstein.pdf
2018-11-12 Jean Barish NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-12_Jean Barish.pdf
2018-11-12 Jennifer Heggie_1 NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-12_Jennifer Heggie_1.pdf
2018-11-12 Jennifer Heggie_2 NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-12_Jennifer Heggie_2.pdf
2018-11-12 Kirk Palmer and Miriam Vu NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-12_Kirk Palmer and Miriam Vu.pdf
2018-11-12 Lisa Anderson NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-12_Lisa Anderson.pdf
2018-11-12 Lisa Spinali NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-12_Lisa Spinali.pdf
2018-11-12 Madeline Mueller NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-12_Madeline Mueller.pdf
2018-11-12 Sarah Guttman NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-12_Sarah Guttman.pdf
2018-11-12 Starchild NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-12_Starchild.pdf
2018-11-12 Westwood Park Association_Michael Ahrens NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-12_Westwood Park Association_Michael Ahrens.pdf
2018-11-12 Yonathan_1 (11/12/2018) NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-12_Yonathan_1.pdf
2018-11-12 Yonathan_2 NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-12_Yonathan_2.pdf
2018-11-13 Amy O’Hair NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-13_Amy O'Hair.pdf
2018-11-14 Beverly Tharp NOP Comment EIR_References\2018-11-14_Beverly Tharp.pdf
Misc Certified Mail Return Receipts EIR_References\Certified Mail Return Receipts.pdf
No Date NOP Scoping Comments Consolidated with Transcript EIR_References\_NOP Scoping Comments_Consolidated w Transcript.pdf
Pre-Draft EIR Documents-Other
2008-08-21 Kate McGee Email to: Kate McGee ;David Alumbaugh ;;Jeanie Poling ;John Billovits ;John Rahaim ;Lisa Pagan ;Rich Hillis ;Rick Cooper ;Sarah Dennis re: Copy: Balboa Park Plan and the CCSF/PUC Land Transfer pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005321.pdf
2008-10-16 Markowitz, Frank Email to:;Walton, Kim ;Kate McGee ;Rick Cooper ;Jeanie Poling re: Copy: Balboa Park Environmental Review pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005322.pdf
2009-10-14 Irene Cheng-Tam - on behalf of - Elaine Forbes/CTYPLN/SFGOV Email to: Elaine Forbes/CTYPLN/SFGOV;Jeanie Poling ;Yvonne Ko re: Copy: re: Balboa recovery fee per Elaine pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005324.pdf
2012-08-26 Jeanie Poling Email to: Jeanie Poling re: Copy: talk to Stephen about Balboa MTA projects pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005325.pdf
2012-08-26 Jeanie Poling Email to: Jeanie Poling re: Copy: talk to Rick about Balboa FEIR pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005326.pdf
2012-08-26 Jeanie Poling Email to: Jeanie Poling re: Copy: get Balboa FEIR from EDAW today pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005327.pdf
2012-08-26 Jeanie Poling Email to: Jeanie Poling re: Copy: Balboa mtg at 1 S. Van Ness pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005328.pdf
2012-08-26 Jeanie Poling Email to: Jeanie Poling re: Copy: SPUR pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005329.pdf
2012-12-18 Poling, Jeanie Email to: Poling, Jeanie re: talk to Bill re 1145 Mission and Balboa Pk/City College pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005330.pdf
2014-02-04 Unknown Balboa RCP COI - CGL - from Bridge 12.17.17.PDF pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018284.pdf
2014-11-06 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Storrs, Bruce re: Topo Data on Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008546.pdf
2014-11-06 Storrs, Bruce Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: Topo Data on Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008547.pdf
2014-11-06 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Storrs, Bruce re: RE: Topo Data on Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008549.pdf
2015-01-16 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Salvadori, Ilaria (CPC) re: FW: Fw: January 21st Public Workshop for Balboa Reservoir Site Study pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003522.pdf
2015-01-20 Unknown Balboa Reservoir Study - Public Workshop #1 - Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003544.pdf
2015-05-04 Unknown Balboa Reservoir Study - Public Workshop #2 - Facilitator Guide.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003545.pdf
2015-05-06 Unknown Leg Final.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310025527.pdf
2015-05-20 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Cooper, Rick (CPC) re: Copy: RE: Balboa Reservoir and Balboa Park Station Area Plan EIR pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005331.pdf
2015-06-10 Unknown Balboa Reservoir - pipeline easement plat 11x17.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017524.pdf
2015-06-17 Harris, Danielle J Email to: Harris, Danielle J ;Brill, Matthew ;Kirschbaum, Julie B ;Henderson, Tony ;Stein, Gail ;Kennedy, Sean M ;Markowitz, Frank re: Balboa Park Station Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016340.pdf
2015-06-17 Unknown ATT28698 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016344.pdf
2015-06-17 Harris, Danielle J Email to: Harris, Danielle J ;Brill, Matthew ;Kirschbaum, Julie B ;Henderson, Tony ;Stein, Gail ;Kennedy, Sean M ;Markowitz, Frank re: Balboa Park Station Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310025389.pdf
2015-08-20 - on behalf of - Rich, Ken (ECN) Email to: Rich, Ken ;Lesk, Emily ;Martin, Michael ;Carlin, Michael (PUC) ;Russell, Rosanna S ;Freeman, Craig ;Kelley, Gil ;Exline, Susan ;Shaw, Jeremy re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir - Monthly City Family Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020884.pdf
2015-10-01 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Revised_Meeting_Minutes-08262015_FINAL.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310025515.pdf
2015-10-01 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Revised_Meeting_Minutes-08262015_FINAL.PDF pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310025540.pdf
2015-10-13 Quinn, Brian (TIS) Email to: DiFranza, Joy (DPW) ;Storrs, Bruce (DPW) re: Draft wall map using City features and CS13 grid system pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008551.pdf
2015-12-09 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Agenda-12142015_DRAFT-PLN.DOCX pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021120.pdf
2015-12-09 SooHoo, Candace (CPC) Email to: Kitty Baca ; re: RE: 12/14/15 Monday Meeting Captioning pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021187.pdf
2015-12-09 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Agenda-12142015_DRAFT-PLN.DOCX pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021189.pdf
2015-12-09 Boudreaux, Marcelle (CPC) Email to: Washington, Delvin (CPC) re: RE: Ocean NCT Expansion FW: Balboa Park Station Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021450.pdf
2015-12-14 SooHoo, Candace (CPC) Email to: '' re: FW: Confirmed Spanish Interpreter for 12/14 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021118.pdf
2015-12-15 Unknown Balboa Reserv.msg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020885.pdf
2015-12-23 Unknown page 5 Industrial School Reservoir Tract_Clarendon Heights Tank Tract.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009505.pdf
2015-12-23 Unknown Cover Page and Table I.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009506.pdf
2016-01-04 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Agenda-011116.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021103.pdf
2016-01-05 SooHoo, Candace (CPC) Email to: Kitty Baca re: 1/11/16 Monday Meeting Captioning pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021102.pdf
2016-01-07 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Russell, Rosanna S ;Carlin, Michael re: Copy: Go over Balboa Reservoir RFQ - Need your input on policy question / RES staffing pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020887.pdf
2016-01-14 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Russell, Rosanna S ;Freeman, Craig re: Copy: Check in re: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020888.pdf
2016-01-28 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Russell, Rosanna S ;Lam, Emily ;Freeman, Craig re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir briefing re potential policy issues pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020891.pdf
2016-02-03 Unknown FATAL FLAWS IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PROCESS.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005569.pdf
2016-02-05 BRCAC (ECN) Email to: BRCAC (ECN) ;Wong, Phillip C ;Martin, Michael ;Lesk, Emily ;Russell, Rosanna S ;Carlin, Michael (PUC) ;Roiz, Teresa ;Freeman, Craig ;Shaw, Jeremy ;Exline, Susan ;Rich, Ken re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir CAC Regular Meeting (2nd Monday of Every Month) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020892.pdf
2016-02-09 Lam, Emily Email to: Lam, Emily ;Martin, Michael ;Carlin, Michael (PUC) re: Copy: Avalos briefing re: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020893.pdf
2016-02-11 Unknown Chicago Title Balboa Reservoir Preliminary Report.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017525.pdf
2016-02-11 Unknown Chicago Title Balboa Reservoir Preliminary Report.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017659.pdf
2016-02-11 Unknown Chicago Title Balboa Reservoir Preliminary Report.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018033.pdf
2016-02-11 Unknown Chicago Title Balboa Reservoir Preliminary Report.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018151.pdf
2016-02-16 Jones, Sarah (CPC) Email to:;Gibson, Lisa (CPC) re: RE: Environmental Review Process for Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005564.pdf
2016-02-16 Email to: Jones, Sarah (CPC) ;Gibson, Lisa (CPC) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Cooper, Rick (CPC) re: Re: Environmental Review Process for Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005566.pdf
2016-02-17 Jones, Sarah (CPC) Email to:;Gibson, Lisa (CPC) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Cooper, Rick (CPC) re: RE: Environmental Review Process for Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005572.pdf
2016-02-17 Email to: Jones, Sarah (CPC) ;Gibson, Lisa (CPC) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Cooper, Rick (CPC) re: Re: Environmental Review Process for Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005576.pdf
2016-02-24 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Russell, Rosanna S ;'Bryant Sparkman' ;James R. Musbach ;Ashleigh Kanat ;Carlin, Michael ;Ritchie, Steve ;Perl, Charles ;;Martin, Michael ;Shaw, Jeremy ;Brown, Mike ;Andzenge, Bem ;Barnes, Jamin re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir Presentation pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020898.pdf
2016-03-03 BRCAC (ECN) Email to: BRCAC (ECN) ;Russell, Rosanna S ;Carlin, Michael (PUC) ;Roiz, Teresa ;Freeman, Craig ;Shaw, Jeremy ;Wong, Phillip C ;Martin, Michael ;Lesk, Emily ;Exline, Susan ;Rich, Ken ;Gran, Martin re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir CAC Regular Meeting (2nd Monday of Every Month) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020901.pdf
2016-03-03 BRCAC (ECN) Email to: 'BRCAC (ECN)' ;Shaw, Jeremy ;Wong, Phillip C ;Martin, Michael ;Lesk, Emily ;Exline, Susan ;Gran, Martin ;Wong, Christopher J re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir CAC Regular Meeting (2nd Monday of Every Month) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020902.pdf
2016-03-14 Unknown OEWD Compliance Records 6-12-19\CHECK FOR CONFIDENTIALITY\Balboa Reservoir - Executed Letter Agreement - 091814.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016831.pdf
2016-04-01 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Russell, Rosanna S ;Freeman, Craig ;;Lesk, Emily re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir - Plan for next phase budget and scope pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020906.pdf
2016-04-07 SooHoo, Candace (CPC) Email to: re: RE: Balboa Reservoir CAC Future Meetings - ADA Captioning Services pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021193.pdf
2016-04-07 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Agenda-04132016.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021196.pdf
2016-05-11 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Sucre, Richard (CPC) ;Washington, Delvin (CPC) re: low parking ratio examples pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021438.pdf
2016-05-19 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Russell, Rosanna S ;Gran, Martin ;Wong, Christopher J re: Copy: Review and finalize proposed OEWD work order amendment for Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020911.pdf
2016-06-07 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Lesk, Emily ;Martin, Michael ;Wong, Phillip C ;Russell, Rosanna S ;Gran, Martin ;Wong, Christopher J ;Exline, Susan ;Shaw, Jeremy ;Ronald Gerhard ;Jeff Hamilton ;Adam Engelskirchen re: Copy: Balboa - City/City College Check-in Call pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020914.pdf
2016-08-03 Unknown Traffic Inquiry Form.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015302.pdf
2016-08-03 SooHoo, Candace (CPC) Email to: Kitty Baca re: August 8th Balboa Reservoir CAC Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021108.pdf
2016-08-03 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC-Agenda-080816_FINAL.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021109.pdf
2016-08-03 Unknown Traffic Inquiry Form.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023992.pdf
2016-08-17 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Lesk, Emily ;Martin, Michael ;Wong, Phillip C ;Shaw, Jeremy ;Francis, John ;Exline, Susan ;Gran, Martin ;Wong, Christopher J ;Russell, Rosanna S ;Ronald Gerhard ;Jeff Hamilton ;Adam Engelskirchen ;Linda da Silva ;Phil Newsom ;;Aliza Paz ;;Peter Costa re: Copy: RESCHEDULED: City/CCSF Meeting re Balboa pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020918.pdf
2016-08-31 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Agenda-091216.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021214.pdf
2016-09-12 SooHoo, Candace (CPC) Email to: re: RE: CAC meeting tonight pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021213.pdf
2016-09-16 Unknown CCSF Facilities Master Plan Draft Options_Planning Comments_16Sept16_FINAL.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016439.pdf
2016-09-19 Unknown SandisData091616.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024197.pdf
2016-09-19 Unknown SandisMemo.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024201.pdf
2016-10-03 Unknown BalboaReservoir Map 9.15.16.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014714.pdf
2016-10-03 Unknown BalboaReservoir Map 9.15.16.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017330.pdf
2016-10-03 Unknown BalboaReservoir Map 9.15.16.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018711.pdf
2016-10-03 Unknown BalboaReservoir Map 9.15.16.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019006.pdf
2016-10-03 Unknown BalboaReservoir Map 9.15.16.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019008.pdf
2016-10-03 Unknown BalboaReservoir Map 9.15.16.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110021003.pdf
2016-10-11 Wong, Christopher J Email to: Wong, Christopher J ;Capuyan, Benito ;Russell, Rosanna S ;Levy, Janice re: Copy: SFPUC Underutilized Properties Landing Page pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020920.pdf
2016-10-13 Unknown San Francisco Public Library MOU4242.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017451.pdf
2016-11-09 Unknown OEWD Compliance Records 6-12-19\Balboa Reservoir RFQ - Issued 11 10 2016 FINAL.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016551.pdf
2016-11-10 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_feedback.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020922.pdf
2016-11-10 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC-Agenda-111416.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020924.pdf
2016-11-10 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_annual_report_memo.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020928.pdf
2016-11-10 Unknown BRCAC Upload - Memo for BOS Annual Report - Nov 2016.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310025534.pdf
2016-11-14 Wong, Phillip (ECN) Email to: Wong, Phillip C ;Wong, Christopher J ;Gran, Martin ;Lesk, Emily ;Shaw, Jeremy ;Martin, Michael re: Copy: BRCAC November Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020921.pdf
2016-11-17 Unknown CCSF BOT Letter_FMP Update_City Comments_Signed JRahaim.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016430.pdf
2017-01-13 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Russell, Rosanna S ;Sandler, Eric ;Ritchie, Steve re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir Development - Short but Important Conversation pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020937.pdf
2017-01-27 Magary, Kerstin Email to: Magary, Kerstin ` ;Russell, Rosanna S ;Lesk, Emily re: Copy: SFMTA would like to temporarily rent about 5 acres of the SFPUC’s property for the Muni Bus Operator Roadeo pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020941.pdf
2017-01-27 Unknown ATT12726 1.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020943.pdf
2017-02-02 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Agenda 02132017.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021226.pdf
2017-02-06 SooHoo, Candace (CPC) Email to: Kitty Baca re: RE: Captioning Rate Sheet for Balboa Reservoir Meeting 2/13/17 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021224.pdf
2017-02-12 Unknown 2017-2-13 TDM NON SEQUITUR.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005881.pdf
2017-03-07 Unknown 2015ACS5NhoodProfiles.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024185.xlsx
2017-03-08 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Agenda 03032017_FINAL.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021220.pdf
2017-03-09 Unknown OEWD Compliance Records 6-12-19\Balboa RFP FINAL TO POST - WITH EXHIBITS.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016674.pdf
2017-03-13 SooHoo, Candace (CPC) Email to: Kitty Baca re: RE: Captioning Rate Sheet for Balboa Reservoir CAC 3-13-17 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021218.pdf
2017-03-13 Alexander Mullaney Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Fwd: Balboa Reservoir CAC - Next Meeting 3/13/17, RFQ Update and Maurice Rivers pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021812.pdf
2017-03-16 SooHoo, Candace (CPC) Email to: CTYPLN - Communications re: The Click List - 3/16 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003527.pdf
2017-03-16 SooHoo, Candace (CPC) Email to: CTYPLN - Communications re: The Click List - 3/16 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021457.pdf
2017-03-31 Carlin, Michael (PUC) Email to: Carlin, Michael (PUC) ;Russell, Rosanna S ;Gran, Martin ;Kelly Jr, Harlan re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020952.pdf
2017-04-06 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Approved_Meeting_Minutes-021317_FINAL.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021240.pdf
2017-05-09 Unknown Balboa Reservoir FAQ - English.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022105.pdf
2017-05-12 Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) Email to: Thibodeau, Martin (CPC) re: Updated for Balboa Reservoir CAC Website pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021238.pdf
2017-05-12 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Unapproved_Meeting_Minutes-031317_FINAL.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021251.pdf
2017-05-15 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Lisa Spinali ;Amy O'Hair re: Re: Thanks and following up! pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022094.pdf
2017-05-15 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Sunnyside Neighborhood Association ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Lisa Spinali ;Steve Martinpinto re: Re: BRP Sunnyside survey results pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022096.pdf
2017-05-15 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Lisa Spinali re: Re: Thanks and following up! pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022097.pdf
2017-05-16 Aaron Goodman Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;BRCAC (ECN) ;Susan Lamb re: Balboa Reservoir - perfect idea and concept for scaled housing and open space modern internal garden courtyard community" concept." pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021815.pdf
2017-05-16 Unknown juzna-dolina-effekt-bratislava-housing-slovenia-competition_dezeen_2364_col_0-1024x552.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021816.pdf
2017-05-17 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Christine Godinez re: Re: June Developer Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022099.pdf
2017-05-19 Emily Lee Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir Outreach pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021818.pdf
2017-05-19 Unknown 2017 05 19 - 2017 MOH AMIs.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024213.pdf
2017-05-19 Unknown 2017 05 19 - 2017 MOH AMIs.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024215.pdf
2017-05-22 Unknown Balboa Reservoir - Proposals Presentation - June10 - web.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003531.pdf
2017-05-22 Unknown Balboa Reservoir - Proposals Presentation - June10 - web.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022103.pdf
2017-05-23 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: CTYPLN - CITY PLANNING EVERYONE re: Unprecedented Balboa Reservoir Workshop: Don't Miss This Summer's One and Only Chance pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003530.pdf
2017-05-23 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: re: Balboa Meeting Publicity pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022102.pdf
2017-06-07 Unknown Balboa Reservoir Comment Form Team 1 - Chinese.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022123.pdf
2017-06-07 Unknown Balboa Reservoir Comment Form Team 1 - Chinese.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022124.pdf
2017-06-07 Unknown Balboa Reservoir Comment Form Team 2 - Chinese.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022125.pdf
2017-06-07 Unknown Balboa Reservoir Comment Form Team 2 - Chinese.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022126.pdf
2017-06-07 Unknown Balboa Reservoir Comment Form Team 3 - Chinese.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022127.pdf
2017-06-08 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Sunnyside Neighborhood Association ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: clarification pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022108.pdf
2017-06-08 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Sunnyside Neighborhood Association ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: Change location on BRP Portal? pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022109.pdf
2017-06-09 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Daniel Iacofano ;;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: Draft presentation for tomorrow pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022111.pdf
2017-06-09 Unknown June 10 2017 Presentation DRAFT.pptx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022112.pdf
2017-06-09 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir online comment forms pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022122.pdf
2017-06-09 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Daniel Iacofano re: Presentation and Talking Points pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022128.pdf
2017-06-09 Unknown Talking Points for Mtg.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022129.pdf
2017-06-09 Unknown Balboa - Intro Presentation 6 10 2017 v2.pptx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022131.pdf
2017-06-09 Unknown Balboa - Intro Presentation 6 10 2017 v2.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022141.pdf
2017-06-12 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Agenda 06152017_FINAL.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021126.pdf
2017-06-13 SooHoo, Candace (CPC) Email to: Kitty Baca re: Fw: Reminder: June 15th Balboa Reservoir CAC Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021124.pdf
2017-06-14 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Lisa Spinali re: For tomorrow's CAC meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022151.pdf
2017-06-14 Unknown Discussion Questions 6 15 2017.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022152.pdf
2017-06-19 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Lisa Spinali re: RE: For the record . . .. pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022153.pdf
2017-08-07 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Jennifer Heggie re: RE: Question about Balboa Reservoir developer process pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022156.pdf
2017-08-08 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Cooper, Rick (CPC) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir Environmental Chat Placeholder pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005334.pdf
2017-08-22 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to:;Lisa Spinali ;Michael Ahrens ;;robert muehlbauer ;Christy Godinez ;jon winston ;Howard N. Chung ; re: Balboa Reservoir Developer Selection pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022158.pdf
2017-08-23 SooHoo, Candace (CPC) Email to: CTYPLN - Communications re: The Click List - 8/23 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003533.pdf
2017-08-25 Simi, Gina (CPC) Email to: re: Balboa Reservoir timeline graphic pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021461.pdf
2017-08-25 Unknown balboareservoir_timeline-082517.png pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021462.pdf
2017-09-13 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Unapproved_Meeting_Minutes-061517_FINAL.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021207.pdf
2017-09-14 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: SooHoo, Candace (CPC) ;Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Newsletter pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021200.pdf
2017-09-14 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Agenda_100217.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021203.pdf
2017-09-15 Joe Kirchofer Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Exline, Susan (CPC) ;Wong, Christopher (PUC) ;Kevin Griffith ;Dietrich, Elizabeth (CAT) re: RE: Balboa Project Management Meetings pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008162.pdf
2017-09-15 Exline, Susan (CPC) Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Wong, Christopher (PUC) ;Kevin Griffith ;Dietrich, Elizabeth (CAT) re: RE: Balboa Project Management Meetings pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008165.pdf
2017-09-18 Joe Kirchofer Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Exline, Susan (CPC) ;Wong, Christopher (PUC) ;Kevin Griffith ;Dietrich, Elizabeth (CAT) re: Re: Balboa Project Management Meetings pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008168.pdf
2017-09-18 Kevin Griffith Email to: Exline, Susan (CPC) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: Balboa Project Management Meetings pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021820.pdf
2017-09-22 Joe Kirchofer Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Wong, Christopher (PUC) ;Exline, Susan (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Kevin Griffith re: RE: Scheduling: Next Week's Balboa PM Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008172.pdf
2017-09-25 Exline, Susan (CPC) Email to: Lesk, Emily re: RE: Scheduling: Balboa Project Management this week pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008173.pdf
2017-09-25 Joe Kirchofer Email to: Exline, Susan (CPC) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Kevin Griffith ;Wong, Christopher (PUC) re: Re: Scheduling: Balboa Project Management this week pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008174.pdf
2017-09-26 - on behalf of - Rich, Ken (ECN) Email to: Rich, Ken (ECN) ;Carlin, Michael (PUC) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Brad Wiblin ;Russell, Rosanna S ;Dietrich, Elizabeth (CAT) ;Kevin Griffith ;Joe Kirchofer ;CJ Higley ;Steven Vettel ;Nathan Hong re: Copy: Balboa ENA Meeting (Standing) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020971.pdf
2017-09-28 - on behalf of - Rich, Ken (ECN) Email to: Rich, Ken (ECN) ;Paine, Carli (MTA) ;Wong, Christopher J ;Dietrich, Elizabeth (CAT) ;Exline, Susan (CPC) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Carlin, Michael (PUC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Roiz, Teresa ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Russell, Rosanna S ;Holing, Mary (CAT) ;Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) ;;;;;;;CJ Higley ;Steven Vettel ;Nathan Hong ;Brad Wiblin ;Joe Kirchofer ;Kevin Griffith re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir Kick-off Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020972.pdf
2017-10-04 Exline, Susan (CPC) Email to:;Kevin Griffith re: ceqa meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008176.pdf
2017-10-04 Scott Falcone Email to: Washington, Delvin (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Park Upper Yard- PPA pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021439.pdf
2017-10-05 Exline, Susan (CPC) Email to:;Kevin Griffith ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: availability for CEQA kick off pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008177.pdf
2017-10-05 SooHoo, Candace (CPC) Email to: Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: RE: FW: Balboa Reservoir CAC Meeting Monday pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021230.pdf
2017-10-06 Paine, Carli Email to: Paine, Carli ;Hunter, Mari E ;Shahamiri, James ;White, Dustin ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Lee, Matthew C re: Updated room: Balboa Reservoir transportation meeting with developer pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016345.pdf
2017-10-09 Unknown 2016-11-17 CCSF BOT Letter_FMP Update_City Comments_Signed JRahaim.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005911.pdf
2017-10-10 Joe Kirchofer Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Exline, Susan (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Russell, Rosanna (PUC) ;Kevin Griffith ;Smitha Seshadri re: RE: Tomorrow's Balboa PM Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008178.pdf
2017-10-10 BRIDGE Housing Email to: re: Balboa Reservoir, Acquisition-Preservation, Helping Families Thrive and more pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021397.pdf
2017-10-11 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Exline, Susan (CPC) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir environmental pre-kick-off meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005335.pdf
2017-10-12 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Exline, Susan (CPC) ;LaValley, Pilar (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir - Pre-meeting check in for Planning staff only pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005336.pdf
2017-10-12 Joe Kirchofer Email to: Lesk, Emily re: Re: Balboa Reservoir Project Design - No Build Zone pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008180.pdf
2017-10-16 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Kevin Griffith ;Joe Kirchofer re: Balboa Reservoir environmental review pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022917.pdf
2017-10-17 Joe Kirchofer Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Brad Wiblin ;Joel Roos ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Smitha Seshadri re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir - consultant scope of work pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005338.pdf
2017-10-17 Joe Kirchofer Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Exline, Susan (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Russell, Rosanna (PUC) ;Wong, Christopher (PUC) ;Kevin Griffith ;Smitha Seshadri ;Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: RE: Tomorrow's Balboa PM Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008185.pdf
2017-10-18 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Washington, Delvin (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir checking in pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021263.pdf
2017-10-23 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Exline, Susan (CPC) ;Paine, Carli (MTA) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Francis, John (CPC) ;Shahamiri, James (MTA) ;Lee, Matthew (MTA) ;Hunter, Mari (MTA) ;Henderson, Tony (MTA) ;; re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir transportation kick off pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005339.pdf
2017-10-23 Paine, Carli Email to: Hunter, Mari E ;Shahamiri, James ;White, Dustin ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony ;Jefferis, Richard Scott re: Rescheduled: Balboa Reservoir transportation meeting with developer pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014819.pdf
2017-10-23 Jefferis, Richard Scott Email to: Paine, Carli re: Accepted: Rescheduled: Balboa Reservoir transportation meeting with developer pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014820.pdf
2017-10-23 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Exline, Susan (CPC) ;Paine, Carli ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Francis, John (CPC) ;Shahamiri, James ;Lee, Matthew C ;Hunter, Mari E ;Henderson, Tony ;White, Dustin ;Sallaberry, Mike re: Balboa Reservoir transportation kick off pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016346.pdf
2017-10-23 Rich, Ken (ECN) Email to: Rich, Ken ;Brad Wiblin ;Steven Vettel ;CJ Higley ;Karin C. Johnston ; re: Copy: FW: Balboa Call pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020982.pdf
2017-10-24 Joel Roos Email to: Joel Roos ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Kevin Griffith re: Copy: Proposed meeting with the Planning Transportation Planners and MTA re Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005340.pdf
2017-10-24 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir consultant SOW pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005341.pdf
2017-10-25 Unknown OEWD Compliance Records 6-12-19\Balboa Reservoir Collaboration Memo.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016502.pdf
2017-10-25 SooHoo, Candace (CPC) Email to: Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: RE: Updates for Balboa Reservoir CAC Website pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021236.pdf
2017-10-26 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Scott Falcone re: RE: Balboa Community Meeting outline pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024122.pdf
2017-10-30 SooHoo, Candace (CPC) Email to: CTYPLN - Communications re: The Click List - 10/30 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003538.pdf
2017-10-31 Unknown 2017-10-25 updated version-- UNADDRESSED FLAWS IN BALBOA RESERVOIR PROJECT.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005617.pdf
2017-11-01 Paine, Carli Email to: Hunter, Mari E ;Shahamiri, James ;White, Dustin ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony ;Jefferis, Richard Scott re: Updated room: Balboa Reservoir transportation meeting with developer pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014821.pdf
2017-11-01 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Scott Falcone re: RE: Balboa Community Meeting outline pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024125.pdf
2017-11-01 Unknown 171027 Balboa Outline of Community Process_v.4-PW_Clean-JS EL.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024129.pdf
2017-11-02 Jefferis, Richard Scott Email to: Paine, Carli re: Tentative: Updated room: Balboa Reservoir transportation meeting with developer pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014822.pdf
2017-11-02 Paine, Carli Email to: Jefferis, Richard Scott re: Automatic reply: Tentative: Updated room: Balboa Reservoir transportation meeting with developer pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014823.pdf
2017-11-03 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Lesk, Emily re: Copy: Balboa: Model Building pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020986.pdf
2017-11-03 Unknown Balboa Res transp mtg agenda 10-30-17.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024187.pdf
2017-11-06 Unknown Project information needed.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022926.pdf
2017-11-06 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Gary Strang ;Wendy Mok re: Balboa Reservoir Planning/Design Weekly Check-in [PLACEHOLDER] pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024135.pdf
2017-11-06 Unknown Project information needed.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024188.pdf
2017-11-07 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Exline, Susan (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir CAC MEETING - Circulation & Mobility pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005342.pdf
2017-11-09 Vanderslice, Allison (CPC) Email to: Matthew Russell re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Archeo Sensitivity Analysis scope pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110000001.pdf
2017-11-09 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Joel I. Roos re: FW: Balboa Reservoir Archeo Sensitivity Analysis scope pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110000004.pdf
2017-11-13 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Exline, Susan (CPC) ;Albericci, Allison (CPC) ;Small, Maia (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Copy: Project Coordination: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005343.pdf
2017-11-14 Unknown Balboa Reservoir Correspondence.msg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020857.pdf
2017-11-14 Debra Wilensky Email to: Hood, Donna re: Public Comment Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020858.pdf
2017-11-14 Wynd Kaufmyn Email to: Hood, Donna re: Don't let private interests usurp the public good pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020859.pdf
2017-11-15 Unknown OEWD Compliance Records 6-12-19\CHECK FOR CONFIDENTIALITY\Reso 17-0225 Approve ENA Balboa Reservoir.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016926.pdf
2017-11-17 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Karen Murray' ;Peter Waller ;Joe Kirchofer ;Kevin Griffith ;Scott Falcone re: Balboa Reservoir: Initial Urban Design Feedback on Proposal pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024136.pdf
2017-11-20 Unknown OEWD Compliance Records 6-12-19\CHECK FOR CONFIDENTIALITY\Kearstin Letter 11 20 2017.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016924.pdf
2017-11-27 Joel Roos Email to: Shaw, Jeremy re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Planning/Design - Draft Schedule pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008187.pdf
2017-11-27 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Michael Ahrens ;Low, Jen (BOS) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir TDM: Tuesday, 11/28 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022159.pdf
2017-11-29 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Lesk, Emily ;Brad Wiblin ;Steven Vettel ;CJ Higley ;Smitha Seshadri ;Adams, Dan (MYR) re: Copy: CONFIRMED: Alternative Time for Balboa Negotiations pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020992.pdf
2017-11-30 Joe Kirchofer Email to: Wong, Christopher J ;Charles Hardy re: RE: Name for permit pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020860.pdf
2017-11-30 Unknown AvalonBay Communities _ San Francisco Public Utilities Commision .pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020864.pdf
2017-11-30 Unknown AvalonBay Communities _ City and County of San Francisco .pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020866.pdf
2017-11-30 SooHoo, Candace (CPC) Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: RE: Updates for Balboa Reservoir CAC Website pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021234.pdf
2017-12-01 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir check in pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005344.pdf
2017-12-01 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Lesk, Emily ;Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) ;Exline, Susan (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Charmaine Curtis ;Adams, Dan (MYR) ;Rich, Ken (ECN) ;Cynthia Dewar ;Russell, Rosanna S ;Martin, David (CCD) ;'';Joel Roos ;Wong, Christopher J re: Copy: Balboa Meeting with City College pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020993.pdf
2017-12-04 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir check in pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005345.pdf
2017-12-04 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Shaw, Jeremy ;Joel I. Roos ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Paine, Carli ;Henderson, Tony ;Shahamiri, James ;White, Elizabeth (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir - Reviewing Slides for 12/11/17 CAC Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016347.pdf
2017-12-04 Unknown Workforce & Middle Income Housing- BOS LUT-Dec 2017.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024217.pdf
2017-12-05 Unknown Balboa Reservoir - Requirements of Alternative Scenarios.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024169.pdf
2017-12-06 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Karen Murray ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Scott Falcone re: RE: Draft CAC Workshop 2 Presentation pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024138.pdf
2017-12-06 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Presentation_121117_DRAFT-JS CP.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024140.pdf
2017-12-07 Paine, Carli Email to: Zhou, Kelly Jiayi re: Add to timecontrol pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014824.pdf
2017-12-07 Zhou, Kelly Jiayi Email to: Paine, Carli re: RE: Add to timecontrol pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014825.pdf
2017-12-07 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Gary Strang ;Karen Murray ;Kevin Griffith ;Marcial Chao ;Peter Waller ;Kushal Modi ;Wendy Mok re: RE: previous alternative sketches for Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024167.pdf
2017-12-07 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kushal Modi re: RE: Balboa Site tour photos pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024171.pdf
2017-12-08 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Russell, Rosanna S ;Joe Kirchofer ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Wong, Christopher J ;Larano, Samuel ;Kevin Griffith re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir - Developer's Questions for the Power Enterprise pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020994.pdf
2017-12-11 Unknown 14574825 - Lower Lot.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021874.xlsx
2017-12-12 Unknown OEWD Compliance Records 6-12-19\CHECK FOR CONFIDENTIALITY\Balboa Reservoir- ENA- Fully Executed 171208.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016839.pdf
2017-12-13 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Russell, Rosanna S ;Petrick, Molly ;Wong, Christopher J re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir ENA Billing pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020996.pdf
2017-12-21 Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) Email to: Hong, Seung Yen ;Peter Waller ;Gary Strang ;Wendy Mok ;Joe Kirchofer ;;Kevin Griffith ;Joel I. Roos ;Small, Maia (CPC) ;Exline, Susan (CPC) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Paine, Carli (MTA) ;Francis, John (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;VMWP Out of office ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Copy: [3:30 pm Thursdays] Balboa Reservoir Planning/Design Weekly Check-in pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005346.pdf
2017-12-21 Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) Email to: Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Exline, Susan (CPC) ;Albericci, Allison (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir check-in pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005347.pdf
2017-12-22 Karen Murray Email to: Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Re: [Time Changed] Balboa Reservoir Planning/Design Weekly Check-in pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021824.pdf
2017-12-22 Unknown 20171219_BalboaSchedule_DRAFT.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021826.pdf
2017-12-27 Karen Murray Email to: Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: Re: [Time Changed] Balboa Reservoir Planning/Design Weekly Check-in pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021827.pdf
2018-01-04 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir - City College housing on East Reservoir @ ERO office hour pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005348.pdf
2018-01-04 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Russell, Rosanna S ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Wong, Christopher J ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Copy: Canceled: SFPUC retained fee at Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017328.pdf
2018-01-04 SooHoo, Candace (CPC) Email to: Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: RE: Balboa Website Updates pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021211.pdf
2018-01-08 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Russell, Rosanna S ;Wong, Christopher J ;Ryan, Joan re: Copy: Intro to Balboa Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017329.pdf
2018-01-08 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Russell, Rosanna S ;Wong, Christopher J ;Petrick, Molly ;Ryan, Joan ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir - Confer with Joan Ryan, SFPUC City Distribution Division Engineer - Rescheduled date and location pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017331.pdf
2018-01-08 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Russell, Rosanna S ;Wong, Christopher J ;Ryan, Joan re: Copy: Intro to Balboa Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110021002.pdf
2018-01-08 Michael Ahrens Email to: re: Board Meeting-SFTCA- January 9, 2018: Item #7- Balboa TDM Report pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022162.pdf
2018-01-08 Unknown filename-1.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022165.pdf
2018-01-08 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Gary Strang re: Re: PUC Easement Ideas pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024182.pdf
2018-01-09 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Lesk, Emily ;Brad Wiblin ;;Adams, Dan (MYR) ;Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) ;Wong, Christopher J ;Griselda Blackburn ;Kearstin Dischinger re: Copy: Balboa: Model Session pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110021005.pdf
2018-01-09 Wong, Christopher J Email to: Wong, Christopher J ;Lesk, Emily ;Brad Wiblin ;;Adams, Dan (MYR) ;Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) ;Griselda Blackburn ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Security Desk, 525GG re: Copy: Balboa: Model Session pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110021006.pdf
2018-01-09 Michael Ahrens Email to: Harry Bernstein re: Re: Board Meeting-SFTCA- January 9, 2018: Item #7- Balboa TDM Report pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022168.pdf
2018-01-10 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Copy: balboa reservoir: pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005349.pdf
2018-01-10 Karen Murray Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Re: [3:30 pm Thursdays] Balboa Reservoir Planning/Design Weekly Check-in pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021832.pdf
2018-01-11 Rich, Ken (ECN) Email to: Rich, Ken (ECN) ;Carlin, Michael (PUC) ;Rodgers, AnMarie (CPC) ;Gibson, Lisa (CPC) ;Switzky, Joshua (CPC) ;Adams, Daniel (MYR) ;Exline, Susan (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Jain, Devyani (CPC) ;Russell, Rosanna (PUC) ;Wong, Christopher (PUC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Paine, Carli (MTA) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) ;Petrick, Molly (PUC) ;Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) re: Copy: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir - Senior City Staff Quarterly Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005350.pdf
2018-01-11 Rich, Ken (ECN) Email to: Rich, Ken (ECN) ;Carlin, Michael (PUC) ;Rodgers, AnMarie (CPC) ;Gibson, Lisa (CPC) ;Switzky, Joshua (CPC) ;Adams, Daniel (MYR) ;Exline, Susan (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Jain, Devyani (CPC) ;Russell, Rosanna S ;Wong, Christopher J ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Paine, Carli (MTA) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) ;Petrick, Molly ;Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) re: Copy: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir - Senior City Staff Quarterly Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017332.pdf
2018-01-11 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger re: FW: housing density studies/examples from SF pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024184.pdf
2018-01-11 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: 'Karen Murray' re: FW: Balboa Reservoir transportation pre-kick off Monday Nov 6, 2017 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024186.pdf
2018-01-12 Rich, Ken (ECN) Email to: Rich, Ken (ECN) ;Gibson, Lisa (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: Copy: Balboa EIR Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005351.pdf
2018-01-12 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Albericci, Allison (CPC) re: RE: demystifying density pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024193.pdf
2018-01-16 Kennedy, Sean M Email to: Jefferis, Richard Scott re: RE: Upper Uard pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014826.pdf
2018-01-16 Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) Email to: SooHoo, Candace (CPC) re: Updates to Balboa Reservoir CAC Website pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021257.pdf
2018-01-16 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Agenda 012217.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021258.pdf
2018-01-16 Lisa Spinali Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Re: CAC Meeting Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022172.pdf
2018-01-16 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Lisa Spinali ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: CAC Meeting Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022174.pdf
2018-01-16 Lisa Spinali Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Re: CAC Meeting Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022176.pdf
2018-01-16 Unknown 2018-Political-Activity-by-City-Officers-and-Employees.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022787.pdf
2018-01-16 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Joel I. Roos re: Parking Demand at City College pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024194.pdf
2018-01-16 Unknown NN Comments on City College Data.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024195.pdf
2018-01-16 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Joel I. Roos re: RE: Parking Demand at City College pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024200.pdf
2018-01-16 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Gary Strang re: RE: PUC Easement Ideas pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024204.pdf
2018-01-16 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger ;Lesk, Emily re: Re: CAC Meeting Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024206.pdf
2018-01-16 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Agenda 012217 - DRAFT - JS.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024208.pdf
2018-01-16 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger re: RE: is this the most up to date version? pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024212.pdf
2018-01-17 Unknown AvalonBay Bridge Model Assumption Summary -- 1-17-2018.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020869.pdf
2018-01-17 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Lesk, Emily ;Russell, Rosanna S re: Copy: Balboa - Model Building Call pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110021009.pdf
2018-01-17 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Joe Kirchofer re: FW: latest version of AMI chart pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024214.pdf
2018-01-18 Unknown 180116 Balboa_CAC4_Draft_V3.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110007591.pdf
2018-01-18 Leo Ma Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Russell, Rosanna S ;Wong, Christopher J re: FW: Pro Forma Assumptions Summary pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020868.pdf
2018-01-18 Lisa Spinali Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: Update on Planning pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022179.pdf
2018-01-18 Lisa Spinali Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Re: Update on Planning pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022180.pdf
2018-01-19 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Albericci, Allison (CPC) ;Barata, Luiz (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Exline, Susan (CPC) re: Copy: Quick Reactions to BRCAC Presentation pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110007590.pdf
2018-01-19 Joe Kirchofer Email to: Lesk, Emily ;Hong, Seung Yen ; re: RE: IMPORTANT From City College: 2pm MEETING POSTPONED Due to Flu! pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008189.pdf
2018-01-19 Unknown SFPUC Retained Fee Guidelines (Final).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012800.pdf
2018-01-19 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger re: Affordable Housing Graphic pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024216.pdf
2018-01-19 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Joe Kirchofer ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: CAC 1/22 meeting draft slides pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024244.pdf
2018-01-21 Lisa Spinali Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Re: Update on Planning pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022182.pdf
2018-01-22 Unknown 6.1.18 Prelim GeoReport_DRAFT Balboa (ID 1002009).PDF pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110004595.pdf
2018-01-22 Lisa Spinali Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Re: Update on Planning pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022185.pdf
2018-01-22 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger ;Joe Kirchofer ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: CAC 1/22 meeting draft slides pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024246.pdf
2018-01-23 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Lesk, Emily ;Russell, Rosanna S re: Copy: Balboa Financial Modeling pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110021011.pdf
2018-01-25 McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) Email to: McKellar, Jennifer re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005352.pdf
2018-01-25 Unknown Estimate_146122.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021872.pdf
2018-01-26 Michael Ahrens Email to: Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: Re: February 12 CAC Meeting Location pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022189.pdf
2018-01-26 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger ;Teague, Corey (CPC) re: RE: TSP and Balboa - so many questions pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024251.pdf
2018-01-26 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Teague, Corey (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: TSP and Balboa - so many questions pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024253.pdf
2018-01-27 Michael Ahrens Email to: Michael Ahrens re: Re: February 12 CAC Meeting Location pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022190.pdf
2018-01-27 robert muehlbauer Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Park Station CAC pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022192.pdf
2018-01-29 Lisa Spinali Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Fwd: February 12 CAC Meeting Location pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022193.pdf
2018-01-29 Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) Email to: Michael Ahrens ;Michael Ahrens re: RE: February 12 CAC Meeting Location pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022196.pdf
2018-01-29 Michael Ahrens Email to: Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: Re: February 12 CAC Meeting Location pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022198.pdf
2018-01-31 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir check-in pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005353.pdf
2018-01-31 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger re: Balboa Reservoir Childcare Projections Sheet pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024256.pdf
2018-01-31 Unknown childcare 2015 0910.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024257.xlsx
2018-02-01 Unknown AB-093.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006269.pdf
2018-02-01 Unknown AB-093.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024632.pdf
2018-02-02 Unknown AB-005.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012117.pdf
2018-02-05 Unknown Balboa Reservoir FEBUARY Calendar - as of 2-05-2018.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024264.pdf
2018-02-06 Karen Murray Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: Balboa SFFD Meeting Notes pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021834.pdf
2018-02-06 Unknown 20171208-FIRE-ACCESS-INITIAL-MEETING.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021835.pdf
2018-02-07 Michael Ahrens Email to: Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: Re: February 12 CAC Meeting Location pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022201.pdf
2018-02-07 Michael Ahrens Email to: Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: Re: February 12 CAC Meeting Location pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022204.pdf
2018-02-07 Joe Kirchofer Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: Jobs-Housing Fee Question pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024258.pdf
2018-02-07 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Lesk, Emily ;Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: RE: Jobs-Housing Fee Question pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024260.pdf
2018-02-09 Unknown OEWD Compliance Records 6-12-19\Balboa Res Dev Overview 2 9 2018 - for CAC posting.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016483.pdf
2018-02-09 Michael Ahrens Email to: Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: Re: February 12 CAC Meeting Location pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022207.pdf
2018-02-09 Michael Ahrens Email to: Rich, Ken (ECN) re: Re: February 12 CAC Meeting Location pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022210.pdf
2018-02-09 Michael Ahrens Email to: Rich, Ken (ECN) re: Re: February 12 CAC Meeting Location pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022215.pdf
2018-02-11 robert muehlbauer Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Re: Monday’s CAC Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022221.pdf
2018-02-11 robert muehlbauer Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Re: Monday’s CAC Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022222.pdf
2018-02-12 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir to ERO/Preservation office hour pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005354.pdf
2018-02-12 Paine, Carli Email to: Paine, Carli ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Shahamiri, James ;Henderson, Tony ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir transportation with Planning pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016348.pdf
2018-02-12 Miller, Katie L Email to: Miller, Katie L ;Russell, Rosanna S re: Copy: Meet to discuss... pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110021012.pdf
2018-02-12 Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) Email to:;Michael Ahrens ;Michael Ahrens ;;'robert muehlbauer' ;'Christy Godinez' ;'jon winston' ;Howard N. Chung ;;Lisa Spinali ;Mark Tang re: RE: February Balboa Reservoir CAC Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022224.pdf
2018-02-13 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Russell, Rosanna S ;Wong, Christopher J ;Petrick, Molly re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir Update pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017334.pdf
2018-02-13 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Russell, Rosanna S ;Wong, Christopher J ;Petrick, Molly re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir Update pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110021013.pdf
2018-02-14 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Russell, Rosanna S ;Fisher, Leslie ;Wong, Christopher J ;Sandoval, Teresa re: Copy: Visit archives to review Balboa Reservoir folders pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017335.pdf
2018-02-14 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Russell, Rosanna S ;Fisher, Leslie ;Wong, Christopher J ;Sandoval, Teresa re: Copy: Visit archives to review Balboa Reservoir folders pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110021014.pdf
2018-02-14 Maurice Rivers Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: 2/12 Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022226.pdf
2018-02-14 Unknown 20171208-FIRE-ACCESS-INITIAL-MEETING FINAL.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024504.pdf
2018-02-15 Scott Falcone Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: FW: 2/05/18 Meeting Agenda and Febuary Meeting Calendar pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024263.pdf
2018-02-16 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Moy, Barbara (DPW) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir checking in pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110007629.pdf
2018-02-20 Petrick, Molly Email to: Petrick, Molly ;Russell, Rosanna S ;Wong, Christopher J ;;;;;;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;;;Ryan, Joan ;;;;Security Desk, 525GG re: Copy: FW: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017336.pdf
2018-02-20 Petrick, Molly Email to: Petrick, Molly ;Russell, Rosanna S ;Wong, Christopher J ;;;;;;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;;;Ryan, Joan ;;;;Security Desk, 525GG re: Copy: FW: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110021015.pdf
2018-02-20 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger re: SFPUC meeting on wastewater, water and awss pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024265.pdf
2018-02-20 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: SFPUC meeting on wastewater, water and awss pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024266.pdf
2018-02-21 Moy, Barbara (DPW) Email to: Moy, Barbara (DPW) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir - Planning check in pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110007627.pdf
2018-02-21 Unknown F2 Revised2.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021850.pdf
2018-02-21 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: SFPUC meeting on wastewater, water and awss pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024267.pdf
2018-02-21 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger re: RE: SFPUC meeting on wastewater, water and awss pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024269.pdf
2018-02-22 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Exline, Susan (CPC) ;Small, Maia (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Switzky, Joshua (CPC) re: Copy: Project Coordination: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005355.pdf
2018-02-22 Unknown Survey with Retained Property Line.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018031.pdf
2018-02-23 Unknown 2018 02 22 - SFPUC Retained Property Meeting Notes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017437.pdf
2018-02-23 Unknown 2018 02 22 - SFPUC Retained Property Meeting Notes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017440.pdf
2018-02-26 Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) Email to: Hong, Seung Yen ;Peter Waller ;Gary Strang ;Wendy Mok ;Joe Kirchofer ;;Kevin Griffith ;Joel I. Roos ;Small, Maia (CPC) ;Exline, Susan (CPC) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Paine, Carli ;Francis, John (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;VMWP Out of office ;Shahamiri, James ;Henderson, Tony re: [3:00PM] Balboa Reservoir Planning/Design Weekly Check-in pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016349.pdf
2018-02-26 Ryan, Joan Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: RE: Balboa Reservoir -- Phase II Environmental Testing, Draft response from CDD pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017400.pdf
2018-02-26 Unknown DOC201802261633141.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017408.pdf
2018-02-26 Unknown DOC201802261633141.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017423.pdf
2018-02-26 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to:';Joel Roos ;;Mark Rocha ;;Kevin Griffith ;Dylan Versteeg ;;Albericci, Allison re: Draft Meeting Notes (Jan 30, 2018) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021837.pdf
2018-02-26 Unknown CCSF Balboa Meeting Notes 1 30 2018.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021838.pdf
2018-02-26 Unknown SFPUC Letter regarding Phase II.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021861.pdf
2018-02-26 Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) Email to:;Michael Ahrens ;Michael Ahrens ;;'robert muehlbauer' ;'Christy Godinez' ;'jon winston' ;Howard N. Chung ;;Lisa Spinali ;Mark Tang re: Upcoming Balboa Reservoir Dates pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022227.pdf
2018-02-27 Fong, Lynn S Email to: Wong, Christopher J ;Ryan, Joan re: FW: Balboa Reservoir -- Phase II Environmental Testing, Draft response from CDD pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017414.pdf
2018-02-27 Unknown DPW Order Lee Avenue 05-17-11.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017429.pdf
2018-02-27 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: FW: Phase II testing - possible work on reservoir site during week of Feb 12th pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021840.pdf
2018-02-27 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: FW: Phase II testing - possible work on reservoir site during week of Feb 12th pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021851.pdf
2018-02-27 Michael Ahrens Email to: Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: Re: Upcoming Balboa Reservoir Dates pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022228.pdf
2018-02-27 Michael Ahrens Email to: Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: Re: Upcoming Balboa Reservoir Dates pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022230.pdf
2018-02-28 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Russell, Rosanna S ;Wong, Christopher J ;Petrick, Molly ;Fong, Lynn S ;'Karen Murray' ;Kushal Modi ;Peter Waller ;Dylan Versteeg ;Joe Kirchofer ;Kevin Griffith ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Gary Strang ;;Ryan, Joan re: 2018 02 22 - SFPUC Retained Property Meeting Notes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017435.pdf
2018-02-28 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Petrick, Molly re: Balboa Reservoir Meeting tomorrow - SFPUC Retained Property pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017438.pdf
2018-02-28 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Wong, Christopher J ;Petrick, Molly re: Balboa Reservoir/Ingleside library garden pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017450.pdf
2018-02-28 Michael Ahrens Email to: Lisa Spinali re: Re: February 12 CAC Meeting Location pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022232.pdf
2018-02-28 Michael Ahrens Email to: Lisa Spinali re: Re: February 12 CAC Meeting Location pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022258.pdf
2018-02-28 Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) Email to: Michael Ahrens ;Lisa Spinali re: RE: February 12 CAC Meeting Location pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022303.pdf
2018-03-01 Scarpulla, John Email to: Russell, Rosanna S ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Wong, Christopher J ;Petrick, Molly re: RE: Balboa Reservoir/Ingleside library garden pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017496.pdf
2018-03-01 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Scarpulla, John ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Wong, Christopher J ;Petrick, Molly ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir/Ingleside library garden pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017511.pdf
2018-03-01 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Russell, Rosanna S ;Scarpulla, John ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Wong, Christopher J ;Petrick, Molly re: Re: Balboa Reservoir/Ingleside library garden pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017515.pdf
2018-03-01 Petrick, Molly Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: RE: Balboa - Dog Leg Valves pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017519.pdf
2018-03-01 Shahamiri, James Email to: Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: Re: [3:00PM] Balboa Reservoir Planning/Design Weekly Check-in pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021867.pdf
2018-03-02 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Durkee, Tony ;Wong, Christopher J re: Developers' Balboa Reservoir Survey with Retained Property - Please review pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017521.pdf
2018-03-02 Unknown Developers' Balboa Reservoir Survey with Retained Property.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017522.pdf
2018-03-02 Durkee, Tony Email to: Russell, Rosanna S ;Wong, Christopher J re: RE: Developers' Balboa Reservoir Survey with Retained Property - Please review pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017548.pdf
2018-03-02 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Petrick, Molly ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir - Survey issue pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017549.pdf
2018-03-02 Petrick, Molly Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: FW: Balboa Reservoir -- Phase II Environmental Testing, Draft response from CDD pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017550.pdf
2018-03-02 Unknown Balboa Resevoir letter 2-22-18 modified per email dated 2-28-18 Petrick.doc pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017560.pdf
2018-03-02 Michael Ahrens Email to: Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: Re: February 12 CAC Meeting Location pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022350.pdf
2018-03-02 Michael Ahrens Email to: Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: Re: February 12 CAC Meeting Location pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022449.pdf
2018-03-05 Petrick, Molly Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: Revised Letter pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017566.pdf
2018-03-05 Unknown Balboa Resevoir letter 2-22-18 modified per email dated 2-28-18 Petrick mp.doc pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017567.pdf
2018-03-05 Unknown Attachment 1 Balboa No Build Zone.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017570.pdf
2018-03-05 Unknown Attachment 1 Balboa No Build Zone.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017579.pdf
2018-03-06 Fong, Lynn S Email to: Wong, Christopher J ;Ryan, Joan ;Nguyen, Thanh H re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Valve Area pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017573.pdf
2018-03-07 Petrick, Molly Email to: Ryan, Joan ;Fong, Lynn S re: Revised Phase II Letter - Balboa pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017575.pdf
2018-03-07 Unknown Balboa Resevoir letter v2.doc pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017576.pdf
2018-03-07 Ryan, Joan Email to: Petrick, Molly ;Fong, Lynn S re: RE: Revised Phase II Letter - Balboa pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017580.pdf
2018-03-07 Petrick, Molly Email to: Wong, Christopher J ;Ryan, Joan ;Fong, Lynn S re: RE: Revised Phase II Letter - Balboa pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017581.pdf
2018-03-07 Unknown Balboa Resevoir letter v3.doc pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017583.pdf
2018-03-08 Fong, Lynn S Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Valve Area pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017586.pdf
2018-03-08 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Toloui, Saed re: FW: As builts (Balboa Reservoir) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017589.pdf
2018-03-08 Toloui, Saed Email to: Russell, Rosanna S re: RE: As builts (Balboa Reservoir) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017592.pdf
2018-03-08 Scott Falcone Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: FW: March/early April Community Meeting Calendar pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024271.pdf
2018-03-08 Unknown Balboa Reservoir MARCH-APRIL Calendar - as of 3-08-2018.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024272.pdf
2018-03-09 Unknown OEWD Compliance Records 6-12-19\8. 18-0163 Balboa Reservoir Final.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016449.pdf
2018-03-09 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Rich, Ken ;'';Brad Wiblin ;;DIETRICH, ELIZABETH ;April V. Ang re: Budget Analyst Report pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017600.pdf
2018-03-09 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Rich, Ken ;'';Brad Wiblin ;;DIETRICH, ELIZABETH ;April V. Ang re: RE: Budget Analyst Report pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017601.pdf
2018-03-09 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Michael Ahrens ;Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: RE: February 12 CAC Meeting Location pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022549.pdf
2018-03-10 Michael Ahrens Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Re: February 12 CAC Meeting Location pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022649.pdf
2018-03-13 Salvadori, Ilaria (CPC) Email to: re: FW: Sample agenda from a community meeting _ Balboa Park Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003542.pdf
2018-03-13 Nevada Lane Email to: Salvadori, Ilaria (CPC) re: Re: Sample agenda from a community meeting _ Balboa Park Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003551.pdf
2018-03-14 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Joel I. Roos re: parking occupancy data pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024273.pdf
2018-03-15 Unknown OEWD Compliance Records 6-12-19\Balboa Presentation Budget Finance 3 15 2018.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016469.pdf
2018-03-20 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Carlin, Michael ;Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Russell, Rosanna S re: Thursday 10:30am this week pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017642.pdf
2018-03-20 Unknown Updates to Development Overview - DRAFT Scope EL.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017643.pdf
2018-03-20 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Karen Murray' ;Peter Waller ;Dylan Versteeg ;Kushal Modi re: Balboa design review notes pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024276.pdf
2018-03-20 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Shaw, Jeremy ;Peter Waller ;Dylan Versteeg ;Kushal Modi re: RE: Balboa design review notes pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024277.pdf
2018-03-21 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa check-in pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005356.pdf
2018-03-23 Lisa Spinali Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Fwd: 5000 units?` pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022780.pdf
2018-03-26 Petrick, Molly Email to: Young, Sam W ;Miller, Katie L ;Ryan, Joan ;Fong, Lynn S re: Balboa Reservoir Phase II Environmental Testing pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017645.pdf
2018-03-26 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Petrick, Molly ;Young, Sam W ;Miller, Katie L ;Ryan, Joan ;Fong, Lynn S re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Phase II Environmental Testing pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017646.pdf
2018-03-26 Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) Email to: SooHoo, Candace (CPC) re: FW: Updating Balboa Reservoir CAC Website pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021130.pdf
2018-03-26 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Public_Documents_and_Emails-021218.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021132.pdf
2018-03-26 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Unapproved_Meeting_Minutes-021218_FINAL.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021175.pdf
2018-03-27 Petrick, Molly Email to: Miller, Katie L ;Young, Sam W re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Phase II Environmental Testing pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017647.pdf
2018-03-27 Unknown Balboa Resevoir letter v4.doc pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017649.pdf
2018-03-27 Petrick, Molly Email to: Russell, Rosanna S ;Miller, Katie L ;Young, Sam W re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Phase II Environmental Testing pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017652.pdf
2018-03-27 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Petrick, Molly ;Miller, Katie L ;Young, Sam W re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Phase II Environmental Testing pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017654.pdf
2018-03-28 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir to ERO office hour pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005357.pdf
2018-03-29 Unknown 20180329 Balboa Res Phase II Environmental Testing.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017685.pdf
2018-03-29 Joel Roos Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: FW: Balboa Reservoir project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021869.pdf
2018-03-30 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: CJ Higley re: RE: Riordan exit pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017657.pdf
2018-03-30 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: CJ Higley re: Balboa Reservoir Real Estate Records 1.06.16, updated 3.04.18.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017682.pdf
2018-03-30 Unknown Balboa Reservoir Real Estate Records 1.06.16, updated 3.04.18.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017683.xlsx
2018-03-30 Unknown Balboa Reservoir Plat 2014.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018056.pdf
2018-03-30 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Russell, Rosanna S ;CJ Higley re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir title discussion pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110021018.pdf
2018-03-30 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Joe Kirchofer ;Scott Falcone ;Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: RE: April 9 is just around the corner pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024279.pdf
2018-04-02 Petrick, Molly Email to: Wong, Christopher J ;Russell, Rosanna S re: FW: 20180329 Balboa Reservoir Phase II Env Testing.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017684.pdf
2018-04-02 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Petrick, Molly ;Wong, Christopher J re: Memo to GM re SFPUC Endorsement of Development Overview.doc pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017721.pdf
2018-04-02 Unknown Memo to GM re SFPUC Endorsement of Development Overview.doc pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017722.pdf
2018-04-02 Unknown General Manager's approval letter re Development Overview.doc pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017725.pdf
2018-04-02 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Carlin, Michael (PUC) ;Petrick, Molly re: Memo to GM re SFPUC Endorsement of Development Overview.doc pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017727.pdf
2018-04-02 Unknown Memo to GM re SFPUC Endorsement of Development Overview.doc pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017728.pdf
2018-04-02 Unknown SFPUC Endorsement of Development Overview.doc pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017731.pdf
2018-04-02 Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) Email to:;Michael Ahrens ;Michael Ahrens ;;'robert muehlbauer' ;'Christy Godinez' ;'jon winston' ;Howard N. Chung ;;Lisa Spinali ;Mark Tang re: Balboa Reservoir CAC Meeting - April 9 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022781.pdf
2018-04-02 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Agenda 4 9 2018.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022782.pdf
2018-04-02 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: April 9 is just around the corner pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024281.pdf
2018-04-03 Unknown OEWD Compliance Records 6-12-19\Balboa Reservoir SFPUC Endorsement 4-3-18.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016652.pdf
2018-04-03 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Lesk, Emily re: Balboa Reservoir - SFPUC Endorsement of Development Overview pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017740.pdf
2018-04-03 Unknown Attachments.html pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017742.pdf
2018-04-03 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: EE process slide pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024286.pdf
2018-04-03 Unknown EE process slide.pptx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024287.pdf
2018-04-03 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) ;'' re: RE: PM Call Invites pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024288.pdf
2018-04-03 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) ;'' re: RE: PM Call Invites pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024289.pdf
2018-04-03 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: EE process slide pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024291.pdf
2018-04-03 Unknown Presentation BRCAC - EE 2 11 2017.pptx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024292.pdf
2018-04-03 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: EE process slide pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024299.pdf
2018-04-03 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: EE process slide pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024301.pdf
2018-04-04 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Lesk, Emily ;Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Joe Kirchofer re: Copy: FW: Balboa Project Management Call pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005358.pdf
2018-04-04 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;White, Elizabeth (CPC) re: Copy: balboa reservoir CAC prep pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005359.pdf
2018-04-04 Miller, Katie L Email to: Russell, Rosanna S ;Petrick, Molly ;Young, Sam W re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Phase II Environmental Testing pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017743.pdf
2018-04-04 Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) Email to:;Michael Ahrens ;Michael Ahrens ;;'robert muehlbauer' ;'Christy Godinez' ;'jon winston' ;Howard N. Chung ;;Lisa Spinali ;Mark Tang re: Political Activities and CAC pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022786.pdf
2018-04-04 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: PM Call Invites pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024303.pdf
2018-04-04 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Karen Murray' ;Kushal Modi ;Peter Waller ;Dylan Versteeg ;Gary Strang ;Wendy Mok ;;Kearstin Dischinger ;Joe Kirchofer re: Balboa Reservoir - townhome zone design review comments pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024305.pdf
2018-04-04 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: Balboa Outline for 4/9 CAC pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024307.pdf
2018-04-04 Unknown Planning Comments on April 9 Slideshow for KD.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024309.pdf
2018-04-09 Unknown OEWD Compliance Records 6-12-19\CHECK FOR CONFIDENTIALITY\Balboa Reservoir SFPUC Endorsement 4-3-18.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016899.pdf
2018-04-09 Unknown In-City Project Review and Land Use Application.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018716.pdf
2018-04-09 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Shaw, Jeremy re: Website is live! pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024311.pdf
2018-04-11 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Go to AQ office hour to talk about Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005360.pdf
2018-04-13 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: data for the Balboa area pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024312.pdf
2018-04-13 Unknown Median Incomes by Census Tract.png pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024314.pdf
2018-04-13 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Scott Falcone re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Community Open Houses pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024315.pdf
2018-04-16 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Paine, Carli (MTA) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: muni capacity near Balboa station/Ocean Ave pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024321.pdf
2018-04-16 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Gary Strang ;Wendy Mok re: precedents? pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024323.pdf
2018-04-17 Zhu, Tracy Email to: Zhu, Tracy ;Carlin, Michael (PUC) ;;;Security Desk, 525GG re: Copy: FW: Balboa Reservoir briefing for CAC members pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017337.pdf
2018-04-17 Lisa Spinali Email to: Rita M EVANS re: Re: Vehicular Access to Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022797.pdf
2018-04-17 Rita M EVANS Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Re: Vehicular Access to Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022800.pdf
2018-04-17 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Wendy Mok re: RE: precedents? pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024324.pdf
2018-04-18 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005361.pdf
2018-04-18 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: Tomorrow's Meetings pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024325.pdf
2018-04-18 Unknown ECOPY-527_SMTP_via_LDAP_04-18-2018_17-15-25.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024333.pdf
2018-04-19 Scott Falcone Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Kearstin Dischinger re: RE: Open House Materials / Questions pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024327.pdf
2018-04-19 Unknown Benefits to the Community of Proposed Balboa Reservoir Development Plan_draft.v2.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024331.pdf
2018-04-19 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger ;'' re: FW: Balboa Reservoir website comments from jeremy pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024332.pdf
2018-04-20 Joel Roos Email to: Joel Roos ;Poling, Jeanie ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Susan Yogi ;Karen Murray re: Copy: Discussion on preparing EE App for Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005362.pdf
2018-04-23 Revelli, Lindsay Email to: Ryan, Joan re: Balboa Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017755.pdf
2018-04-23 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Scott Falcone ;Joe Kirchofer re: FW: Congratulations on BRP open house pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024336.pdf
2018-04-24 Scott Falcone Email to: Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir- Community Outreach Schedule pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024338.pdf
2018-04-24 Unknown 180420_Open House Boards_Community Outreach Schedule.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024339.pdf
2018-04-25 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Phase 2 Cat-X pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017756.pdf
2018-04-25 CJ Higley Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Phase 2 Cat-X pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017759.pdf
2018-04-25 Unknown Balboa Res Phase II Environmental Testing - SFPUC Letter 20180329.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017763.pdf
2018-04-25 Unknown SKM_C45818020907540.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017766.pdf
2018-04-25 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Revelli, Lindsay re: FW: Balboa Reservoir - Phase 2 Cat-X pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017770.pdf
2018-04-25 Unknown Balboa Res Phase II Environmental Testing - SFPUC Letter 20180329.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017774.pdf
2018-04-25 Unknown SKM_C45818020907540.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017777.pdf
2018-04-25 Revelli, Lindsay Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Phase 2 Cat-X pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017781.pdf
2018-04-25 Petrick, Molly Email to: Revelli, Lindsay re: Re: Balboa Reservoir - Phase 2 Cat-X pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017786.pdf
2018-04-25 Unknown image005.png pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017791.pdf
2018-04-25 Unknown image006.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017792.pdf
2018-04-25 Petrick, Molly Email to: Miller, Katie L re: Re: Balboa Reservoir - Phase 2 Cat-X pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017793.pdf
2018-04-25 Unknown image001.png pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017799.pdf
2018-04-25 Unknown image002.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017800.pdf
2018-04-25 Unknown image003.png pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017801.pdf
2018-04-26 Petrick, Molly Email to: Jelani Dotson ;Revelli, Lindsay ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Phase 2 Cat-X pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017821.pdf
2018-04-27 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir at SPUR pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005363.pdf
2018-04-27 Lisa Spinali Email to: Scott Falcone re: Re: FW: Balboa Reservoir- Community Outreach Schedule- Transportation Walk pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022804.pdf
2018-04-27 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Charmaine Curtis ;Joe Kirchofer re: RE: DRAFT Letter pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024340.pdf
2018-04-27 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Scott Falcone re: RE: FW: Balboa Reservoir- Community Outreach Schedule- Transportation Walk pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024343.pdf
2018-04-30 Unknown OEWD Compliance Records 6-12-19\Balboa Reservoir Collaboration Update - FINAL.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016504.pdf
2018-04-30 Charmaine Curtis Email to: Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir Collaboration Update Draft Memo pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021875.pdf
2018-05-01 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Henderson, Tony ;Paine, Carli ;Ream, Charlie ;Langlois, Lily (CPC) ;Hunter, Mari E ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Ocean Avenue Check In and Coordination pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016351.pdf
2018-05-02 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Wong, Christopher J ;Justin Lai ; re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - SFPUC Letter regarding Phase II Geotechnical Analysis pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017830.pdf
2018-05-02 Justin Lai Email to: Wong, Christopher J ;Jelani Dotson re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - SFPUC Letter regarding Phase II Geotechnical Analysis pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017832.pdf
2018-05-02 Unknown Balboa Boring Map.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017834.pdf
2018-05-02 Justin Lai Email to: Russell, Rosanna S ;Wong, Christopher J ;Jelani Dotson re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - SFPUC Letter regarding Phase II Geotechnical Analysis pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017835.pdf
2018-05-04 Scott Falcone Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir Ocean Avenue Community Walk Invitation pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024348.pdf
2018-05-07 Unknown 2018 3 3 ee app deliverables.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022923.xlsx
2018-05-08 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Joel I. Roos re: FW: ee app Balboa Res pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022921.pdf
2018-05-08 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Joel I. Roos re: FW: ee app Balboa Res pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022924.pdf
2018-05-11 Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) Email to:;Michael Ahrens ;Michael Ahrens ;;'robert muehlbauer' ;'Christy Godinez' ;'jon winston' ;Howard N. Chung ;;Lisa Spinali ;Mark Tang re: Balboa Reservoir Ocean Avenue Community Walk pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022808.pdf
2018-05-14 Scott Falcone Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir- Community Outreach Schedule- Transportation Walk pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024351.pdf
2018-05-14 Unknown Variant Matrix - JK 5.14.18.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024362.xlsx
2018-05-16 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Gibson, Lisa (CPC) ;Switzky, Joshua (CPC) re: Copy: FW: Balboa Reservoir pre-meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005364.pdf
2018-05-16 Aaron Goodman Email to:;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir Walk - Thursday May 17, 2018 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021877.pdf
2018-05-17 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Kearstin Dischinger re: EEA project elements pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024359.pdf
2018-05-17 Joe Kirchofer Email to: Shaw, Jeremy re: RE: EEA project elements pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024360.pdf
2018-05-18 Amanda Leahy Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Poling, Jeanie ;'Karen Murray' ;Susan Yogi ;;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - agenda for May 22 meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022931.pdf
2018-05-21 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie re: Copy: pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005365.pdf
2018-05-21 Joel Roos Email to: Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir - agenda for May 22 meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022933.pdf
2018-05-21 Susan Yogi Email to: McKellar, Jennifer ;;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Karl Heisler ;Steven Vettel re: Agenda - Balboa Reservoir project meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022936.pdf
2018-05-21 Unknown 2018-05-21_Balboa Meeting Agenda for 5.22.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022937.pdf
2018-05-22 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Steven Vettel ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony ;Horn, Jeffrey (CPC) ;KAPLA, ROBB (CAT) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Tim Erney ;; re: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014830.pdf
2018-05-22 Jefferis, Richard Scott Email to: Susan Yogi re: Accepted: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014832.pdf
2018-05-23 Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) Email to:;Michael Ahrens ;Michael Ahrens ;;'robert muehlbauer' ;'Christy Godinez' ;'jon winston' ;Howard N. Chung ;;Lisa Spinali ;Mark Tang re: Balboa Reservoir: Tour of SF Affordable Housing (June 9) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022809.pdf
2018-05-23 Susan Yogi Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: OneDrive pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022938.pdf
2018-05-24 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir ESA's draft schedule pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005366.pdf
2018-05-24 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Kern, Chris (CPC) re: Copy: Water supply scoping for Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005367.pdf
2018-05-30 Unknown 2018-05-30_draft schedule_rev.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022996.pdf
2018-05-31 Joel Roos Email to: Joel Roos ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Copy: EE App Submittal Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005368.pdf
2018-06-01 Unknown 6.1.18 EE-Diagrams (ID 1002008).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110004566.pdf
2018-06-01 Unknown 6.1.18 Project Description (ID 1002007).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110004636.pdf
2018-06-01 Susan Yogi Email to: Tim Erney ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Steven Vettel ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony ;Horn, Jeffrey (CPC) ;KAPLA, ROBB (CAT) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;;;Karl Heisler re: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting Draft Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014833.pdf
2018-06-01 Unknown 2018-06-01_Balboa Meeting Agenda for 6.05.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014835.pdf
2018-06-01 Paine, Carli Email to: Henderson, Tony ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike re: FW: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting Draft Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014836.pdf
2018-06-01 Unknown 2018-06-01_Balboa Meeting Agenda for 6.05.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014838.pdf
2018-06-01 Susan Yogi Email to: Tim Erney ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Steven Vettel ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Paine, Carli (MTA) ;Shahamiri, James (MTA) ;Jefferis, Richard (MTA) ;Sallaberry, Mike (MTA) ;Henderson, Tony (MTA) ;Horn, Jeffrey (CPC) ;KAPLA, ROBB (CAT) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;;;Karl Heisler re: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting Draft Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022939.pdf
2018-06-01 Unknown 2018-06-01_Balboa Meeting Agenda for 6.05.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022941.pdf
2018-06-01 Unknown 2018-06-05_Balboa Meeting Agenda for 6.05.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022944.pdf
2018-06-04 Unknown 1.27.18 Phase I ESA without appendices (ID 1002011).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110004146.pdf
2018-06-04 Unknown 5M D4D Standards Table.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110007869.pdf
2018-06-04 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Diolazo, Evelyn re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Exclusive Negotiating Agreement pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017859.pdf
2018-06-05 Vanderslice, Allison (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110000006.pdf
2018-06-05 White, Elizabeth (CPC) Email to: White, Elizabeth ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Copy: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir - Transportation Scoping Meeting (Placeholder) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005369.pdf
2018-06-05 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Rich, Ken (ECN) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir schedule pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005371.pdf
2018-06-05 Susan Yogi Email to: Tim Erney ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Steven Vettel ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;;;Karl Heisler re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting Draft Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022942.pdf
2018-06-05 Steven Vettel Email to: Susan Yogi' ;Tim Erney ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;;;Karl Heisler re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting Draft Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022945.pdf
2018-06-05 Unknown 2018-05-29_Scope of Work for EP with sponsor comments.DOCX pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022947.pdf
2018-06-06 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Chang, Michelle (CPC) ;Ko, Yvonne (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005372.pdf
2018-06-06 Susan Yogi Email to: Horn, Jeffrey (CPC) ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Steven Vettel ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony ;KAPLA, ROBB (CAT) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Tim Erney ;;;Karl Heisler re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014839.pdf
2018-06-06 Justin Lai Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - SFPUC Letter regarding Phase II Geotechnical Analysis pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017860.pdf
2018-06-06 Unknown Balboa - Phase II Env Letter 060618.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017862.pdf
2018-06-07 Vanderslice, Allison (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Joel Roos re: RE: Archeo list for Balboa Reservoir (2018-007883ENV) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110000008.pdf
2018-06-07 Unknown Laguna Honda Property Boundaries.pptx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011932.pdf
2018-06-07 Susan Yogi Email to: Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony ;Horn, Jeffrey (CPC) ;KAPLA, ROBB (CAT) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Action Item Tracking Sheet pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014841.pdf
2018-06-07 Rivasplata, Charles - on behalf of - White, Elizabeth (CPC) Email to: Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Kniha, Paul ;White, Dustin ;Willson, Hank ;Rivasplata, Charles re: FW: Balboa Reservoir - Transportation Scoping Meeting (Placeholder) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014842.pdf
2018-06-07 Jefferis, Richard Scott Email to: White, Elizabeth (CPC) re: Accepted: Balboa Reservoir - Transportation Scoping Meeting (Placeholder) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014845.pdf
2018-06-08 Fordham, Chelsea (CPC) Email to: Vanderslice, Allison (CPC) ;La, Belle (CPC) re: RE: Archeo list for Balboa Reservoir (2018-007883ENV) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110000010.pdf
2018-06-08 Johanna Kahn Email to: Cisneros, Stephanie (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008118.pdf
2018-06-08 Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) Email to:;Michael Ahrens ;Michael Ahrens ;;'robert muehlbauer' ;'Christy Godinez' ;'jon winston' ;Howard N. Chung ;;Lisa Spinali ;Mark Tang re: Balboa Reservoir Open Space Community Workshop - June 23 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022810.pdf
2018-06-11 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir check-in meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005373.pdf
2018-06-11 Unknown BalboaReservoir_OpenSpaceWorkshop_20180606_8.5x11.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021682.pdf
2018-06-12 Thibodeau, Martin (CPC) Email to: Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir CAC Website Updates pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006355.pdf
2018-06-12 HelpDesk Email to: Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: [Help Desk SR# 13620] Service Request Notification (Status: Engaged ) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006357.pdf
2018-06-12 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Scott Falcone re: balboa reservoir community outreach call pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024363.pdf
2018-06-13 Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) Email to: Thibodeau, Martin (CPC) re: Balboa reservoir FAQ for the web pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006358.pdf
2018-06-13 Unknown BalRes web FAQ 2018 0608.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006359.pdf
2018-06-13 Susan Yogi Email to: Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir ESA Revised Scope of Work pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008202.pdf
2018-06-13 Unknown 2018-06-13_ESA SOW_final.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008209.pdf
2018-06-13 Unknown 2018-06-13_ESA SOW_final.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008223.pdf
2018-06-13 Susan Yogi Email to: Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Steven Vettel ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony ;Horn, Jeffrey (CPC) ;KAPLA, ROBB (CAT) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Tim Erney ;; re: Balboa Reservoir Project - Scope pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014846.pdf
2018-06-13 Unknown 2018-06-13_ESA SOW_final.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014847.pdf
2018-06-13 Unknown balboareservoir_faq_english.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021673.pdf
2018-06-13 Susan Yogi Email to: Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Steven Vettel ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Paine, Carli (MTA) ;Shahamiri, James (MTA) ;Jefferis, Richard (MTA) ;Sallaberry, Mike (MTA) ;Henderson, Tony (MTA) ;Horn, Jeffrey (CPC) ;KAPLA, ROBB (CAT) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Tim Erney ;; re: Balboa Reservoir Project - Scope pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022960.pdf
2018-06-13 Unknown 2018-06-13_ESA SOW_final.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022961.pdf
2018-06-13 Unknown 2018-06-13_ESA SOW_final.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022982.pdf
2018-06-14 Unknown PPA_Appendix C_PoliciesRegs_100614_final.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006259.pdf
2018-06-14 Unknown 180611 Sustainable Balboa_Draft.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006266.pdf
2018-06-14 Unknown 180614_Neighborhood FW_DRAFT_streamlined.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006267.pdf
2018-06-14 Unknown 180206 Framework Memo_LF.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006303.pdf
2018-06-14 Susan Yogi Email to: Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Steven Vettel ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony ;Horn, Jeffrey (CPC) ;KAPLA, ROBB (CAT) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Tim Erney ;;;Karl Heisler re: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - June 5 notes pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014861.pdf
2018-06-14 Unknown 2018-06-05_Balboa Meeting Notes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014862.pdf
2018-06-14 Susan Yogi Email to: Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Steven Vettel ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Paine, Carli (MTA) ;Shahamiri, James (MTA) ;Jefferis, Richard (MTA) ;Sallaberry, Mike (MTA) ;Henderson, Tony (MTA) ;Horn, Jeffrey (CPC) ;KAPLA, ROBB (CAT) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Tim Erney ;;;Karl Heisler re: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - June 5 notes pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022975.pdf
2018-06-14 Unknown 2018-06-05_Balboa Meeting Notes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022976.pdf
2018-06-14 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Gary Strang ;Wendy Mok re: RE: precedents? pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024364.pdf
2018-06-14 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Scott Falcone re: RE: balboa reservoir community outreach call pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024365.pdf
2018-06-14 Unknown PPA_Appendix C_PoliciesRegs_100614_final.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024622.pdf
2018-06-14 Unknown 180611 Sustainable Balboa_Draft.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024629.pdf
2018-06-14 Unknown 180614_Neighborhood FW_DRAFT_streamlined.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024630.pdf
2018-06-14 Unknown 180206 Framework Memo_LF.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024666.pdf
2018-06-15 Karen Murray Email to: Fisher, Lisa (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir Sustainability Follow-Up pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006251.pdf
2018-06-15 Susan Yogi Email to: Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Steven Vettel ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony ;Horn, Jeffrey (CPC) ;KAPLA, ROBB (CAT) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Tim Erney ;;;Karl Heisler re: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting 6.19 - Draft Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014864.pdf
2018-06-15 Unknown 2018-06-19_Balboa Meeting Agenda for 6.19.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014866.pdf
2018-06-15 Susan Yogi Email to: Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony ;Horn, Jeffrey (CPC) ;KAPLA, ROBB (CAT) re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014867.pdf
2018-06-15 Justin Lai Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - SFPUC Letter regarding Phase II Geotechnical Analysis pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017911.pdf
2018-06-15 Karen Murray Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir Sustainability Follow-Up pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021878.pdf
2018-06-15 Susan Yogi Email to: Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Steven Vettel ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Paine, Carli (MTA) ;Shahamiri, James (MTA) ;Jefferis, Richard (MTA) ;Sallaberry, Mike (MTA) ;Henderson, Tony (MTA) ;Horn, Jeffrey (CPC) ;KAPLA, ROBB (CAT) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Tim Erney ;;;Karl Heisler re: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting 6.19 - Draft Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022978.pdf
2018-06-15 Unknown 2018-06-19_Balboa Meeting Agenda for 6.19.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022980.pdf
2018-06-15 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Scott Falcone re: recreational needs pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024366.pdf
2018-06-15 Scott Falcone Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Re: recreational needs pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024367.pdf
2018-06-15 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Scott Falcone re: RE: balboa reservoir community outreach call pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024368.pdf
2018-06-15 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Wendy Mok ;Gary Strang re: RE: precedents? pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024371.pdf
2018-06-15 Unknown 180615 Balboa Plan info request.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024375.xlsx
2018-06-18 Johanna Kahn Email to: Cisneros, Stephanie (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008124.pdf
2018-06-18 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Steven Vettel ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Tim Erney ;;;Karl Heisler re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022981.pdf
2018-06-18 Unknown 2018-06-19_Balboa Meeting Agenda for 6.19.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023000.pdf
2018-06-18 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Joe Kirchofer re: FW: Balboa plan informtion request pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024373.pdf
2018-06-19 Unknown 2018-6-19 WRITTEN COMMENT ON BALBOA RESERVOIR OPEN SPACE.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005614.pdf
2018-06-19 HelpDesk Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: [Help Desk SR# 13667] Service Request Notification (Status: Closed ) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006362.pdf
2018-06-19 Ryan, Joan Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - SFPUC Letter regarding Phase II Geotechnical Analysis pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017913.pdf
2018-06-19 Karen Murray Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Re: Balboa plan informtion request pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021881.pdf
2018-06-21 Ryan, Joan Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - SFPUC Letter regarding Phase II Geotechnical Analysis pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017916.pdf
2018-06-21 Unknown 180621_Community Calendar Update.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024457.pdf
2018-06-22 HelpDesk Email to: Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: [Help Desk SR# 13665] Service Request Notification (Status: Closed ) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006363.pdf
2018-06-22 Unknown Event/Notice: Free Admission to SF Glens Soccer Game and SFFD Soccer Team Opportunity.msg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011082.pdf
2018-06-22 Unknown 2018-06-19_Balboa Meeting Notes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023003.pdf
2018-06-22 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Scott Falcone re: RE: balboa reservoir community outreach call pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024376.pdf
2018-06-25 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: FW: SFFD Condition of Approval #1 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011083.pdf
2018-06-25 Beck, Bob (MYR) Email to: Rivera, Anthony (FIR) re: RE: SFFD Condition of Approval #1 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011876.pdf
2018-06-25 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: FW: SFFD Condition of Approval #1 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011879.pdf
2018-06-25 Susan Yogi Email to: Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony ;Horn, Jeffrey (CPC) ;KAPLA, ROBB (CAT) re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014869.pdf
2018-06-25 Unknown balboareservoir_faq_chinese.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021670.pdf
2018-06-25 Unknown balboareservoir_faq_spanish.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021676.pdf
2018-06-25 Unknown balboareservoir_faq_tagalog.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021679.pdf
2018-06-25 Susan Yogi Email to: White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Steven Vettel ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Tim Erney ;;;Karl Heisler re: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 6/19 Notes and 6/26 Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023001.pdf
2018-06-25 Unknown 2018-06-26_Balboa Meeting Agenda for 6.26 draft.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023005.pdf
2018-06-26 Vanderslice, Allison (CPC) Email to: Archeo-Tec re: RE: Archeo list for Balboa Reservoir (2018-007883ENV) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110000013.pdf
2018-06-26 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: FW: SFFD Condition of Approval #1 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011086.pdf
2018-06-26 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: FW: SFFD Condition of Approval #1 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011882.pdf
2018-06-26 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Beck, Bob (MYR) ;Rivera, Anthony (FIR) re: RE: SFFD Condition of Approval #1 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011885.pdf
2018-06-26 Beck, Bob (MYR) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Ryan, James (DPW) re: Re: SFFD Condition of Approval #1 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011888.pdf
2018-06-26 Unknown image001.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011892.pdf
2018-06-26 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Beck, Bob (MYR) re: Re: SFFD Condition of Approval #1 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011893.pdf
2018-06-26 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Beck, Bob (MYR) re: Re: SFFD Condition of Approval #1 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011897.pdf
2018-06-26 Havens, Robin (ECN) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: Balboa Reservoir project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011901.pdf
2018-06-26 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011902.pdf
2018-06-26 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Havens, Robin (ECN) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011904.pdf
2018-06-26 Unknown Avalon Bay .pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017954.pdf
2018-06-26 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Susan Yogi ;White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Steven Vettel ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Tim Erney ;;;Karl Heisler re: preliminary shadow fan pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023006.pdf
2018-06-26 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: Thursday pm call pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024381.pdf
2018-06-27 HelpDesk Email to: Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: [Help Desk SR# 13713] Service Request Notification (Status: Closed ) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006364.pdf
2018-06-27 Unknown Event/Notice: Free Admission to SF Glens Soccer Game and SFFD Soccer Team Opportunity.msg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011089.pdf
2018-06-27 Susan Yogi Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: OneDrive pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023009.pdf
2018-06-28 Paine, Carli Email to: Paine, Carli ;Henderson, Tony re: checking in on Balboa Res before 7/9 meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016352.pdf
2018-06-28 Unknown 180420_Open House Notes_Compiled Design Team_for SFMTA.PDF pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016353.pdf
2018-06-28 Unknown 2017-12-11-CAC02-COMPILED NOTES Transportation-related_for SFMTA.DOCX pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016357.pdf
2018-06-28 Unknown 180409_CAC_Meeting Notes_for SFMTA.PDF pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016359.pdf
2018-06-28 Diolazo, Evelyn Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Exclusive Negotiating Agreement pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017924.pdf
2018-06-28 Hernandez, Maria C Email to: Wong, Christopher J ;Diolazo, Evelyn ;Russell, Rosanna S re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Exclusive Negotiating Agreement pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017927.pdf
2018-06-29 Unknown 6.28.18 revised EE diagrams (ID 1010271).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110004647.pdf
2018-06-29 Unknown PUC Letter of Authorization (ID 1010184).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005256.pdf
2018-06-29 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Beck, Bob (MYR) ;Ryan, James (DPW) re: RE: SFFD Condition of Approval #1 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011905.pdf
2018-06-29 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Brian Schuster re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - Draft Agenda for 7/3 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014871.pdf
2018-06-29 Unknown 2018-07-03_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda_Draft.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014873.pdf
2018-06-29 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Gibson, Lisa (CPC) re: Western Balboa Reservoir Property- Environmental Review Application 6-29-18.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017941.pdf
2018-06-29 Unknown Western Balboa Reservoir Property- Environmental Review Application 6-29-18.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017942.pdf
2018-06-29 Ryan, Joan Email to: Justin Lai re: NOTICE TO PROCEED: Balboa Reservoir Phase II Environmental Testing pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017943.pdf
2018-06-29 Unknown Phase II Environmental Testing signed NTP 062918.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017947.pdf
2018-06-29 Unknown Phase II Environmental Testing signed NTP 062918.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017952.pdf
2018-06-29 Unknown Phase II Environmental Testing signed NTP 062918.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018144.pdf
2018-06-29 Lisa Spinali Email to: Michael Ahrens ;;Robert Muhlbauer ;Christine Christy Godinez ;Jon Winston ;Howard Chung ;Maurice Rivers ;Lisa Spinali ;Mark Tang re: CAC Update for July 9 Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022812.pdf
2018-06-29 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Brian Schuster re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - Draft Agenda for 7/3 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023011.pdf
2018-06-29 Unknown 2018-07-03_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda_Draft.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023013.pdf
2018-06-29 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Brian Schuster re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - Draft Agenda for 7/3 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023015.pdf
2018-06-29 Unknown 2018-07-03_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda_Draft.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023017.pdf
2018-06-30 Justin Lai Email to: Ryan, Joan re: RE: NOTICE TO PROCEED: Balboa Reservoir Phase II Environmental Testing pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017948.pdf
2018-07-02 SooHoo, Candace (CPC) Email to: Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) ;CTYPLN - WebAdmin re: RE: Updates to Balboa Reservoir CAC Webpage pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006365.pdf
2018-07-02 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Wietgrefe, Wade ;Susan Yogi ;Brian Schuster ;Susan Yogi ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Gibson, Lisa (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir meeting tomorrow CANCELLED pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014875.pdf
2018-07-02 Rodgers, Heather Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: Avalon Bay COI pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017953.pdf
2018-07-02 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Agenda070918.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021564.pdf
2018-07-02 Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) Email to:;Michael Ahrens ;Michael Ahrens ;;'robert muehlbauer' ;'Christy Godinez' ;'jon winston' ;Howard N. Chung ;;Lisa Spinali ;Mark Tang re: July 9th Balboa Reservoir CAC Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022813.pdf
2018-07-02 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Agenda 7 9 2018.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022814.pdf
2018-07-02 Karl Heisler Email to: Poling, Jeanie ;Susan Yogi ;Brian Schuster ;Susan Yogi ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Gibson, Lisa (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir meeting tomorrow CANCELLED pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023019.pdf
2018-07-02 Karl Heisler Email to: Wietgrefe, Wade ;Susan Yogi ;Brian Schuster ;Susan Yogi ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Gibson, Lisa (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir meeting tomorrow CANCELLED pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023022.pdf
2018-07-02 Karen Murray Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir meeting tomorrow CANCELLED pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023025.pdf
2018-07-02 Karl Heisler Email to: Poling, Jeanie ;Susan Yogi ;Brian Schuster ;Susan Yogi ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Gibson, Lisa (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir meeting tomorrow CANCELLED pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023029.pdf
2018-07-03 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir environmental fees pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005374.pdf
2018-07-03 Unknown Index\DocumentMetadata.iwa pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006010.iwa
2018-07-03 Susan Yogi Email to: Sallaberry, Mike ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Brian Schuster re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014876.pdf
2018-07-05 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011909.pdf
2018-07-05 Paine, Carli Email to: Henderson, Tony ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Shahamiri, James ;Hunter, Mari E ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Shaw, Jeremy re: Balboa Reservoir site-transportation meeting (SFMTA and Project team) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012410.pdf
2018-07-05 Paine, Carli Email to: Shahamiri, James ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Balboa site -transportation pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012411.pdf
2018-07-05 Paine, Carli Email to: Henderson, Tony ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Shahamiri, James ;Hunter, Mari E ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Shaw, Jeremy re: Balboa Reservoir site-transportation meeting (SFMTA and Project team) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014878.pdf
2018-07-05 Jefferis, Richard Scott Email to: Paine, Carli re: Accepted: Balboa Reservoir site-transportation meeting (SFMTA and Project team) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014879.pdf
2018-07-05 Paine, Carli Email to: Paine, Carli ;Henderson, Tony ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Shahamiri, James ;Hunter, Mari E ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Vohra, Shivam ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir site-transportation meeting (SFMTA and Project team) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016366.pdf
2018-07-05 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Shaw, Jeremy ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: ugly schedule for our discussion pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024383.pdf
2018-07-05 Unknown Balboa_schedule_update_TO JS.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024385.xlsx
2018-07-06 Jelani Dotson Email to: Wong, Christopher J ;Kearstin Dischinger re: RE: Amendment to Permit to Enter - Phase II Geotech Work - Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017956.pdf
2018-07-06 Unknown Balboa - First Amendment to Permit to Enter - PUC Executed 070618.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018138.pdf
2018-07-06 Unknown Balboa - First Amendment to Permit to Enter - PUC Executed 070618.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018233.pdf
2018-07-09 Paine, Carli Email to: Vohra, Shivam re: Balboa Reservoir site-transportation meeting (SFMTA and Project team) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012412.pdf
2018-07-09 White, Elizabeth (CPC) Email to: Wietgrefe, Wade ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir - Transportation Scoping Meeting (Placeholder) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014880.pdf
2018-07-09 Susan Yogi Email to: Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony ;Horn, Jeffrey (CPC) ;KAPLA, ROBB (CAT) re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014882.pdf
2018-07-09 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: White, Elizabeth ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Transportation Scoping Meeting (Placeholder) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014884.pdf
2018-07-09 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Lisa Spinali re: Thank you pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022818.pdf
2018-07-09 Karen Murray Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir meeting tomorrow CANCELLED pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023033.pdf
2018-07-09 Unknown 180708_EE-DIAGRAMS.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023038.pdf
2018-07-09 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: White, Elizabeth ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Transportation Scoping Meeting (Placeholder) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023067.pdf
2018-07-09 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023069.pdf
2018-07-09 Unknown 2018-07-10_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023070.pdf
2018-07-09 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023072.pdf
2018-07-09 Unknown 2018-07-10_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023073.pdf
2018-07-09 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Susan Yogi ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Wietgrefe, Wade re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023075.pdf
2018-07-09 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Susan Yogi ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Wietgrefe, Wade re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023077.pdf
2018-07-09 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Paine, Carli (MTA) re: Re: CAC july 9 - recap and details pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024386.pdf
2018-07-09 Unknown image001.png pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024389.pdf
2018-07-09 Unknown image002.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024390.pdf
2018-07-09 Unknown image003.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024391.pdf
2018-07-09 Unknown image004.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024392.pdf
2018-07-09 Unknown image005.png pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024393.pdf
2018-07-10 Unknown Balboa Reservoir Archaeological Sensitivity Assessment Proposal_Updated-July-2.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110000018.pdf
2018-07-10 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005375.pdf
2018-07-10 Henderson, Tony Email to: Henderson, Tony ;Ream, Charlie ;Paine, Carli re: Balboa Reservoir debrief pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016367.pdf
2018-07-10 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Wong, Christopher J ;Petrick, Molly re: RE: Balboa Reservoir CAC Meeting - July 9th 2018 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017957.pdf
2018-07-10 Lisa Spinali Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Re: Thank you pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022819.pdf
2018-07-10 Susan Yogi Email to: Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Tim Erney ;;;Karl Heisler re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023079.pdf
2018-07-11 Chang, Michelle (CPC) Email to:; re: Balboa Reservoir 2018-007883EEA, EIR, TIS - Revised Installment Agreement pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008237.pdf
2018-07-11 Unknown 50% Balboa Reservoir 2018-007883EEA,EIR & TIS Installment.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008238.pdf
2018-07-11 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger ;Joe Kirchofer re: Balboa Reservoir: City Staff Roles pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024394.pdf
2018-07-11 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Shaw, Jeremy ;Joe Kirchofer re: RE: Balboa Reservoir: City Staff Roles pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024396.pdf
2018-07-11 Unknown Copy of Balboa Deliverables Schedule 07 11 2018 DRAFT.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024398.xlsx
2018-07-11 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger re: RE: infrastructure plan pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024399.pdf
2018-07-11 Unknown 50% Balboa Reservoir 2018-007883EEA,EIR & TIS Installment.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310025850.pdf
2018-07-12 Kushal Modi Email to: Paine, Carli re: Re: materials for Friday meeting? pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012413.pdf
2018-07-12 Unknown 180711_Balboa_SFMTA_Presentation_Draft.compressed.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012415.pdf
2018-07-12 Paine, Carli Email to: Henderson, Tony ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Shahamiri, James ;Hunter, Mari E ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Shaw, Jeremy ;Vohra, Shivam re: RE: Balboa Reservoir site-transportation meeting (SFMTA and Project team) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012447.pdf
2018-07-12 Unknown 180711_Balboa_SFMTA_Presentation_Draft.compressed.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012449.pdf
2018-07-12 Unknown ATT28507 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012481.pdf
2018-07-12 Unknown ATT91262 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012482.pdf
2018-07-12 Unknown ATT77825 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012483.pdf
2018-07-12 Unknown ATT55683 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012484.pdf
2018-07-12 Unknown ATT96017 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012485.pdf
2018-07-12 Paine, Carli Email to: Hong, Seung Yen ;Vohra, Shivam re: RE: Balboa Reservoir site-transportation meeting (SFMTA and Project team) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012486.pdf
2018-07-12 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Paine, Carli ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Henderson, Tony ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Shahamiri, James ;Hunter, Mari E ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Vohra, Shivam re: RE: Balboa Reservoir site-transportation meeting (SFMTA and Project team) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012488.pdf
2018-07-12 Paine, Carli Email to: Henderson, Tony ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Shahamiri, James ;Hunter, Mari E ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Shaw, Jeremy ;Vohra, Shivam re: RE: Balboa Reservoir site-transportation meeting (SFMTA and Project team) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014591.pdf
2018-07-12 Unknown 180711_Balboa_SFMTA_Presentation_Draft.compressed.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014593.pdf
2018-07-12 Unknown ATT28507 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014625.pdf
2018-07-12 Unknown ATT91262 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014626.pdf
2018-07-12 Unknown ATT77825 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014627.pdf
2018-07-12 Unknown ATT55683 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014628.pdf
2018-07-12 Unknown ATT96017 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014629.pdf
2018-07-12 Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) Email to: Paine, Carli ;Henderson, Tony ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Shahamiri, James ;Hunter, Mari E ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Shaw, Jeremy ;Vohra, Shivam re: RE: Balboa Reservoir site-transportation meeting (SFMTA and Project team) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014630.pdf
2018-07-12 Paine, Carli Email to: Hong, Seung Yen ;Vohra, Shivam re: RE: Balboa Reservoir site-transportation meeting (SFMTA and Project team) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014632.pdf
2018-07-12 Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger ;Paine, Carli ;Henderson, Tony ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Shahamiri, James ;Hunter, Mari E ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Vohra, Shivam re: RE: Balboa Reservoir site-transportation meeting (SFMTA and Project team) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014889.pdf
2018-07-12 Unknown 180709_Balboa_CAC_Presentation_FINAL_compressed.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021498.pdf
2018-07-12 Paine, Carli Email to: Henderson, Tony ;Vohra, Shivam (MTA) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir site-transportation meeting (SFMTA and Project team) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024401.pdf
2018-07-12 Unknown 180711_Balboa_SFMTA_Presentation_Draft.compressed.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024403.pdf
2018-07-12 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Paine, Carli (MTA) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Henderson, Tony (MTA) ;Jefferis, Richard (MTA) ;Shahamiri, James (MTA) ;Hunter, Mari (MTA) ;Sallaberry, Mike (MTA) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Vohra, Shivam (MTA) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir site-transportation meeting (SFMTA and Project team) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024435.pdf
2018-07-13 Unknown 7.13.18 EE-Diagrams (ID 1026131).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110004769.pdf
2018-07-13 Unknown 7.13.18 Project Description Rev1 (ID 1026129).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110004796.pdf
2018-07-13 Unknown 7.13.18_EE-Revisions (ID 1026130).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110004808.pdf
2018-07-13 Paine, Carli Email to: Henderson, Tony ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Shahamiri, James ;Hunter, Mari E ;Vohra, Shivam re: Balboa Reservoir code pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014634.pdf
2018-07-13 Susan Yogi Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: OneDrive pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023082.pdf
2018-07-13 Unknown 7.13.18_PD Balboa Reservoir_Rev1.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024491.pdf
2018-07-16 Unknown OEWD Compliance Records 6-12-19\CHECK FOR CONFIDENTIALITY\Balboa ENA - First Amendment - Executed.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016828.pdf
2018-07-16 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: DIETRICH, ELIZABETH (CAT) ;Wong, Christopher J ;Petrick, Molly ;'';;Brad Wiblin ;Kearstin Dischinger re: Balboa Reservoir ENA Amendment pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017959.pdf
2018-07-16 Unknown Balboa ENA - First Amendment - Executed.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017960.pdf
2018-07-16 Unknown 20180716121232102.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024439.pdf
2018-07-17 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir check in pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005376.pdf
2018-07-17 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: take 301 Mission to archeo pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005377.pdf
2018-07-17 Susan Yogi Email to: Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014901.pdf
2018-07-17 Jefferis, Richard Scott Email to: Paine, Carli re: Balboa Reservoir Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014903.pdf
2018-07-17 Paine, Carli Email to: Jefferis, Richard Scott re: Re: Balboa Reservoir Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014904.pdf
2018-07-17 Unknown image001.png pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014905.pdf
2018-07-17 Jefferis, Richard Scott Email to: Paine, Carli re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014906.pdf
2018-07-17 Unknown Balboa Amendment to Permit to Enter_Executed.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017318.pdf
2018-07-17 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Ryan, Joan re: FW: Executed Balboa Permit to Enter Agreement pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017963.pdf
2018-07-17 Unknown Balboa Amendment to Permit to Enter_Executed.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017965.pdf
2018-07-17 Kelly, Margaux (MYR) Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Abad, Robin (CPC) ;Cohen, Amy (ECN) re: Citywide Public Space Initiative (CPSI) MASTER Site List pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021883.pdf
2018-07-17 Unknown MASTER Site List.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021884.xlsx
2018-07-17 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Brian Schuster re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023085.pdf
2018-07-17 Unknown 2018-07-17_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda_Draft.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023086.pdf
2018-07-17 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Brian Schuster re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023088.pdf
2018-07-17 Unknown 2018-07-17_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda_Draft.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023089.pdf
2018-07-17 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: FW: FYI pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024438.pdf
2018-07-18 Paine, Carli Email to: Henderson, Tony ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Shahamiri, James ;Hunter, Mari E ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Shaw, Jeremy ;Vohra, Shivam re: DRAFT SFMTA design standards pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014635.pdf
2018-07-18 Unknown SFMTA Design Standards_DRAFT.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014636.pdf
2018-07-18 White, Elizabeth (CPC) Email to: Wietgrefe, Wade ;;Tim Erney ;Mike Alston ;Amanda Leahy ;Kearstin Dischinger re: Balboa Reservoir - Please fill out doodle poll by Monday, July 23 for Transportation Scoping Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014907.pdf
2018-07-18 Paine, Carli Email to: Henderson, Tony ;Vohra, Shivam (MTA) re: DRAFT SFMTA design standards pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024449.pdf
2018-07-18 Unknown SFMTA Design Standards_DRAFT.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024450.pdf
2018-07-19 White, Elizabeth (CPC) Email to: White, Elizabeth ;Shahamiri, James ;Karl Heisler ;White, Dustin (MTA) ;Kniha, Paul (MTA) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir - Transportation Scoping Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005378.pdf
2018-07-19 Thibodeau, Martin (CPC) Email to: Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: RE: Updates to Balboa Reservoir CAC Page, Thanks! pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006367.pdf
2018-07-19 White, Elizabeth (CPC) Email to: Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;;Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Henderson, Tony ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Vohra, Shivam ;Steven Vettel ;Susan Yogi ;;Tim Erney ;Amanda Leahy ;Mike Alston ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Sallaberry, Mike re: Balboa Reservoir - Transportation Scoping Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014908.pdf
2018-07-19 White, Elizabeth (CPC) Email to: White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Henderson, Tony ;White, Dustin re: FW: Balboa Reservoir - Transportation Scoping Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016368.pdf
2018-07-19 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Jelani Dotson re: RE: Amendment to Permit to Enter - Phase II Geotech Work - Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017971.pdf
2018-07-19 Jelani Dotson Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: Amendment to Permit to Enter - Phase II Geotech Work - Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017973.pdf
2018-07-19 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Jelani Dotson re: RE: Amendment to Permit to Enter - Phase II Geotech Work - Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017974.pdf
2018-07-19 Jelani Dotson Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: Amendment to Permit to Enter - Phase II Geotech Work - Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017976.pdf
2018-07-19 Jelani Dotson Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: RE: Amendment to Permit to Enter - Phase II Geotech Work - Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017978.pdf
2018-07-19 Jelani Dotson Email to: Shu, Eugene re: FW: Amendment to Permit to Enter - Phase II Geotech Work - Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017981.pdf
2018-07-19 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Approved_Meeting_Minutes-040918_FINAL.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021572.pdf
2018-07-19 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Scott Falcone ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: Congrats + Check-in pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022820.pdf
2018-07-19 Scott Falcone Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: Congrats + Check-in pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024453.pdf
2018-07-20 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Thomas, Christopher (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir noise/vibration scope pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110000092.pdf
2018-07-20 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Thomas, Christopher (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir noise/vibration scope pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110000094.pdf
2018-07-20 Batelaan, Brandy Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: YBI Hydrant to be Removed pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011091.pdf
2018-07-20 Unknown YBI Phase 1 Temporary Water Main Relocation C2.01.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011092.pdf
2018-07-20 Unknown YBI GIS Hydrant Removal.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011093.pdf
2018-07-20 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: 'Batelaan, Brandy' re: RE: YBI Hydrant to be Removed pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011911.pdf
2018-07-20 Jefferis, Richard Scott Email to: White, Elizabeth (CPC) re: Accepted: Balboa Reservoir - Transportation Scoping Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014910.pdf
2018-07-20 Unknown Project schedule 07-20-18.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019321.pdf
2018-07-23 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: ask Tania about who will review the AQ scope for Balboa pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005380.pdf
2018-07-23 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: MALAMUT, JOHN ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;; re: RE: Scheduling: Balboa Reservoir Kickoff Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011094.pdf
2018-07-23 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: MALAMUT, JOHN ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;; re: HOLD - Balboa Infrastructure Kickoff pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011096.pdf
2018-07-23 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: MALAMUT, JOHN ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;; re: HOLD - Balboa Infrastructure Kickoff pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011097.pdf
2018-07-23 Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Accepted: HOLD - Balboa Infrastructure Kickoff pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011098.pdf
2018-07-23 Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Accepted: HOLD - Balboa Infrastructure Kickoff pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011099.pdf
2018-07-23 Karen Murray Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Re: Scheduling: Balboa Reservoir Kickoff Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011100.pdf
2018-07-23 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Accepted: HOLD - Balboa Infrastructure Kickoff pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011913.pdf
2018-07-23 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Accepted: HOLD - Balboa Infrastructure Kickoff pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011914.pdf
2018-07-23 Susan Yogi Email to: Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony ;Horn, Jeffrey (CPC) ;KAPLA, ROBB (CAT) re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014911.pdf
2018-07-23 Susan Yogi Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Susan Yogi shared !BALBOA ACTION ITEM TRACKING SHEET" with you." pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023091.pdf
2018-07-24 Batelaan, Brandy Email to: Gonzales, Richard (PUC) ;Reidy, James (FIR) ;Catherine McCrimmon ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Rivera, Anthony (FIR) re: YBI Fire Protection - 0.5 MG Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011915.pdf
2018-07-24 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Batelaan, Brandy re: Tentative: YBI Fire Protection - 0.5 MG Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011916.pdf
2018-07-24 Jelani Dotson Email to: Shu, Eugene re: FW: Amendment to Permit to Enter - Phase II Geotech Work - Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017984.pdf
2018-07-24 Susan Yogi Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - Cancelled Tomorrow pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023092.pdf
2018-07-24 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Susan Yogi ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - Cancelled Tomorrow pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023094.pdf
2018-07-25 HelpDesk Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: [Help Desk SR# 13832] Service Request Notification (Status: Closed ) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006369.pdf
2018-07-25 Batelaan, Brandy Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: YBI Fire Protection - 0.5 MG Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011917.pdf
2018-07-25 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: 'Batelaan, Brandy' re: RE: YBI Fire Protection - 0.5 MG Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011918.pdf
2018-07-25 Batelaan, Brandy Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: YBI Fire Protection - 0.5 MG Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011920.pdf
2018-07-25 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: 'Batelaan, Brandy' re: RE: YBI Fire Protection - 0.5 MG Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011922.pdf
2018-07-25 Batelaan, Brandy Email to: Gonzales, Richard (PUC) ;Reidy, James (FIR) ;Catherine McCrimmon ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Rivera, Anthony (FIR) re: YBI Fire Protection - 0.5 MG Reservoir - NEW TIME and LOCATION pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011924.pdf
2018-07-25 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Batelaan, Brandy re: Accepted: YBI Fire Protection - 0.5 MG Reservoir - NEW TIME and LOCATION pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011925.pdf
2018-07-25 Batelaan, Brandy Email to: Reidy, James (FIR) ;Rivera, Anthony (FIR) ;Catherine McCrimmon ;Gonzales, Richard (PUC) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Mwanga-Conley, Nalungo (FIR) re: YBI Fire Protection - 0.5 MG Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011926.pdf
2018-07-25 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Batelaan, Brandy re: Accepted: YBI Fire Protection - 0.5 MG Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011927.pdf
2018-07-25 Jelani Dotson Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: RE: Amendment to Permit to Enter - Phase II Geotech Work - Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017987.pdf
2018-07-25 Jelani Dotson Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: RE: Amendment to Permit to Enter - Phase II Geotech Work - Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017991.pdf
2018-07-25 Jelani Dotson Email to: Hartdegen, Curtis re: FW: Amendment to Permit to Enter - Phase II Geotech Work - Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017996.pdf
2018-07-25 Hartdegen, Curtis Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: RE: Amendment to Permit to Enter - Phase II Geotech Work - Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017999.pdf
2018-07-25 Jelani Dotson Email to: Wong, Christopher J ;Hartdegen, Curtis re: RE: Amendment to Permit to Enter - Phase II Geotech Work - Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018003.pdf
2018-07-25 Unknown image001.png pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018012.pdf
2018-07-25 Unknown image002.png pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018013.pdf
2018-07-25 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: RE: SNA Balboa Reservoir Representative pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022824.pdf
2018-07-25 Amy O'Hair Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Re: SNA Balboa Reservoir Representative pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022826.pdf
2018-07-26 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;Cisneros, Stephanie (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir site visit pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005381.pdf
2018-07-26 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir to project coordination pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005382.pdf
2018-07-26 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie re: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014913.pdf
2018-07-26 Jefferis, Richard Scott Email to: Susan Yogi re: Accepted: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014915.pdf
2018-07-26 Paine, Carli Email to: Shahamiri, James ;Henderson, Tony ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Vohra, Shivam ;Jefferis, Richard Scott re: Balboa Reservoir access: internal meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014916.pdf
2018-07-26 Jefferis, Richard Scott Email to: Paine, Carli re: Accepted: Balboa Reservoir access: internal meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014917.pdf
2018-07-26 Paine, Carli Email to: Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Henderson, Tony ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Vohra, Shivam ;Jefferis, Richard Scott re: Balboa Reservoir access: internal meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016371.pdf
2018-07-26 Joel Roos Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: Utilites under Phelan and Lee Ave Extension pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021885.pdf
2018-07-26 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Amy O'Hair re: RE: SNA Balboa Reservoir Representative pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022829.pdf
2018-07-27 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: MALAMUT, JOHN ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;; re: RE: Scheduling: Balboa Reservoir Kickoff Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011102.pdf
2018-07-27 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: MALAMUT, JOHN ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;; re: CONFIRMED - Balboa Infrastructure Kickoff pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011104.pdf
2018-07-27 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: MALAMUT, JOHN ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;; re: Canceled: HOLD - Balboa Infrastructure Kickoff pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011105.pdf
2018-07-27 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: MALAMUT, JOHN ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;; re: CONFIRMED - Balboa Infrastructure Kickoff pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011106.pdf
2018-07-27 Susan Yogi Email to: Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014918.pdf
2018-07-27 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 7/31/18 Draft Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023096.pdf
2018-07-27 Unknown 2018-07-31_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023098.pdf
2018-07-27 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 7/31/18 Draft Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023101.pdf
2018-07-27 Unknown 2018-07-31_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023103.pdf
2018-07-30 Johanna Kahn Email to: Cisneros, Stephanie (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008131.pdf
2018-07-30 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Lesk, Emily ;Hong, Seung Yen ;Rivera, Javier (DPW) ;Paine, Carli ;Law, Chad (FIR) re: Copy: CONFIRMED - Balboa Infrastructure Kickoff pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008319.pdf
2018-07-30 Amanda Leahy Email to: White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir - Transportation Study Draft Scope of Work pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023106.pdf
2018-07-30 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Scope of Work_Draft.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023107.pdf
2018-07-30 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Scope of Work_Draft.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023147.pdf
2018-07-31 Joel Roos Email to: Joel Roos ;Poling, Jeanie ;Joe Kirchofer ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Karen Murray ;Peter Waller re: Copy: Site tour of Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005383.pdf
2018-07-31 HelpDesk Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: [Help Desk SR# 13858] Service Request Notification (Status: Closed ) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006370.pdf
2018-07-31 Johanna Kahn Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Cisneros, Stephanie (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008139.pdf
2018-07-31 Johanna Kahn Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir historic files pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008148.pdf
2018-07-31 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_MemberBios.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021589.pdf
2018-07-31 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: FW: Planning coordination memo - corrected pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024464.pdf
2018-07-31 Unknown 180731 Balboa Coordination with Planning prior to SUD.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024465.pdf
2018-07-31 Unknown 180731 Balboa Coordination with Planning prior to SUD.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024467.pdf
2018-08-01 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir check in pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005384.pdf
2018-08-01 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014920.pdf
2018-08-01 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: Planning coordination memo - corrected pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024469.pdf
2018-08-01 Unknown 180731 Balboa Coordination with Planning prior to SUD-JS EL.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024470.pdf
2018-08-02 Barry Chin Email to: Yuen Chan re: Re: Shared Drive for Balboa Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021886.pdf
2018-08-06 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Bring Balboa to noise office hour pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005385.pdf
2018-08-06 Thibodeau, Martin (CPC) Email to: Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: RE: Updating email on Balboa Reservoir CAC page pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006371.pdf
2018-08-06 White, Elizabeth (CPC) Email to: Rivasplata, Charles ;Jefferis, Richard Scott re: Balboa Reservoir: Transportation SOW-1 for review and comment pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014922.pdf
2018-08-06 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Transp Scope of Work_Draft1_August62018_sentoSFMTA.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014923.pdf
2018-08-06 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Transp Scope of Work_Draft1_August62018_sentoSFMTA.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014933.pdf
2018-08-06 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Shaw, Jeremy re: Planning Coordination on d4d pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024472.pdf
2018-08-06 Unknown Balboa Deliverables Schedule 07 11 2018_coordination with RCP coordinati....xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024474.xlsx
2018-08-06 Unknown 180731 Balboa Coordination with Planning prior to SUD-JS EL KMD.DOCX pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024475.pdf
2018-08-06 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: RE: September BRCAC Community Park Day pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024477.pdf
2018-08-07 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: MALAMUT, JOHN ;Shaw, Jeremy ;Ryan, James (DPW) ;GELLER DIAMANT, SHARI (CAT) ;DIETRICH, ELIZABETH (CAT) re: Balboa Infrastructure Meeting: Agenda & Location pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009275.pdf
2018-08-07 Unknown Balboa Infra Plan Kickoff Agenda DRAFT 8 7 2018.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009276.pdf
2018-08-07 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: MALAMUT, JOHN ;Shaw, Jeremy ;Ryan, James (DPW) ;GELLER DIAMANT, SHARI (CAT) ;DIETRICH, ELIZABETH (CAT) re: RE: Balboa Infrastructure Meeting: Agenda & Location pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009277.pdf
2018-08-07 Storrs, Bruce (DPW) Email to: Robert Hanley ;Crooms, Michael (DPW) re: FW: Balboa Infrastructure Meeting: Agenda & Location pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009279.pdf
2018-08-07 Unknown Balboa Infra Plan Kickoff Agenda DRAFT 8 7 2018.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009281.pdf
2018-08-07 Robert Hanley Email to: Storrs, Bruce (DPW) re: Re: FW: Balboa Infrastructure Meeting: Agenda & Location pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009282.pdf
2018-08-07 Robert Hanley Email to: Storrs, Bruce (DPW) re: Fwd: Re: Fwd: FW: Balboa Infrastructure Meeting: Agenda & Location pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009284.pdf
2018-08-07 Storrs, Bruce (DPW) Email to: Robert Hanley re: Re: Balboa Infrastructure Meeting: Agenda & Location pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009287.pdf
2018-08-07 Robert Hanley Email to: Storrs, Bruce (DPW) re: Re: Balboa Infrastructure Meeting: Agenda & Location pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009290.pdf
2018-08-07 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: MALAMUT, JOHN ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;; re: CONFIRMED - Balboa Infrastructure Kickoff pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011107.pdf
2018-08-07 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: MALAMUT, JOHN ;Shaw, Jeremy ;Ryan, James (DPW) ;GELLER DIAMANT, SHARI (CAT) ;DIETRICH, ELIZABETH (CAT) re: Balboa Infrastructure Meeting: Agenda & Location pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012491.pdf
2018-08-07 Unknown Balboa Infra Plan Kickoff Agenda DRAFT 8 7 2018.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012492.pdf
2018-08-07 Rivasplata, Charles Email to: Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Kniha, Paul ;White, Dustin re: FW: Balboa Reservoir: Transportation SOW-1 for review and comment pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014932.pdf
2018-08-07 Unknown Balboa Reservoir Transport Scope of Work_ SFMTA Comments Matrix.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014942.xlsx
2018-08-07 Rivasplata, Charles Email to: Jefferis, Richard Scott re: FW: Balboa Park Station pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014943.pdf
2018-08-07 Jelani Dotson Email to: Hartdegen, Curtis re: Re: Amendment to Permit to Enter - Phase II Geotech Work - Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018008.pdf
2018-08-07 Jelani Dotson Email to: Wong, Christopher J ;Hartdegen, Curtis ;Sison, Ted re: RE: Amendment to Permit to Enter - Phase II Geotech Work - Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018014.pdf
2018-08-07 Hartdegen, Curtis Email to: Jelani Dotson ;Wong, Christopher J ;Sison, Ted re: RE: Amendment to Permit to Enter - Phase II Geotech Work - Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018019.pdf
2018-08-07 Jelani Dotson Email to: Hartdegen, Curtis ;Wong, Christopher J ;Sison, Ted re: RE: Amendment to Permit to Enter - Phase II Geotech Work - Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018024.pdf
2018-08-07 Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) Email to: Rita M EVANS ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: September BRCAC Community Park Day pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022832.pdf
2018-08-07 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger re: TDM Planning Code Requirements pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024479.pdf
2018-08-08 Storrs, Bruce (DPW) Email to: 'Kelly Johnson' re: RE: SF City College Boundary Survey pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009293.pdf
2018-08-08 Storrs, Bruce (DPW) Email to: Russell, Rosanna (PUC) re: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009295.pdf
2018-08-08 Microsoft Outlook Email to: Russell, Rosanna (PUC) ;Fallau, Matthew re: Relayed: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009296.pdf
2018-08-08 Storrs, Bruce (DPW) Email to: Russell, Rosanna (PUC) re: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009297.pdf
2018-08-08 Email to: re: Delivered: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009298.pdf
2018-08-08 Storrs, Bruce (DPW) Email to: Russell, Rosanna (PUC) re: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009299.pdf
2018-08-08 Noeker, MaryPat Email to: Storrs, Bruce (DPW) re: Read: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009300.pdf
2018-08-08 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Storrs, Bruce (DPW) re: Read: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009301.pdf
2018-08-08 Robert Hanley Email to: Storrs, Bruce (DPW) re: RE: misc projects pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009330.pdf
2018-08-08 Unknown Major Project_Meeting Notes.doc pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009331.pdf
2018-08-08 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Russell, Rosanna (PUC) ;Storrs, Bruce (DPW) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009335.pdf
2018-08-08 Fallau, Matthew Email to: Storrs, Bruce (DPW) re: Read: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009337.pdf
2018-08-08 Wong, Christopher J Email to: Storrs, Bruce (DPW) re: Automatic reply: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009341.pdf
2018-08-08 Fallau, Matthew Email to: Storrs, Bruce (DPW) re: Automatic reply: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009342.pdf
2018-08-08 Wong, Jason (DPW) Email to: Storrs, Bruce (DPW) re: Research for Balboa Reservoir PTR pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009349.pdf
2018-08-08 Storrs, Bruce (DPW) Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Russell, Rosanna (PUC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009350.pdf
2018-08-08 Unknown Major Project_Meeting Notes DRAFT.PDF pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009353.pdf
2018-08-08 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Storrs, Bruce (DPW) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009358.pdf
2018-08-08 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Harp, Jeff (PUC) re: 7th ave. Property pics pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011928.pdf
2018-08-08 Harp, Jeff Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: 7th ave. Property pics pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011929.pdf
2018-08-08 Spigelman, Damon Email to: Harp, Jeff (PUC) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: 7th ave. Property pics pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011930.pdf
2018-08-08 Harp, Jeff Email to: Spigelman, Damon (PUC) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: 7th ave. Property pics pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011936.pdf
2018-08-08 Padilla, Sandra Email to: Jefferis, Richard Scott re: RE: Balboa Park Station pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014944.pdf
2018-08-08 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Storrs, Bruce (DPW) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018029.pdf
2018-08-08 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Russell, Rosanna S ;Storrs, Bruce (DPW) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018057.pdf
2018-08-08 Storrs, Bruce (DPW) Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Russell, Rosanna S re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018060.pdf
2018-08-08 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Storrs, Bruce (DPW) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018063.pdf
2018-08-08 Storrs, Bruce (DPW) Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Russell, Rosanna S re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018066.pdf
2018-08-08 Unknown Major Project_Meeting Notes DRAFT.PDF pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018069.pdf
2018-08-08 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger ;Lesk, Emily re: RE: Planning Coordination on d4d pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024480.pdf
2018-08-09 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir check in pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005386.pdf
2018-08-09 Unknown Bal REs Alternative_081118.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005957.pdf
2018-08-09 Robert Hanley Email to: Storrs, Bruce (DPW) re: RE: Draft version of meeting notes pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009434.pdf
2018-08-09 Unknown Major Project_Meeting Notes r3.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009435.pdf
2018-08-09 Storrs, Bruce (DPW) Email to: Robert Hanley re: Re: Draft version of meeting notes pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009441.pdf
2018-08-09 Storrs, Bruce (DPW) Email to: Crooms, Michael (DPW) re: Add Balboa Reservoir to Major Project list pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009442.pdf
2018-08-09 Storrs, Bruce (DPW) Email to: Crooms, Michael (DPW) re: Re: Add Balboa Reservoir to Major Project list pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009443.pdf
2018-08-09 Storrs, Bruce (DPW) Email to: Robert Hanley re: Re: Draft version of meeting notes pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009444.pdf
2018-08-09 Robert Hanley Email to: Storrs, Bruce (DPW) re: RE: Draft version of meeting notes pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009445.pdf
2018-08-09 Unknown Major Project_Meeting Notes r4.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009446.pdf
2018-08-09 Crooms, Michael (DPW) Email to: Storrs, Bruce (DPW) re: RE: Add Balboa Reservoir to Major Project list pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009452.pdf
2018-08-09 Xu, Catherine (DPW) Email to: Moy, Barbara (DPW) ;Sanguinetti, Jerry (DPW) ;Storrs, Bruce (DPW) ;Thoppil, Joseph (DPW) ;Lennon, Michael (DPW) ;Lutske, Debra (DPW) ;Tse, Bernie (DPW) ;Kwong, John (DPW) ;Vaing, Jonathan (DPW) re: Staff Meeting Minutes 8.9.18 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009453.pdf
2018-08-09 Unknown 08-09-18.doc pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009454.pdf
2018-08-09 Unknown 180807_Balboa_Infrastructure_Presentation.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009470.pdf
2018-08-09 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: 'Harp, Jeff' re: RE: 7th ave. Property pics pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011938.pdf
2018-08-09 Unknown 180807_Balboa_Infrastructure_Presentation.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012494.pdf
2018-08-09 White, Elizabeth (CPC) Email to: Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Robles, Felipe re: Balboa Reservoir - transit data request pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014946.pdf
2018-08-09 Unknown 180807_Balboa_Infrastructure_Presentation.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018105.pdf
2018-08-09 Unknown Property_2017-433876 AGR 04-17-2017.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018775.pdf
2018-08-10 Robert Hanley Email to: Storrs, Bruce (DPW) re: RE: Draft version of meeting notes pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009456.pdf
2018-08-10 Storrs, Bruce (DPW) Email to: Robert Hanley re: Re: Draft version of meeting notes pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009458.pdf
2018-08-10 Robert Hanley Email to: Storrs, Bruce (DPW) re: RE: Draft version of meeting notes pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009460.pdf
2018-08-10 Susan Yogi Email to: Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014947.pdf
2018-08-10 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: John Watkins ;Arturo Taboada ;Marian Lam re: RE: CCSF Enrollment Discussion pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021888.pdf
2018-08-13 Kelly Johnson Email to: Storrs, Bruce (DPW) re: RE: SF City College Boundary Survey pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009462.pdf
2018-08-13 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: '';Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;;Brian Scott ;Gary Strang ;;MALAMUT, JOHN ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Dylan Versteeg ;GELLER DIAMANT, SHARI (CAT) ;Kushal Modi ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Balboa Infrastructure Follow-up pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009469.pdf
2018-08-13 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Petrick, Molly ;Brian Scott ;'';Kearstin Dischinger ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: Scheduling: Balboa Infrastructure Monthly Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011940.pdf
2018-08-13 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: '';Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;;Brian Scott ;Gary Strang ;;MALAMUT, JOHN ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Dylan Versteeg ;GELLER DIAMANT, SHARI (CAT) ;Kushal Modi ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Balboa Infrastructure Follow-up pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012493.pdf
2018-08-13 Padilla, Sandra Email to: Jefferis, Richard Scott re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - transit data request pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012845.pdf
2018-08-13 Padilla, Sandra Email to: Jefferis, Richard Scott re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - transit data request pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014949.pdf
2018-08-13 Jefferis, Richard Scott Email to: Padilla, Sandra re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - transit data request pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014951.pdf
2018-08-13 Jefferis, Richard Scott Email to: Rivasplata, Charles re: RE: Balboa Reservoir: Transportation SOW-1 for review and comment pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014953.pdf
2018-08-13 Rivasplata, Charles Email to: Jefferis, Richard Scott re: RE: Balboa Reservoir: Transportation SOW-1 for review and comment pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014955.pdf
2018-08-13 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Transp Scope of Work_Draft 2.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014959.pdf
2018-08-13 Unknown 2018-08-16_Balboa Reservoir_Transportation Scoping Meeting_Agenda.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014969.pdf
2018-08-13 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: '';Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;;Brian Scott ;Gary Strang ;;MALAMUT, JOHN ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Dylan Versteeg ;GELLER DIAMANT, SHARI (CAT) ;Kushal Modi ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Balboa Infrastructure Follow-up pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018104.pdf
2018-08-13 Jelani Dotson Email to: Shu, Eugene ;Hartdegen, Curtis re: Balboa Reservoir - Phase II Environmental Testing Plans for August 16 and 17 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018137.pdf
2018-08-13 Noeker, MaryPat Email to: Storrs, Bruce (DPW) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Title and Survey Issues pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018761.pdf
2018-08-13 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023157.pdf
2018-08-13 Unknown 2018-08-14_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023159.pdf
2018-08-13 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023162.pdf
2018-08-13 Unknown 2018-08-14_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023164.pdf
2018-08-13 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Transp Scope of Work_Draft 2.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023169.pdf
2018-08-13 Unknown 2018-08-16_Balboa Reservoir_Transportation Scoping Meeting_Agenda.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023179.pdf
2018-08-13 Unknown 180813_CityPolicyAssumption_Figures1-3.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023183.pdf
2018-08-13 Unknown 180813_CityPolicyAssumption_Figures1-3.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023188.pdf
2018-08-13 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Scott Falcone re: FW: AvalonBay's less-than-50% affordable housing, though they make the claim that it's 50% anyway pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024482.pdf
2018-08-13 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Joel Roos re: RE: Balboa Reservoir construction info pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024484.pdf
2018-08-13 Unknown 180813_CityPolicy_Program.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024485.pdf
2018-08-13 Unknown 180813_Balboa Reservoir_CityPolicy_Assumption.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024486.pdf
2018-08-14 Range, Jessica (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Thomas, Christopher (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Noise and Vibration Scope of Work - Draft 1 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110000097.pdf
2018-08-14 Storrs, Bruce (DPW) Email to: 'Kelly Johnson' re: RE: SF City College Boundary Survey pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009502.pdf
2018-08-14 Kelly Johnson Email to: Storrs, Bruce (DPW) re: RE: SF City College Boundary Survey pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009509.pdf
2018-08-14 Zamzow-Pollock, Kevin Email to: Garcia, Jessica re: Balboa Ridership Data - updated pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012847.pdf
2018-08-14 Unknown Balboa_Reservoir_Ridership_Fall2015.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012848.xlsx
2018-08-14 Unknown Balboa_Reservoir_Ridership_Fall2015_2.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012849.xlsx
2018-08-14 Amanda Leahy Email to: White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;;Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Henderson, Tony ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Vohra, Shivam ;Steven Vettel ;Susan Yogi ;;Tim Erney ;Mike Alston ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Karl Heisler ;White, Dustin ;Kniha, Paul re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Transportation Scoping Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014957.pdf
2018-08-14 White, Elizabeth (CPC) Email to: Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Robles, Felipe re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - transit data request pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014971.pdf
2018-08-14 Robles, Felipe Email to: White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Jefferis, Richard Scott re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - transit data request pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014973.pdf
2018-08-14 White, Elizabeth (CPC) Email to: Robles, Felipe ;Jefferis, Richard Scott re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - transit data request pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014975.pdf
2018-08-14 Paine, Carli Email to: Shahamiri, James ;Henderson, Tony ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Jefferis, Richard Scott re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Transportation Scoping Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014977.pdf
2018-08-14 Henderson, Tony Email to: Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Jefferis, Richard Scott re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Transportation Scoping Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014979.pdf
2018-08-14 Jelani Dotson Email to: Shu, Eugene ;Hartdegen, Curtis re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Phase II Environmental Testing Plans for August 16 and 17 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018145.pdf
2018-08-14 Jelani Dotson Email to: Shu, Eugene ;Hartdegen, Curtis re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Phase II Environmental Testing Plans for August 16 and 17 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018147.pdf
2018-08-14 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Noeker, MaryPat re: Balboa Reservoir - Request for an updated title report pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018150.pdf
2018-08-14 Noeker, MaryPat Email to: Russell, Rosanna S re: Re: Balboa Reservoir - Request for an updated title report pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018174.pdf
2018-08-14 Ritchie, Jim Email to: Jelani Dotson ;Shu, Eugene ;Hartdegen, Curtis re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Phase II Environmental Testing Plans for August 16 and 17 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018175.pdf
2018-08-14 Jelani Dotson Email to: Ritchie, Jim ;Shu, Eugene ;Hartdegen, Curtis re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Phase II Environmental Testing Plans for August 16 and 17 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018178.pdf
2018-08-14 Shu, Eugene Email to: Jelani Dotson ;Ritchie, Jim ;Hartdegen, Curtis ;Lau, Eddie re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Phase II Environmental Testing Plans for August 16 and 17 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018186.pdf
2018-08-14 Jelani Dotson Email to: Shu, Eugene ;Ritchie, Jim ;Hartdegen, Curtis ;Lau, Eddie re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Phase II Environmental Testing Plans for August 16 and 17 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018189.pdf
2018-08-14 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Lau, Fan re: Balboa Reservoir WSA pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019320.pdf
2018-08-14 Lau, Fan Email to: 'Poling, Jeanie (CPC)' re: RE: Balboa Reservoir WSA pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019325.pdf
2018-08-14 Amanda Leahy Email to: White, Elizabeth ;Shahamiri, James ;Karl Heisler ;White, Dustin (MTA) ;Kniha, Paul (MTA) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Transportation Scoping Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023167.pdf
2018-08-14 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023181.pdf
2018-08-14 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023186.pdf
2018-08-15 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Thomas, Christopher (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Noise and Vibration Scope of Work - Draft 1 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110000099.pdf
2018-08-15 Paine, Carli Email to: Hunter, Mari E re: RE: Balboa Reservoir follow-ups pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014639.pdf
2018-08-15 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: John Watkins ;Arturo Taboada ;Marian Lam re: RE: CCSF Enrollment Discussion pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021890.pdf
2018-08-15 John Watkins Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Arturo Taboada ;Marian Lam re: RE: CCSF Enrollment Discussion pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021892.pdf
2018-08-15 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: John Watkins ;Arturo Taboada ;Marian Lam re: RE: CCSF Enrollment Discussion pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021895.pdf
2018-08-15 John Watkins Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Arturo Taboada ;Marian Lam re: RE: CCSF Enrollment Discussion pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021898.pdf
2018-08-15 Unknown 4.b FMP DRAFT 2017.0720 redux.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021901.pdf
2018-08-15 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: John Watkins ;Arturo Taboada ;Marian Lam re: RE: CCSF Enrollment Discussion pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021913.pdf
2018-08-15 Unknown SNA_BalboaReservoir_Survey_2_Results_2018_05.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022846.pdf
2018-08-15 Unknown SNA_BalboaReservoir_Survey_2_Results_2018_05.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022862.pdf
2018-08-15 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Scott Falcone re: FW: Minutes, etc, on the BRCAC page pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024488.pdf
2018-08-16 Paine, Carli Email to: Hunter, Mari E re: RE: Balboa Reservoir follow-ups pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014640.pdf
2018-08-16 Susan Yogi Email to: Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony ;Horn, Jeffrey re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014982.pdf
2018-08-16 Jelani Dotson Email to: Shu, Eugene ;Ritchie, Jim ;Hartdegen, Curtis ;Lau, Eddie re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Phase II Environmental Testing Plans for August 16 and 17 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018204.pdf
2018-08-16 Shu, Eugene Email to: Jelani Dotson ;Ritchie, Jim ;Hartdegen, Curtis ;Lau, Eddie re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Phase II Environmental Testing Plans for August 16 and 17 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018208.pdf
2018-08-16 Jelani Dotson Email to: Shu, Eugene ;Ritchie, Jim ;Hartdegen, Curtis ;Lau, Eddie re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Phase II Environmental Testing Plans for August 16 and 17 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018212.pdf
2018-08-16 Lau, Eddie Email to: Jelani Dotson ;Shu, Eugene ;Ritchie, Jim ;Hartdegen, Curtis re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Phase II Environmental Testing Plans for August 16 and 17 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018217.pdf
2018-08-16 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Lau, Eddie ;Jelani Dotson ;Shu, Eugene ;Ritchie, Jim ;Hartdegen, Curtis re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Phase II Environmental Testing Plans for August 16 and 17 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018222.pdf
2018-08-16 Jelani Dotson Email to: Kearstin Dischinger ;Lau, Eddie ;Shu, Eugene ;Ritchie, Jim ;Hartdegen, Curtis re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Phase II Environmental Testing Plans for August 16 and 17 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018227.pdf
2018-08-16 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Unapproved_Meeting_Minutes-070918_FINAL.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021644.pdf
2018-08-16 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 8-14 Meeting Notes pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023191.pdf
2018-08-16 Unknown 2018-08-14_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Notes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023193.pdf
2018-08-16 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 8-14 Meeting Notes pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023197.pdf
2018-08-16 Unknown 2018-08-14_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Notes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023199.pdf
2018-08-16 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger ;Lesk, Emily (MYR) re: 7.13.18_PD Balboa Reservoir_Rev1.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024490.pdf
2018-08-16 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger re: Notes from Meeting with Ketty, SFFD - Dec 2017 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024503.pdf
2018-08-16 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: 7.13.18_PD Balboa Reservoir_Rev1.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024505.pdf
2018-08-17 Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) Email to: Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Thomas, Christopher (CPC) ;Range, Jessica (CPC) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Noise SOW pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005387.pdf
2018-08-17 Thibodeau, Martin (CPC) Email to: Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: RE: Updates for Balboa Reservoir CAC Website pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006373.pdf
2018-08-17 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Paine, Carli re: Balboa Street section pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012522.pdf
2018-08-17 Unknown 180817_STREET_SECTIONS.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012523.pdf
2018-08-17 Unknown 180817_STREET_SECTIONS.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015028.pdf
2018-08-17 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Scott Falcone re: RE: AvalonBay's less-than-50% affordable housing, though they make the claim that it's 50% anyway pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024506.pdf
2018-08-17 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: 7.13.18_PD Balboa Reservoir_Rev1.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024508.pdf
2018-08-17 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: 7.13.18_PD Balboa Reservoir_Rev1.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024510.pdf
2018-08-18 Michael Ahrens Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir Development pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005580.pdf
2018-08-18 Michael Ahrens Email to: Byrd, Virnaliza (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir Development- Planning Applications pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005581.pdf
2018-08-20 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Petrick, Molly ;Brian Scott ;'';Kearstin Dischinger ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Scheduling: Balboa Infrastructure Monthly Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011941.pdf
2018-08-20 Amanda Leahy Email to: White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;;Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Henderson, Tony ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Vohra, Shivam ;Steven Vettel ;Susan Yogi ;;Tim Erney ;Mike Alston ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Karl Heisler ;White, Dustin ;Kniha, Paul re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Transportation Scoping Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014984.pdf
2018-08-20 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Transp Scope of Work_Draft 2.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014987.pdf
2018-08-20 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Transp Scope of Work_Draft 2_tracked.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015000.pdf
2018-08-20 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Transp Scope of Work_Draft 2.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015011.pdf
2018-08-20 Unknown 2018-08-16_Balboa Reservoir_Transportation Scoping Meeting_Draft Notes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015022.pdf
2018-08-20 Paine, Carli Email to: Henderson, Tony ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Vohra, Shivam re: FW: Balboa Street section pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015027.pdf
2018-08-20 Paine, Carli Email to: Jefferis, Richard Scott re: RE: Balboa Street section pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015033.pdf
2018-08-20 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Transp Scope of Work_Draft 2.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015042.pdf
2018-08-20 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Transp Scope of Work_Draft 2_tracked.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015056.pdf
2018-08-20 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Transp Scope of Work_Draft 2.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015068.pdf
2018-08-20 Unknown 2018-08-16_Balboa Reservoir_Transportation Scoping Meeting_Draft Notes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015080.pdf
2018-08-20 White, Elizabeth (CPC) Email to: Rivasplata, Charles re: FW: Balboa Reservoir - Transportation Scoping Meeting (SFMTA comments requested by Monday, August 27) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015094.pdf
2018-08-20 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Transp Scope of Work_Draft 2.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015097.pdf
2018-08-20 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Transp Scope of Work_Draft 2_tracked.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015110.pdf
2018-08-20 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Transp Scope of Work_Draft 2.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015121.pdf
2018-08-20 Unknown 2018-08-16_Balboa Reservoir_Transportation Scoping Meeting_Draft Notes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015132.pdf
2018-08-20 Jelani Dotson Email to: Shu, Eugene ;Hartdegen, Curtis ;Lau, Eddie re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Phase II Environmental Testing Plans for August 16 and 17 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018239.pdf
2018-08-20 Amanda Leahy Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Scope of Work 2 submittal date? pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023203.pdf
2018-08-20 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Amanda Leahy ;White, Elizabeth (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Scope of Work 2 submittal date? pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023205.pdf
2018-08-20 Amanda Leahy Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;White, Elizabeth (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Scope of Work 2 submittal date? pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023208.pdf
2018-08-20 Amanda Leahy Email to: White, Elizabeth ;Shahamiri, James ;Karl Heisler ;White, Dustin (MTA) ;Kniha, Paul (MTA) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Transportation Scoping Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023211.pdf
2018-08-20 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Transp Scope of Work_Draft 2.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023214.pdf
2018-08-20 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Transp Scope of Work_Draft 2_tracked.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023227.pdf
2018-08-20 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Transp Scope of Work_Draft 2.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023238.pdf
2018-08-20 Unknown 2018-08-16_Balboa Reservoir_Transportation Scoping Meeting_Draft Notes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023249.pdf
2018-08-20 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger re: Re: 7.13.18_PD Balboa Reservoir_Rev1.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024512.pdf
2018-08-20 Unknown 180817_BR_CityPolicy-Diagrams.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024539.pdf
2018-08-21 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005388.pdf
2018-08-21 White, Elizabeth (CPC) Email to: Amanda Leahy re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Data collection task pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015035.pdf
2018-08-21 Paine, Carli Email to: Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Henderson, Tony re: Fwd: Balboa Reservoir - Transportation Scoping Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015039.pdf
2018-08-21 Unknown ATT00001.htm pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015055.pdf
2018-08-21 Unknown ATT00002.htm pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015067.pdf
2018-08-21 Unknown ATT00003.htm pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015079.pdf
2018-08-21 Unknown ATT00004.htm pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015085.pdf
2018-08-21 Paine, Carli Email to: White, Elizabeth (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir - Data collection task pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015086.pdf
2018-08-21 White, Elizabeth (CPC) Email to: Paine, Carli re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Data collection task (SOW-2 comments requested by August 27) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015090.pdf
2018-08-21 Paine, Carli Email to: White, Elizabeth (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir - Data collection task (SOW-2 comments requested by August 27) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015137.pdf
2018-08-22 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Susan Yogi re: RE: City College reference data pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008241.pdf
2018-08-22 Jefferis, Richard Scott Email to: Paine, Carli re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Transportation Scoping Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015141.pdf
2018-08-22 Jefferis, Richard Scott Email to: White, Elizabeth (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Data collection task pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015144.pdf
2018-08-22 Amy O'Hair Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Re: Minutes, etc, on the BRCAC page pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022834.pdf
2018-08-22 Amy O'Hair Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Re: Minutes, etc, on the BRCAC page pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022838.pdf
2018-08-22 Susan Yogi Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: RE: City College reference data pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023254.pdf
2018-08-22 Susan Yogi Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: RE: City College reference data pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023257.pdf
2018-08-23 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: re: FW: EIR group notices pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005582.pdf
2018-08-23 Amy O'Hair Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Re: FW: EIR group notices pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005584.pdf
2018-08-23 Amy O'Hair Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Re: FW: EIR group notices pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005586.pdf
2018-08-23 Kitchingham, Kevin (MYR) Email to: Harold, Kathy (FIR) re: Balboa Park Upper Yard - Permit Application No. 201807033677 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011943.pdf
2018-08-23 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Petrick, Molly ;Brian Scott ;'';Kearstin Dischinger ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Scheduling: Balboa Infrastructure Monthly Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011945.pdf
2018-08-23 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Vohra, Shivam ;Hunter, Mari E re: RE: (updated with agenda items)Balboa site -transportation pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012528.pdf
2018-08-23 Paine, Carli Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Kearstin Dischinger re: RE: (updated with agenda items)Balboa site -transportation pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012529.pdf
2018-08-23 Paine, Carli Email to: Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: FW: (updated with agenda items)Balboa site -transportation pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012531.pdf
2018-08-23 Henderson, Tony Email to: Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Transportation Scoping Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015148.pdf
2018-08-23 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Transp Scope of Work_Draft 2_tracked TH.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015151.pdf
2018-08-23 Paine, Carli Email to: Shahamiri, James ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Vohra, Shivam ;Hunter, Mari E re: (updated with agenda items)Balboa site -transportation pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015162.pdf
2018-08-23 Shahamiri, James Email to: Henderson, Tony ;Paine, Carli ;Jefferis, Richard Scott re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Transportation Scoping Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015163.pdf
2018-08-23 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ; re: RE: EIR group notices pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023261.pdf
2018-08-24 Paine, Carli Email to: Hunter, Mari E re: RE: Balboa Reservoir follow-ups pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014641.pdf
2018-08-24 Henderson, Tony Email to: Shahamiri, James ;Paine, Carli ;Jefferis, Richard Scott re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Transportation Scoping Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015166.pdf
2018-08-24 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Transp Scope of Work_Draft 2_tracked TH.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015170.pdf
2018-08-27 Harold, Kathy (FIR) Email to: Kitchingham, Kevin (MYR) re: Re: Balboa Park Upper Yard - Permit Application No. 201807033677 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011947.pdf
2018-08-27 Kitchingham, Kevin (MYR) Email to: Harold, Kathy (FIR) re: RE: Balboa Park Upper Yard - Permit Application No. 201807033677 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011949.pdf
2018-08-27 Hunter, Mari E Email to: re: FW: Balboa Reservoir follow-ups pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012532.pdf
2018-08-27 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Hunter, Mari E re: RE: Balboa Reservoir follow-ups pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014643.pdf
2018-08-27 Susan Yogi Email to: Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015181.pdf
2018-08-27 Scott Falcone Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: RE: SFPUC form pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018272.pdf
2018-08-27 Unknown PUC_In-City Project Review_Reservoir Park Day 18.09.15_signed.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018274.pdf
2018-08-27 Scott Falcone Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: RE: SFPUC form pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018278.pdf
2018-08-27 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_PUC Application form Event Description.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018281.pdf
2018-08-27 Unknown Site Plan Balboa Reservoir Activation.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018282.pdf
2018-08-27 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023263.pdf
2018-08-27 Unknown 2018-08-28_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023265.pdf
2018-08-27 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023268.pdf
2018-08-27 Unknown 2018-08-28_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023270.pdf
2018-08-28 Unknown Balboa Reservoir 2018-007883EEA, EIR & TIS installment plan & fee calculation (ID 1027453).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110004847.pdf
2018-08-28 Jean Barish Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005589.pdf
2018-08-28 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Jean Barish re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005590.pdf
2018-08-28 Jean Barish Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005591.pdf
2018-08-28 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Jean Barish re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005593.pdf
2018-08-28 Unknown Balboa Reservoir curb occupancy data collection SOW.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012536.pdf
2018-08-28 Unknown Balboa Reservoir curb occupancy data collection SOW.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012583.pdf
2018-08-28 Unknown Balboa Reservoir curb occupancy data collection SOW.DOCX pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012588.pdf
2018-08-28 Karen Murray Email to: Susan Yogi re: Re: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023273.pdf
2018-08-28 Unknown 180828-UNITY PLAZA SHADOW STUDY.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023275.pdf
2018-08-29 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Vanderslice, Allison (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Archaeological Sensitivity Assessment proposal pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110000016.pdf
2018-08-29 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005389.pdf
2018-08-29 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Petrick, Molly ;Brian Scott ;'';Kearstin Dischinger ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Scheduling: Balboa Infrastructure Monthly Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011952.pdf
2018-08-29 Unknown 180827_Balboa Deliverables Schedule_KM comments.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012540.xlsx
2018-08-29 Unknown 180829_Balboa Reservoir D4D draft topics and outline_KM.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012541.pdf
2018-08-29 Unknown 180827_Balboa Deliverables Schedule_KM comments.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021919.xlsx
2018-08-29 Unknown 180829_Balboa Reservoir D4D draft topics and outline_KM.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021920.pdf
2018-08-30 Unknown Reservoir_OpenSpaceFestival_20180828_initial mailer.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006378.pdf
2018-08-30 Brian Scott Email to: Lesk, Emily ;'';Kearstin Dischinger ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Scheduling: Balboa Infrastructure Monthly Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011955.pdf
2018-08-30 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Brian Scott ;Petrick, Molly ;'';Kearstin Dischinger ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Scheduling: Balboa Infrastructure Monthly Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011958.pdf
2018-08-30 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Brian Scott ;Petrick, Molly ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: Balboa Reservoir: Monthly Infrastructure Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011962.pdf
2018-08-30 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Accepted: Balboa Reservoir: Monthly Infrastructure Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011963.pdf
2018-08-30 jon winston Email to: Michael Ahrens ;Michael Ahrens ;;Robert Muehlbauer ;Christy Godinez ;jonathan winston ;Howard N. Chung ;;Mark Tang re: Heads up! Balboa Reservoir Community Park Day pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022843.pdf
2018-08-30 Unknown Reservoir_OpenSpaceFestival_20180828_initial mailer.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022845.pdf
2018-08-31 Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) Email to: Thibodeau, Martin (CPC) re: Updates for Balboa Reservoir CAC Website pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006376.pdf
2018-08-31 Thibodeau, Martin (CPC) Email to: Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: RE: Updates for Balboa Reservoir CAC Website pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006379.pdf
2018-08-31 Hunter, Mari E Email to: Kearstin Dischinger re: RE: Balboa Reservoir follow-ups pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012533.pdf
2018-08-31 Unknown template.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012535.xlsx
2018-08-31 Unknown template.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012582.xlsx
2018-08-31 Unknown template.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012587.xlsx
2018-08-31 Unknown Open-Space-Open-House-Boards-web-062318.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021773.pdf
2018-08-31 Unknown Open-Space-Open-House-Summary-web-062318.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021792.pdf
2018-08-31 Unknown Reservoir_OpenSpaceFestival_20180828_initial mailer.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021811.pdf
2018-08-31 Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) Email to:;Michael Ahrens ;Michael Ahrens ;;'robert muehlbauer' ;'Christy Godinez' ;'jon winston' ;Howard N. Chung ;;Amy O'Hair ;Mark Tang re: Next Balboa Reservoir CAC Meeting - October 15th pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022851.pdf
2018-08-31 Unknown Balboa Reservoir Park Day - 9.15.18.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022853.pdf
2018-09-04 Unknown 2018-09-04_Balboa Noise Scope of Work_Draft 2_clean.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110000103.pdf
2018-09-04 Unknown 2018-09-04_Balboa Noise Scope of Work_Draft 2_track changes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110000107.pdf
2018-09-04 Unknown 2018-09-04_Balboa Noise Scope of Work_Draft 2_clean.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110000113.pdf
2018-09-04 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: have Jeremy review Balboa NOP pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005390.pdf
2018-09-04 Susan Yogi Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir - Abbreviated Part 1 HRE pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008157.pdf
2018-09-04 Storrs, Bruce (DPW) Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Accepted: Balboa Reservoir: Monthly Infrastructure Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009512.pdf
2018-09-04 Karen Murray Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir Design/DSG Kick Off pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012538.pdf
2018-09-04 Hunter, Mari E Email to: Kearstin Dischinger re: RE: Balboa Reservoir follow-ups pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012549.pdf
2018-09-04 Unknown Draft BR data collection route.png pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012551.pdf
2018-09-04 Unknown draft BR route segments.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012552.xlsx
2018-09-04 Paine, Carli Email to: Karen Murray ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Design/DSG Kick Off pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012553.pdf
2018-09-04 Unknown 180829_Balboa Reservoir D4D draft topics and outline_KM_cp.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012556.pdf
2018-09-04 Unknown Copy of 180827_Balboa Deliverables Schedule_KM comments_cp.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012564.xlsx
2018-09-04 Karen Murray Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir Design/DSG Kick Off pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012565.pdf
2018-09-04 Unknown draft BR route segments.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012581.xlsx
2018-09-04 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Hunter, Mari E re: RE: Balboa Reservoir follow-ups pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014644.pdf
2018-09-04 Susan Yogi Email to: White, Elizabeth ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015183.pdf
2018-09-04 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Balboa Reservoir - Updated Schedule pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015185.pdf
2018-09-04 Unknown 2018-09-04_Balboa Res CEQA draft schedule.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015186.pdf
2018-09-04 Scott Falcone Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: RE: SFPUC form pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018314.pdf
2018-09-04 Unknown Commercial Commitment-N 031218.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018325.pdf
2018-09-04 Karen Murray Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir Design/DSG Kick Off pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021917.pdf
2018-09-04 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Balboa Reservoir - Updated Schedule pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023288.pdf
2018-09-04 Unknown 2018-09-04_Balboa Res CEQA draft schedule.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023289.pdf
2018-09-05 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Range, Jessica (CPC) ;Thomas, Christopher (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) re: FW: Balboa Reservoir - Noise and Vibration Scope of Work - Draft 2 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110000102.pdf
2018-09-05 Storrs, Bruce (DPW) - on behalf of - Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Banks, Ernie (DPW) re: FW: Balboa Reservoir: Monthly Infrastructure Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009513.pdf
2018-09-05 Unknown INFRA-VMWP-2018-09-05.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011160.pdf
2018-09-05 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Sandoval, Teresa re: FW: Balboa - Developer's Title Report pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018323.pdf
2018-09-05 Amanda Leahy Email to: White, Elizabeth (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir: Planning and SFMTA comments on Transportation SOW-2 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023293.pdf
2018-09-05 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Transp SOW-Final_Sept52018.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023297.pdf
2018-09-05 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Transp SOW-Final_Sept52018.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023307.pdf
2018-09-05 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Transp SOW-Final_Sept52018_tracked.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023322.pdf
2018-09-05 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Transp SOW-Final_Sept52018_tracked.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023333.pdf
2018-09-06 Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Range, Jessica (CPC) ;Thomas, Christopher (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Noise and Vibration Scope of Work - Draft 2 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110000117.pdf
2018-09-06 Range, Jessica (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Thomas, Christopher (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Noise and Vibration Scope of Work - Draft 2 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110000118.pdf
2018-09-06 Unknown 2018-09-04_Balboa Noise Scope of Work_Draft 2_clean+JR.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110000120.pdf
2018-09-06 Unknown 2018-09-04_Balboa Noise Scope of Work_Draft 2_clean+JR.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110000126.pdf
2018-09-06 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Exline, Susan (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Switzky, Joshua (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Park CAC Meeting: NOP & Preliminary Design - Staff TBD pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005391.pdf
2018-09-06 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa check in pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005392.pdf
2018-09-06 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Paine, Carli ;Lesk, Emily ;Karen Murray re: SFMTA and Balboa Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012568.pdf
2018-09-06 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Lesk, Emily ;Karen Murray re: RE: SFMTA and Balboa Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012569.pdf
2018-09-06 Paine, Carli Email to: Kearstin Dischinger re: Re: SFMTA and Balboa Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012571.pdf
2018-09-06 Unknown image001.png pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012573.pdf
2018-09-06 Unknown image002.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012574.pdf
2018-09-06 Unknown image003.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012575.pdf
2018-09-06 Unknown image004.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012576.pdf
2018-09-06 Unknown image005.png pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012577.pdf
2018-09-06 Scott Falcone Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: RE: SFPUC form pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018345.pdf
2018-09-06 Scott Falcone Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: Re: SFPUC form pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018352.pdf
2018-09-06 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: RE: SFPUC form pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018356.pdf
2018-09-06 Dietrich, Elizabeth (CAT) Email to: Wong, Christopher J ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: SFPUC form pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018387.pdf
2018-09-06 Scott Falcone Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: RE: SFPUC form pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018393.pdf
2018-09-06 Dietrich, Elizabeth (CAT) Email to: Wong, Christopher J ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Balboa; Community Day Permit pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018398.pdf
2018-09-06 Unknown Balboa Permit Comm Day 09.06.18.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018399.pdf
2018-09-06 Unknown Balboa Permit Comm Day red 09.06.18.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018416.pdf
2018-09-06 Scott Falcone Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: RE: SFPUC form pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018433.pdf
2018-09-06 Unknown ECOPY-527_SMTP_via_LDAP_09-06-2018_14-55-21.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018553.pdf
2018-09-06 Unknown 180906_EE-Variant_3.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023475.pdf
2018-09-06 Unknown 180906_EE-Variant_3.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023481.pdf
2018-09-07 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Thomas, Christopher (CPC) re: FW: Balboa Reservoir - Noise and Vibration Scope of Work - Draft 2 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110000124.pdf
2018-09-07 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Thomas, Christopher (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Noise and Vibration Scope of Work - Draft 2 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110000130.pdf
2018-09-07 Rick Williams Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: Fire Department Meeting on Balboa Reservoir Master Plan and Development pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011964.pdf
2018-09-07 Susan Yogi Email to: Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015190.pdf
2018-09-07 Karen Murray Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir : Park Design thoughts pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021928.pdf
2018-09-07 Unknown 180827_Balboa Deliverables Schedule_KM comments.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021931.pdf
2018-09-07 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - Draft Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023344.pdf
2018-09-07 Unknown 2018-09-11_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023346.pdf
2018-09-07 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - Draft Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023349.pdf
2018-09-07 Unknown 2018-09-11_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023351.pdf
2018-09-09 Scott Falcone Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: RE: SFPUC form pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018439.pdf
2018-09-09 Unknown Balboa Reservoir Park Day Permit_9.15.18_executed.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018446.pdf
2018-09-09 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: Combined comments on NOP-1 (ID 1029736)-for Emily.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021932.pdf
2018-09-10 Unknown 180910_FIRE ACCESS DIAGRAM.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011111.pdf
2018-09-10 Rick Williams Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: Re: Fire Department Meeting on Balboa Reservoir Master Plan and Development and FD Diagram pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011965.pdf
2018-09-10 Unknown 180910_FIRE ACCESS DIAGRAM.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011967.pdf
2018-09-10 Unknown 180910_FIRE ACCESS DIAGRAM.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011971.pdf
2018-09-10 Unknown 180910_FIRE ACCESS DIAGRAM.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011982.pdf
2018-09-10 Sandoval, Teresa Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: RE: SFPUC form pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018464.pdf
2018-09-10 Unknown Balboa Reservoir- Open House 9.15.18.doc pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018472.pdf
2018-09-10 Sandoval, Teresa Email to: Russell, Rosanna S re: Access Permit- GM Memo pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018473.pdf
2018-09-10 Unknown Balboa Reservoir- Open House 9.15.18.doc pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018474.pdf
2018-09-10 Unknown Memorandum to Tony Durkee.doc pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020830.pdf
2018-09-10 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Susan Yogi ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Wietgrefe, Wade ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - Draft Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023354.pdf
2018-09-10 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Susan Yogi ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Wietgrefe, Wade ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - Draft Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023356.pdf
2018-09-10 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Susan Yogi ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Wietgrefe, Wade ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - Draft Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023358.pdf
2018-09-10 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Susan Yogi ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Wietgrefe, Wade ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - Draft Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023360.pdf
2018-09-11 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: FW: Fire Department Meeting on Balboa Reservoir Master Plan and Development and FD Diagram pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011108.pdf
2018-09-11 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: FW: Fire Department Meeting on Balboa Reservoir Master Plan and Development and FD Diagram pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011968.pdf
2018-09-11 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Hunter, Mari E re: RE: Balboa Reservoir follow-ups pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012578.pdf
2018-09-11 Unknown Draft BR data collection route.png pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012580.pdf
2018-09-11 Hunter, Mari E Email to: 'Kearstin Dischinger' re: RE: Balboa Reservoir follow-ups pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012585.pdf
2018-09-11 Unknown Draft BR data collection route_rev.png pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012590.pdf
2018-09-11 Unknown draft BR route segments_rev.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012591.xlsx
2018-09-11 Scott Falcone Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: RE: SFPUC form pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018535.pdf
2018-09-11 Scott Falcone Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: RE: SFPUC form pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018542.pdf
2018-09-11 Amanda Leahy Email to: White, Elizabeth (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir: Planning and SFMTA comments on Transportation SOW-2 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023362.pdf
2018-09-11 Amanda Leahy Email to: White, Elizabeth (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir: Planning and SFMTA comments on Transportation SOW-2 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023366.pdf
2018-09-11 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Transp SOW-Final_Sept112018.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023371.pdf
2018-09-12 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Brian Scott ;Petrick, Molly ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Banks, Ernie (DPW) ;Rick Williams ;Kushal Modi re: Notes: Balboa Infrastructure Meeting 9/12/2018 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009514.pdf
2018-09-12 Unknown Balboa Infrastructure Meeting Notes 9 5 2018.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009515.pdf
2018-09-12 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: 'Rick Williams' re: RE: Fire Department Meeting on Balboa Reservoir Master Plan and Development pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011972.pdf
2018-09-12 Rick Williams Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: Re: Fire Department Meeting on Balboa Reservoir Master Plan and Development pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011974.pdf
2018-09-12 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: 'Rick Williams' re: RE: Fire Department Meeting on Balboa Reservoir Master Plan and Development pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011976.pdf
2018-09-12 Rick Williams Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: Re: Fire Department Meeting on Balboa Reservoir Master Plan and Development pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011979.pdf
2018-09-12 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Rick Williams re: Re: Fire Department Meeting on Balboa Reservoir Master Plan and Development pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011983.pdf
2018-09-12 Rick Williams Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: Re: Fire Department Meeting on Balboa Reservoir Master Plan and Development pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011986.pdf
2018-09-12 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: 'Rick Williams' re: RE: Fire Department Meeting on Balboa Reservoir Master Plan and Development pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011990.pdf
2018-09-12 Rick Williams Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: Re: Fire Department Meeting on Balboa Reservoir Master Plan and Development pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011994.pdf
2018-09-12 Unknown Access Permit Balboa Reservoir- AvalonBay Communities Inc.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017300.pdf
2018-09-12 Sandoval, Teresa Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: Balboa Reservoir- Access Permit pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018550.pdf
2018-09-12 Unknown Attachments.html pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018551.pdf
2018-09-12 Unknown image003.png pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018567.pdf
2018-09-12 Harry Bernstein Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: meetings about the Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021933.pdf
2018-09-12 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Brian Scott ;Petrick, Molly ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Banks, Ernie (DPW) ;Rick Williams ;Kushal Modi re: Notes: Balboa Infrastructure Meeting 9/12/2018 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024514.pdf
2018-09-12 Unknown Balboa Infrastructure Meeting Notes 9 5 2018.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024515.pdf
2018-09-12 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Brian Scott ;Petrick, Molly ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Banks, Ernie (DPW) ;Rick Williams ;Kushal Modi re: Notes: Balboa Infrastructure Meeting 9/12/2018 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024518.pdf
2018-09-12 Unknown Balboa Infrastructure Meeting Notes 9 5 2018.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024519.pdf
2018-09-12 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Karen Murray re: RE: balboa reservoir updates pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024522.pdf
2018-09-13 Unknown Area Plan Development Status Sept 2018 Update (ID 1038017).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110004846.pdf
2018-09-13 Thibodeau, Martin (CPC) Email to: Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: RE: Updates to Balboa Reservoir CAC Website pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006382.pdf
2018-09-13 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: FW: Fire Department Meeting on Balboa Reservoir Master Plan and Development pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011112.pdf
2018-09-13 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: FW: Fire Department Meeting on Balboa Reservoir Master Plan and Development pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011998.pdf
2018-09-13 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: Fwd: ECOPY-527_SMTP_via_LDAP_09-06-2018_14-55-21.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018552.pdf
2018-09-13 Unknown 1_Warning.txt pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018554.pdf
2018-09-13 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: RE: Balboa pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018555.pdf
2018-09-13 Unknown Base Plan and CCSF.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018556.pdf
2018-09-13 Karen Murray Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Re: balboa reservoir updates pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021934.pdf
2018-09-13 Unknown Pages from 180623_Balboa Open Space Open House Boards.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021938.pdf
2018-09-13 Karen Murray Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Pages from INFRA-VMWP-2018-09-05.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021940.pdf
2018-09-13 Unknown Pages from INFRA-VMWP-2018-09-05.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021941.pdf
2018-09-13 Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) Email to:;Michael Ahrens ;Michael Ahrens ;;'robert muehlbauer' ;'Christy Godinez' ;'jon winston' ;Howard N. Chung ;;Mark Tang ;Amy O'Hair re: Balboa Reservoir Park Day - This Saturday (9/15) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022852.pdf
2018-09-13 Amy O'Hair Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Joe Kirchofer ;Scott Falcone re: Apologies over time mix up today pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022854.pdf
2018-09-13 Joe Kirchofer Email to: Amy O'Hair ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Scott Falcone re: RE: Apologies over time mix up today pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022855.pdf
2018-09-13 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Karen Murray re: RE: Balboa Reservoir : Park Design thoughts pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024524.pdf
2018-09-13 Unknown 180912_Balboa Deliverables Schedule.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024528.xlsx
2018-09-14 Unknown 2018-08-28_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Notes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015196.pdf
2018-09-14 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: CJ Higley re: Re: Balboa - Request for Extension of Due Diligence pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018566.pdf
2018-09-14 CJ Higley Email to: Russell, Rosanna S re: RE: Balboa - Request for Extension of Due Diligence pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018568.pdf
2018-09-14 Joe Kirchofer Email to: Russell, Rosanna S ;CJ Higley re: RE: Balboa - Request for Extension of Due Diligence pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018570.pdf
2018-09-14 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Scott Falcone ;Wong, Christopher J re: FW: BRIDGE Housing - Special Event - Reservoir Community Partners - Certificates pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018572.pdf
2018-09-14 Unknown Special Event Certificate - Balboa -Avalon Bay Communities.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018574.pdf
2018-09-14 Unknown Special Event Certificate - Balboa -SF Public Utilities Commission.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018576.pdf
2018-09-14 Amy O'Hair Email to: Scott Falcone re: Re: Apologies over time mix up today pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022857.pdf
2018-09-14 Unknown 2018-08-28_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Notes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023388.pdf
2018-09-14 Unknown 2018-08-28_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Notes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023398.pdf
2018-09-17 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Peter Waller ;;Fisher, Lisa (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Sustainability (next steps?) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006253.pdf
2018-09-17 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Brian Scott ;Petrick, Molly ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: Balboa Reservoir: Monthly Infrastructure Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012003.pdf
2018-09-17 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Declined: Balboa Reservoir: Monthly Infrastructure Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012004.pdf
2018-09-17 Susan Yogi Email to: Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015192.pdf
2018-09-17 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 8-28 and 9-11 Meeting Notes pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015194.pdf
2018-09-17 Unknown 2018-09-11_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Notes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015200.pdf
2018-09-17 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Susan Yogi re: RE: Balboa - NOP Draft 1 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021942.pdf
2018-09-17 Unknown Combined comments on NOP-1 09-17-18.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021943.pdf
2018-09-17 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 8-28 and 9-11 Meeting Notes pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023386.pdf
2018-09-17 Unknown 2018-09-11_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Notes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023392.pdf
2018-09-17 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 8-28 and 9-11 Meeting Notes pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023396.pdf
2018-09-17 Unknown 2018-09-11_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Notes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023402.pdf
2018-09-17 Susan Yogi Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: RE: Balboa - NOP Draft 1 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023406.pdf
2018-09-17 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 9/17 Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023408.pdf
2018-09-17 Unknown 2018-09-18_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023410.pdf
2018-09-17 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 9/17 Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023413.pdf
2018-09-17 Unknown 2018-09-18_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023415.pdf
2018-09-17 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger ;Susan Johnson ;Joel Roos ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: Balboa - NOP Draft 1 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023418.pdf
2018-09-17 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Susan Yogi re: RE: Balboa - NOP Draft 1 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023420.pdf
2018-09-17 Unknown NOP-1 to ESA 09-17-18.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023422.pdf
2018-09-17 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Susan Yogi re: RE: Balboa - NOP Draft 1 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023454.pdf
2018-09-17 White, Elizabeth (CPC) Email to: Susan Yogi ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 9/17 Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023457.pdf
2018-09-17 White, Elizabeth (CPC) Email to: Susan Yogi ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 9/17 Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023459.pdf
2018-09-17 Tim Erney Email to: White, Elizabeth ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 9/17 Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023461.pdf
2018-09-17 Tim Erney Email to: White, Elizabeth ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 9/17 Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023463.pdf
2018-09-17 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Tim Erney ;White, Elizabeth ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 9/17 Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023466.pdf
2018-09-17 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Tim Erney ;White, Elizabeth ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 9/17 Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023469.pdf
2018-09-17 Susan Yogi Email to: Joel Roos ;Joe Kirchofer ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Karen Murray ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Balboa - Follow up questions for sponsors pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023472.pdf
2018-09-17 Unknown Fig6_Proposed Open Space Plan_markup.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023473.pdf
2018-09-17 Unknown 180906_EE-ESA-HEIGHTS_markup.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023474.pdf
2018-09-17 Susan Yogi Email to: Joel Roos ;Joe Kirchofer ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Karen Murray ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Balboa - Follow up questions for sponsors pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023478.pdf
2018-09-17 Unknown Fig6_Proposed Open Space Plan_markup.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023479.pdf
2018-09-17 Unknown 180906_EE-ESA-HEIGHTS_markup.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023480.pdf
2018-09-17 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: tactical urbanism. . . pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024529.pdf
2018-09-18 Unknown 2018-09-18_Balboa Noise Scope of Work_Final.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110000138.pdf
2018-09-18 Unknown 2018-09-18_Balboa Noise Scope of Work_Final (ID 1108911).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110004813.pdf
2018-09-18 Storrs, Bruce (DPW) Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Declined: Balboa Reservoir: Monthly Infrastructure Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009518.pdf
2018-09-18 Karen Murray Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Re: agenda for Thursday pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021975.pdf
2018-09-19 Karen Murray Email to: Susan Yogi re: Re: Balboa - Follow up questions for sponsors pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021976.pdf
2018-09-19 Karen Murray Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Re: agenda for Thursday pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021979.pdf
2018-09-19 Unknown 180919_Balboa Reservoir D4D draft outline.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021982.pdf
2018-09-20 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Petrick, Molly ;Wong, Christopher J ;Adams, Derek S re: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018582.pdf
2018-09-20 Unknown Attachments.html pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018584.pdf
2018-09-20 Daniella via Nextdoor Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Private message: Balboa Park Reservoir Development pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021989.pdf
2018-09-20 Karen Murray Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Balboa DSG Outline pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021990.pdf
2018-09-20 Unknown 180920_Balboa Reservoir D4D TOC.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021991.pdf
2018-09-20 Rueben Smith Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;John Watkins re: Re: City College FMP and City of SF Coordination pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021997.pdf
2018-09-20 Rueben Smith Email to: John Watkins ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Re: City College FMP and City of SF Coordination pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022000.pdf
2018-09-20 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Peter Waller ;;Fisher, Lisa (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Sustainability (next steps?) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024533.pdf
2018-09-21 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015204.pdf
2018-09-21 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: John Watkins ;Rueben Smith re: RE: City College FMP and City of SF Coordination pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022004.pdf
2018-09-21 Harry Bernstein Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Re: RE: meetings about the Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022008.pdf
2018-09-24 Paine, Carli Email to: Kearstin Dischinger re: RE: SFMTA and Balboa Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012592.pdf
2018-09-24 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Paine, Carli re: RE: SFMTA and Balboa Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012595.pdf
2018-09-24 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 9-18 Meeting Notes pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015206.pdf
2018-09-24 Unknown 2018-09-18_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Notes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015208.pdf
2018-09-24 Susan Yogi Email to: McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir - NOP Draft 2 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023484.pdf
2018-09-24 Unknown NOP Draft 2_Consultant Checklist.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023485.pdf
2018-09-24 Unknown 2018-09-24_Balboa NOP Draft 2_clean.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023487.pdf
2018-09-24 Unknown 2018-09-24_Balboa NOP Draft 2_compiled.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023513.pdf
2018-09-24 Unknown 2018-09-24_Balboa NOP Draft 2_track changes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023539.pdf
2018-09-24 Unknown 2018-09-24_NOA.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023569.pdf
2018-09-24 Unknown 2018-09-24_NOA.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023571.pdf
2018-09-24 Unknown 2018-09-24_NOC.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023573.pdf
2018-09-24 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 9-18 Meeting Notes pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023576.pdf
2018-09-24 Unknown 2018-09-18_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Notes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023578.pdf
2018-09-24 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 9-18 Meeting Notes pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023583.pdf
2018-09-24 Unknown 2018-09-18_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Notes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023585.pdf
2018-09-24 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger ;Barata, Luiz (CPC) re: RE: We need the unit county by building for CITY POLICY OPTION pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024537.pdf
2018-09-24 Unknown 180924 Proposed Building Details for RCP.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024544.xlsx
2018-09-25 Michael Ahrens Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir Development- Planning Applications pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005595.pdf
2018-09-25 Johanna Kahn Email to: Cisneros, Stephanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir HRE question pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008158.pdf
2018-09-25 Unknown 1851 Noriega St_ Existing Pre- School.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011191.pdf
2018-09-25 Unknown 1851 Noriega St_ Existing Pre- School.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012143.pdf
2018-09-25 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: SFMTA and Balboa Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012598.pdf
2018-09-25 Karen Murray Email to: Kearstin Dischinger re: Re: SFMTA and Balboa Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012602.pdf
2018-09-25 Paine, Carli Email to: Kearstin Dischinger re: Re: SFMTA and Balboa Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012607.pdf
2018-09-25 Unknown image001.png pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012610.pdf
2018-09-25 Unknown image002.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012611.pdf
2018-09-25 Unknown image003.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012612.pdf
2018-09-25 Unknown image004.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012613.pdf
2018-09-25 Unknown image005.png pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012614.pdf
2018-09-25 Rivera, Javier (DPW) Email to: Paine, Carli ;Paine, Carli ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Henderson, Tony ;Hunter, Mari E ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Vohra, Shivam re: RE: balboa transportation meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015213.pdf
2018-09-25 Paine, Carli Email to: Rivera, Javier (DPW) ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Henderson, Tony ;Hunter, Mari E ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Vohra, Shivam re: RE: balboa transportation meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015215.pdf
2018-09-25 Unknown SFCCD - 5YCP WSCH & FTEF Projections.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022028.xlsx
2018-09-26 Unknown SF Planning Department - Sec 136 PP.pptx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110007844.pdf
2018-09-26 Unknown SF Planning Department - Sec 136 PP.pptx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110007898.pdf
2018-09-26 Unknown 20181003 Draft City Meeting Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012007.pdf
2018-09-26 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Paine, Carli re: agenda for Friday's meetin pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012615.pdf
2018-09-27 Unknown CPC Executive Summary.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110007891.pdf
2018-09-27 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: FW: Balboa Infrastructure Meeting 10/3/18 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012005.pdf
2018-09-27 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Paine, Carli ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: FW: Updated MTA agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012616.pdf
2018-09-27 Unknown 180928_Balboa_SFMTA_ Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012617.pdf
2018-09-27 Paine, Carli Email to: Kearstin Dischinger ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Shahamiri, James ;Henderson, Tony ;Hunter, Mari E ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Vohra, Shivam re: (updated with agenda) balboa transportation meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012618.pdf
2018-09-27 Paine, Carli Email to: Kearstin Dischinger ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Shahamiri, James ;Henderson, Tony ;Hunter, Mari E ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Vohra, Shivam re: (updated with agenda) balboa transportation meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015218.pdf
2018-09-27 Paine, Carli Email to: Jefferis, Richard Scott re: balboa reservoir meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015219.pdf
2018-09-27 Jefferis, Richard Scott Email to: Paine, Carli re: Re: balboa reservoir meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015220.pdf
2018-09-27 Unknown image001.png pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015221.pdf
2018-09-27 Unknown image002.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015222.pdf
2018-09-27 Unknown image003.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015223.pdf
2018-09-27 Unknown image004.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015224.pdf
2018-09-27 Unknown image005.png pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015225.pdf
2018-09-27 White, Elizabeth (CPC) Email to: Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Paine, Carli ;Amanda Leahy ;Mike Alston ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir - Doodle poll to discuss Travel Demand Memo and Transit Analysis scope (please respond by Oct. 4) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015226.pdf
2018-09-27 Amy O'Hair Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Joe Kirchofer ;Scott Falcone re: Thank you pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022861.pdf
2018-09-27 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Barata, Luiz (CPC) re: materials from dsg meeting last week pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024545.pdf
2018-09-27 Unknown 180919_Balboa Reservoir Planning Meeting (002)_circulate.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024546.pdf
2018-09-28 Unknown 180928_ProjectReview_BalboaReservoir-FINAL.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110007635.pdf
2018-09-28 Susan Yogi Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;Cisneros, Stephanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir - Abbreviated Part 1 HRE - Revised Draft/Screencheck pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008159.pdf
2018-09-28 Unknown 20177_FTESbySite_20180928.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022020.xlsx
2018-09-28 Steven Vettel Email to: McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - NOP Draft 2 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023590.pdf
2018-09-28 Unknown 2018-09-24_Balboa NOP Draft 2_clean with sponsor comments.DOCX pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023592.pdf
2018-09-28 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger ;Joe Kirchofer ;'Karen Murray' ;Gary Strang re: Balboa Reservoir Design Feedback pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024555.pdf
2018-09-28 Unknown 180928_ProjectReview_BalboaReservoir-FINAL.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024556.pdf
2018-09-28 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger ;Joe Kirchofer re: Balboa Reservoir Draft PowerPoint - October CAC pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024561.pdf
2018-09-28 Unknown Meeting 29 - NOP Design Updates - Oct 2018_DRAFT.pptx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024562.pdf
2018-10-01 White, Elizabeth (CPC) Email to: White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Paine, Carli (MTA) ;Amanda Leahy ;Mike Alston ;Jefferis, Richard (MTA) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Shahamiri, James (MTA) ;Henderson, Tony (MTA) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir: Review Travel Demand Memo and Transit Analysis Scope pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005393.pdf
2018-10-01 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Michael Ahrens re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Development- Planning Applications pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005597.pdf
2018-10-01 Paine, Carli Email to: Hunter, Mari E re: RE: Balboa Reservoir follow-ups pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014646.pdf
2018-10-01 White, Elizabeth (CPC) Email to: Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Paine, Carli ;Amanda Leahy ;Mike Alston ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Shahamiri, James ;Henderson, Tony re: Balboa Reservoir: Review Travel Demand Memo and Transit Analysis Scope pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015227.pdf
2018-10-01 Jefferis, Richard Scott Email to: White, Elizabeth (CPC) re: Accepted: Balboa Reservoir: Review Travel Demand Memo and Transit Analysis Scope pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015230.pdf
2018-10-01 Susan Yogi Email to: Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015231.pdf
2018-10-01 White, Elizabeth (CPC) Email to: White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Paine, Carli ;Amanda Leahy ;Mike Alston ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Shahamiri, James ;Henderson, Tony re: Balboa Reservoir: Review Travel Demand Memo and Transit Analysis Scope pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016372.pdf
2018-10-01 Unknown Second Amendment to ENA - 9.28.18.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018636.pdf
2018-10-01 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: John Watkins ;Rueben Smith re: RE: City College FMP and City of SF Coordination pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022010.pdf
2018-10-01 Unknown CCSF Enrollment Projections.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022014.xlsx
2018-10-01 Scott Falcone Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir contact lists pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024570.pdf
2018-10-01 Unknown BR Organizational Outreach List.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024572.xlsx
2018-10-01 Joe Kirchofer Email to: Kearstin Dischinger ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Draft PowerPoint - October CAC pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024573.pdf
2018-10-02 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Shaw, Jeremy ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;VMWP Out of office ;Banks, Ernie (DPW) re: Balboa Infrastructure Meeting Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009523.pdf
2018-10-02 Unknown 20181003 City Meeting Agenda.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009524.pdf
2018-10-02 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) ;Law, Chad (FIR) re: FW: Balboa Infrastructure Meeting Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011117.pdf
2018-10-02 Unknown 20181003 City Meeting Agenda.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011119.pdf
2018-10-02 Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Law, Chad (FIR) re: FW: Balboa Infrastructure Meeting Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011120.pdf
2018-10-02 Unknown 20181003 City Meeting Agenda.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011122.pdf
2018-10-02 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: Automatic reply: Balboa Infrastructure Meeting Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011123.pdf
2018-10-02 Law, Chad (FIR) Email to: Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: Re: Balboa Infrastructure Meeting Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011124.pdf
2018-10-02 Law, Chad (FIR) Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: Re: Balboa Infrastructure Meeting Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011127.pdf
2018-10-02 Unknown 20181003 City Meeting Agenda.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011130.pdf
2018-10-02 Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Law, Chad (FIR) re: FW: Balboa Infrastructure Meeting Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012008.pdf
2018-10-02 Unknown 20181003 City Meeting Agenda.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012010.pdf
2018-10-02 Paine, Carli Email to: Hunter, Mari E re: RE: Balboa Reservoir follow-ups pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014647.pdf
2018-10-02 Unknown SFCCD - 5YCP WSCH & FTEF Projections v.2.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022036.xlsx
2018-10-02 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;MALAMUT, JOHN (CAT) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023619.pdf
2018-10-02 Unknown 2018-10-02_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023621.pdf
2018-10-02 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;MALAMUT, JOHN (CAT) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023624.pdf
2018-10-02 Unknown 2018-10-02_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023626.pdf
2018-10-02 Amanda Leahy Email to: Susan Yogi ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;MALAMUT, JOHN (CAT) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023629.pdf
2018-10-02 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Susan Yogi ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - NOP Draft 2 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023631.pdf
2018-10-02 Unknown Combined comments on NOA 100218.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023633.pdf
2018-10-02 Unknown Combined comments on NOP-2 100218.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023636.pdf
2018-10-03 Brandon Ponce Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: 2017-003559ENV 3700 California Street, Immediate Disclosure Request pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005599.pdf
2018-10-03 Unknown 181003 Response to Planning Department comments of 9.28.18.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110007633.pdf
2018-10-03 Unknown 20181003 Meeting Exhibits.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011133.pdf
2018-10-03 Unknown 20181003 Meeting Exhibits.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011149.pdf
2018-10-03 Unknown 181003 Response to Planning Department comments of 9.28.18.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012621.pdf
2018-10-03 John Watkins Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: City College FMP and City of SF Coordination pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022015.pdf
2018-10-03 Bobby Khushal Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;John Watkins re: RE: City College FMP and City of SF Coordination pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022021.pdf
2018-10-03 Bobby Khushal Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;John Watkins re: RE: City College FMP and City of SF Coordination pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022029.pdf
2018-10-03 Unknown 181003 Response to Planning Department comments of 9.28.18.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022039.pdf
2018-10-03 Amy O'Hair Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: public comment process for CAC nonattendees? pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022867.pdf
2018-10-03 Amy O'Hair Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Re: public comment process for CAC nonattendees? pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022868.pdf
2018-10-03 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: Developer's Proposed Option" ?" pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024575.pdf
2018-10-03 Unknown Balboa Outreach List 100318.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-08-060000160.xlsx
2018-10-04 Unknown NOA 10-10-18 (ID 1038111).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005008.pdf
2018-10-04 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie ;Gibson, Lisa re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir to project coordination pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005396.pdf
2018-10-04 Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Re: 2017-003559ENV 3700 California Street, Immediate Disclosure Request pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005600.pdf
2018-10-04 Byrd, Virnaliza (CPC) Email to: Webmaster, Planning (CPC) re: Ad to be published Wednesday 10/10/2018 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006384.pdf
2018-10-04 Unknown Ad 10-10-18 NOP of EIR.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006385.pdf
2018-10-04 Unknown Ad 10-10-18 NOP of EIR.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006388.pdf
2018-10-04 Unknown 2018-10-03_Balboa Reservoir Part 1 HRE_final.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008077.pdf
2018-10-04 Susan Yogi Email to: Cisneros, Stephanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir - Abbreviated Part 1 HRE - Final pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008160.pdf
2018-10-04 Unknown 2018-10-10_NOA_Final_clean.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008271.pdf
2018-10-04 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Brian Scott ;Petrick, Molly ;Woo, Jason ;Dana Hymel ;Kwong, John ;Marx, Thomas (PUC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Mosuela, Raul (PUC) ;Batelaan, Brandy (PUC) ;Batelaan, Brandy (PUC) re: Notes & Next Steps: Balboa Infrastructure pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011131.pdf
2018-10-04 Unknown Balboa Infrastructure Meeting Notes 10 3 2018.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011144.pdf
2018-10-04 Karen Murray Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir Design Feedback pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012619.pdf
2018-10-04 Karen Murray Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir Design Feedback pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012623.pdf
2018-10-04 Sandoval, Teresa Email to: Wong, Christopher J re: Balboa Reservoir- 2nd Amendment to ENA pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018608.pdf
2018-10-04 Unknown Second Amendment to Exclusive Negotiating Agreement- Balboa Reservoir.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018609.pdf
2018-10-04 Karen Murray Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir Design Feedback pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022037.pdf
2018-10-04 Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) Email to:;Michael Ahrens ;Michael Ahrens ;;'robert muehlbauer' ;'Christy Godinez' ;'jon winston' ;Howard N. Chung ;;Mark Tang ;Amy O'Hair re: Balboa Reservoir CAC Meeting - October 15th pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022870.pdf
2018-10-04 Susan Yogi Email to: Joel Roos ;Joe Kirchofer ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Steven Vettel re: Balboa - final NOP preview pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023663.pdf
2018-10-04 Unknown 2018-10-04_NOP_Final_clean_compiled.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023664.pdf
2018-10-04 Susan Yogi Email to: Joel Roos ;Joe Kirchofer ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Steven Vettel re: Balboa - final NOP preview pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023690.pdf
2018-10-04 Unknown 2018-10-04_NOP_Final_clean_compiled.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023691.pdf
2018-10-04 Unknown 2018-10-10_NOA_Final_clean.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023833.pdf
2018-10-04 Unknown 2018-10-10_NOA_Final_clean.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023862.pdf
2018-10-05 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Transp SOW-Final_Oct52018 (ID 1056042).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110004927.pdf
2018-10-05 Unknown NOP 10-10-18 (ID 1038113).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005033.pdf
2018-10-05 aj Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: 2018-007883ENV--Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005601.pdf
2018-10-05 Christine Hanson Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir Scoping pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005602.pdf
2018-10-05 Unknown 2018-10-10_NOP_Final_clean_signed.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008245.pdf
2018-10-05 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Travel Demand Assumptions.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014650.pdf
2018-10-05 Unknown Travel Demand Memo_Draft_2018-10-05.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014653.pdf
2018-10-05 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;MALAMUT, JOHN (CAT) re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015236.pdf
2018-10-05 Unknown Travel Demand Memo_Draft_2018-10-05.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015244.pdf
2018-10-05 Bobby Khushal Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;John Watkins re: RE: City College FMP and City of SF Coordination pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022041.pdf
2018-10-05 Unknown SFCCD - 5YCP WSCH & FTEF Projections v.2.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022048.xlsx
2018-10-05 Unknown Factsheet_EmployeeCount_Aug2018.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022093.pdf
2018-10-05 McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) Email to: Susan Yogi ;Joel Roos ;Joe Kirchofer ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Steven Vettel re: RE: Balboa - final NOP preview pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023717.pdf
2018-10-05 Unknown Balboa Reservoir NOP Signature Page.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023718.pdf
2018-10-05 McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) Email to: Susan Yogi ;Joel Roos ;Joe Kirchofer ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Steven Vettel re: RE: Balboa - final NOP preview pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023719.pdf
2018-10-05 Unknown Balboa Reservoir NOP Signature Page.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023720.pdf
2018-10-05 Amanda Leahy Email to: Susan Yogi ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Steven Vettel ;McKellar, Jennifer ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;MALAMUT, JOHN (CAT) re: Balboa Reservoir - Draft Travel Demand Memorandum pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023721.pdf
2018-10-05 Unknown Travel Demand Memo_Draft_2018-10-05.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023722.pdf
2018-10-05 Unknown Travel Demand Memo_Draft_2018-10-05.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023741.pdf
2018-10-05 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;MALAMUT, JOHN (CAT) re: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - Poll for Wednesday Times pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023799.pdf
2018-10-05 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;MALAMUT, JOHN (CAT) re: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - Poll for Wednesday Times pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023800.pdf
2018-10-05 Unknown 2018-10-10_NOP_Final_clean_signed.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023807.pdf
2018-10-05 Unknown 2018-10-10_NOP_Final_clean_signed.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023836.pdf
2018-10-05 Unknown Travel Demand Memo_Draft_2018-10-05.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023871.pdf
2018-10-09 Unknown Fee Agreement 081018.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110000024.pdf
2018-10-09 Unknown ESA SOW 10-09-18 (ID 1038026).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110004958.pdf
2018-10-09 Unknown Fee Agreement 081018 (ID 1037960).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110004972.pdf
2018-10-09 Unknown Oct 2018 HRE (ID 1037894).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005062.pdf
2018-10-09 Unknown SF Planning Department Workshop Invite.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005398.pdf
2018-10-09 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Christine Hanson re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Scoping pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005603.pdf
2018-10-09 aj Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Response requested--Fw: 2018-007883ENV--Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005605.pdf
2018-10-09 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: aj re: RE: Response requested--Fw: 2018-007883ENV--Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005607.pdf
2018-10-09 ajahjah Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Re: RE: Response requested--Fw: 2018-007883ENV--Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005609.pdf
2018-10-09 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: aj re: RE: 2018-007883ENV--Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005611.pdf
2018-10-09 Susan Yogi Email to: Joel Roos ;Joe Kirchofer ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Steven Vettel re: RE: Balboa - final NOP pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008244.pdf
2018-10-09 Paine, Carli Email to: Henderson, Tony;Shahamiri, James;Jefferis, Richard Scott;Sallaberry, Mike;Hunter, Mari E re: By Fri: Balboa Reservoir Travel Demand Memo pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014649.pdf
2018-10-09 Unknown Travel Demand_SFMTA Comments.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014707.xlsx
2018-10-09 Unknown Sign in Sheet.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022052.pdf
2018-10-09 Unknown Speaker Cards.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022053.pdf
2018-10-09 Unknown Written Comment Form.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022054.pdf
2018-10-09 Unknown Scoping_Mtg_Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022055.pdf
2018-10-09 Susan Yogi Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Draft Scoping Meeting Materials pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023801.pdf
2018-10-09 Unknown Sign in Sheet.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023802.pdf
2018-10-09 Unknown Speaker Cards.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023803.pdf
2018-10-09 Unknown Written Comment Form.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023804.pdf
2018-10-09 Unknown Scoping_Mtg_Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023805.pdf
2018-10-09 Susan Yogi Email to: Joel Roos ;Joe Kirchofer ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Steven Vettel re: RE: Balboa - final NOP pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023806.pdf
2018-10-09 Susan Yogi Email to: Joel Roos ;Joe Kirchofer ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Steven Vettel re: RE: Balboa - final NOP pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023835.pdf
2018-10-10 Unknown NOA-NOP affidavit of mailing 10-10-18 (ID 1038423).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005010.pdf
2018-10-10 Unknown NOA-NOP email distribution 10-10-18 (ID 1038424).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005026.pdf
2018-10-10 Unknown Preservation Team Review 10-10-18 (ID 1037933).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005254.pdf
2018-10-10 aj Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: For Balboa Reservoir scoping--Fw: Written comment on Reservoir Open Space pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005613.pdf
2018-10-10 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005624.pdf
2018-10-10 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005625.pdf
2018-10-10 Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: [Auto-Reply] Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005626.pdf
2018-10-10 Mail Delivery System Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005627.pdf
2018-10-10 Mail Delivery System Email to: re: Undeliverable: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005628.pdf
2018-10-10 Mail Delivery System Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005629.pdf
2018-10-10 Mail Delivery System Email to: re: Undeliverable: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005630.pdf
2018-10-10 Mail Delivery Subsystem Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Delivery Status Notification (Failure) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005631.pdf
2018-10-10 Mail Delivery Subsystem Email to: re: Undeliverable: Delivery Status Notification (Failure) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005632.pdf
2018-10-10 Mail Delivery System Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005633.pdf
2018-10-10 Mail Delivery System Email to: re: Undeliverable: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005634.pdf
2018-10-10 Mail Delivery System Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005635.pdf
2018-10-10 Mail Delivery System Email to: re: Undeliverable: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005636.pdf
2018-10-10 Executive Director, ITBCC Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Your email has been forwarded (New contact information enclosed) Re: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005637.pdf
2018-10-10 Mail Delivery System Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005638.pdf
2018-10-10 Mail Delivery System Email to: re: Undeliverable: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005639.pdf
2018-10-10 Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Undeliverable: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005640.pdf
2018-10-10 Email to: re: Undeliverable: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005641.pdf
2018-10-10 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005647.pdf
2018-10-10 Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Undeliverable: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005648.pdf
2018-10-10 Email to: re: Undeliverable: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005649.pdf
2018-10-10 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005652.pdf
2018-10-10 Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Undeliverable: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005653.pdf
2018-10-10 Email to: re: Undeliverable: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005654.pdf
2018-10-10 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005668.pdf
2018-10-10 Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Undeliverable: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005669.pdf
2018-10-10 Email to: re: Undeliverable: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005670.pdf
2018-10-10 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005684.pdf
2018-10-10 Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Undeliverable: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005685.pdf
2018-10-10 Email to: re: Undeliverable: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005686.pdf
2018-10-10 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005700.pdf
2018-10-10 Marian Lam Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005701.pdf
2018-10-10 Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Undeliverable: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005702.pdf
2018-10-10 Email to: re: Undeliverable: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005703.pdf
2018-10-10 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005706.pdf
2018-10-10 aj Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: ESA Scope of Work omission pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005707.pdf
2018-10-10 Unknown 2017-10-5 ROAD TO RESERVOIR PROJECT--THE BALBOA PARK STATION AREA PLAN IN RELATION TO THE RESERVOIR 2017 update.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005708.pdf
2018-10-10 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005714.pdf
2018-10-10 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005715.pdf
2018-10-10 Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: [Auto-Reply] Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005716.pdf
2018-10-10 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005717.pdf
2018-10-10 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005718.pdf
2018-10-10 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005719.pdf
2018-10-10 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005720.pdf
2018-10-10 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir email list pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005721.pdf
2018-10-10 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005722.pdf
2018-10-10 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005723.pdf
2018-10-10 Thibodeau, Martin (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Huggins, Monica (CPC) re: FW: Ad to be published Wednesday 10/10/2018 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006387.pdf
2018-10-10 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Huggins, Monica (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir NOA/NOP posting today pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006390.pdf
2018-10-10 Huggins, Monica (CPC) Email to: Thibodeau, Martin (CPC) re: FW: Balboa Reservoir NOA/NOP posting today pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006392.pdf
2018-10-10 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Thibodeau, Martin (CPC) re: RE: Ad to be published Wednesday 10/10/2018 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006395.pdf
2018-10-10 HelpDesk Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: [Help Desk SR# 14194] Service Request Notification (Status: Closed ) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006397.pdf
2018-10-10 Thibodeau, Martin (CPC) Email to: Huggins, Monica (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir NOA/NOP posting today pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006398.pdf
2018-10-10 Thibodeau, Martin (CPC) Email to: Huggins, Monica (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir NOA/NOP posting today pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006401.pdf
2018-10-10 Unknown 2018-10-10_NOP_Final_clean_signed.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020175.pdf
2018-10-10 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Agenda101518.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021568.pdf
2018-10-10 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: FW: 2018-007883ENV--Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022049.pdf
2018-10-10 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Amy O'Hair re: Re: EIR scope and Community Room pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022871.pdf
2018-10-10 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to:;Michael Ahrens ;Michael Ahrens ;;;Christy Godinez ;jon winston ;Howard N. Chung ;Howard N. Chung ;Maurice Rivers ;Mark Tang ;Amy O'Hair re: Re: Balboa Reservoir - CAC Meeting & EIR Update pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022873.pdf
2018-10-10 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;MALAMUT, JOHN (CAT) ; re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - Poll for Wednesday Times - 10/24 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023864.pdf
2018-10-10 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;MALAMUT, JOHN (CAT) ; re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - Poll for Wednesday Times - 10/24 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023866.pdf
2018-10-11 aj Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Comment on Balboa Reservoir NOP re: Summary of Potential Environmental Issues"" pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005724.pdf
2018-10-11 Unknown 2018-7-2 Comment on Transportation.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005726.pdf
2018-10-11 Unknown 2018-7-7 additional comment on Transportation.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005729.pdf
2018-10-11 Wally Charles Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005734.pdf
2018-10-11 Fessler, Thomas (DBI) Email to: Hui, Tom (DBI) ;Leung, David (DBI) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005735.pdf
2018-10-11 Kevin Burke Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Support building more homes at Balboa Park! pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005736.pdf
2018-10-11 Petrick, Molly Email to: 'Archeo-Tec' re: RE: Records Request: Balboa Reservoir Construction Documentation pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020158.pdf
2018-10-11 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Susan Yogi re: FW: Draft Scoping Meeting Materials pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022051.pdf
2018-10-11 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: slides pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024576.pdf
2018-10-11 Unknown 181005_Balboa Reservoir OCT CAC Meeting_architecture and public realm_DRAFT.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024577.pdf
2018-10-11 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger re: design discussions vs. eir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024604.pdf
2018-10-12 Roan Kattouw Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir EIR comment pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005737.pdf
2018-10-12 Dennis Hong Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir Project Case 2018-007883ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005738.pdf
2018-10-12 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Dennis Hong re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Case 2018-007883ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005739.pdf
2018-10-12 Harry Bernstein Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir Scoping pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005740.pdf
2018-10-12 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Harry Bernstein re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Scoping pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005743.pdf
2018-10-12 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: aj re: RE: For Balboa Reservoir scoping--Fw: Written comment on Reservoir Open Space pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005746.pdf
2018-10-12 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Marian Lam re: RE: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005748.pdf
2018-10-12 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: aj re: RE: ESA Scope of Work omission pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005750.pdf
2018-10-12 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: aj re: RE: Comment on Balboa Reservoir NOP re: Summary of Potential Environmental Issues"" pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005752.pdf
2018-10-12 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Kevin Burke re: RE: Support building more homes at Balboa Park! pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005754.pdf
2018-10-12 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Roan Kattouw re: RE: Balboa Reservoir EIR comment pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005755.pdf
2018-10-12 Dennis Hong Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir Project Case 2018-007883ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005756.pdf
2018-10-12 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: Balboa Reservoir Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011148.pdf
2018-10-12 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012011.pdf
2018-10-12 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012013.pdf
2018-10-12 Jefferis, Richard Scott Email to: Paine, Carli re: RE: By Fri: Balboa Reservoir Travel Demand Memo pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015238.pdf
2018-10-12 Paine, Carli Email to: Jefferis, Richard Scott re: Automatic reply: By Fri: Balboa Reservoir Travel Demand Memo pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015240.pdf
2018-10-12 Amanda Leahy Email to: Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC);Paine, Carli;Jefferis, Richard Scott;Poling, Jeanie (CPC);McKellar, Jennifer (CPC);Shaw, Jeremy (CPC);Shahamiri, James;Henderson, Tony;White, Elizabeth (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir: Review Travel Demand Memo and Transit Analysis Scope pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015241.pdf
2018-10-12 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Travel Demand and Transit Analysis Scoping Meeting_Agenda.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015242.pdf
2018-10-12 Susan Yogi Email to: Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015298.pdf
2018-10-12 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Jon Winston re: RE: October 15 BRCAC meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022875.pdf
2018-10-12 Amanda Leahy Email to: Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Paine, Carli (MTA) ;Jefferis, Richard (MTA) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Shahamiri, James (MTA) ;Henderson, Tony (MTA) ;White, Elizabeth (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir: Review Travel Demand Memo and Transit Analysis Scope pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023868.pdf
2018-10-12 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Travel Demand and Transit Analysis Scoping Meeting_Agenda.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023869.pdf
2018-10-14 Marilyn I. Rodriguez Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir comment pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005758.pdf
2018-10-14 aj Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: CEQA SCOPING for Reservoir: Contextualization of Existing Land Use and Public Services pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005759.pdf
2018-10-14 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Chow, Jonathan re: Do you have Ed Petersen's number and email address? pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018617.pdf
2018-10-15 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: aj re: RE: CEQA SCOPING for Reservoir: Contextualization of Existing Land Use and Public Services pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005761.pdf
2018-10-15 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Marilyn I. Rodriguez re: RE: Balboa Reservoir comment pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005763.pdf
2018-10-15 Paul Anderson Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Support for Balboa Reservoir project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005764.pdf
2018-10-15 Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa EIR pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005765.pdf
2018-10-15 T R Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir Notice of Preparation of EIR & Upcoming Meetings pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005766.pdf
2018-10-15 Mike Fleming Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir EIR: at least 1500 units pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005769.pdf
2018-10-15 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: re: RE: Balboa EIR pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005770.pdf
2018-10-15 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Paul Anderson re: RE: Support for Balboa Reservoir project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005771.pdf
2018-10-15 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: T R re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Notice of Preparation of EIR & Upcoming Meetings pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005772.pdf
2018-10-15 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Mike Fleming re: RE: Balboa Reservoir EIR: at least 1500 units pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005776.pdf
2018-10-15 Zack Subin Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir housing development: investigate 1500+ units pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005777.pdf
2018-10-15 Dennis Hong Email to: re: Fw: Balboa Park Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005778.pdf
2018-10-15 theboss3 Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005782.pdf
2018-10-15 Ira Kaplan Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005783.pdf
2018-10-15 Phil Crone Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Studying 1500 Units in the Balboa Reservoir EIR pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005784.pdf
2018-10-15 Nathan Ng Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: EIR for Housing in Balboa pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005785.pdf
2018-10-15 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: FW: Balboa Reservoir Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011172.pdf
2018-10-15 Unknown Twin Peaks Reservoir.msg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011174.pdf
2018-10-15 Batelaan, Brandy Email to: Miller, Katie (PUC) ;Birmingham, Thomas (PUC) ;Reidy, James (FIR) ;Rivera, Anthony (FIR) ;Scanlon, Olivia (FIR) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: Balboa Reservoir AWSS pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011175.pdf
2018-10-15 Unknown Balboa Reservoir Development-AWSS.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011176.pdf
2018-10-15 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: FW: Balboa Reservoir Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012015.pdf
2018-10-15 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Mwanga-Conley, Nalungo (FIR) re: AWSS meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012017.pdf
2018-10-15 Mwanga-Conley, Nalungo (FIR) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: AWSS meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012018.pdf
2018-10-15 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Ed Peterson ;Chow, Jonathan re: RE: Do you have Ed Petersen's number and email address? pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018618.pdf
2018-10-15 Unknown Attachments.html pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018621.pdf
2018-10-15 Kushal Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Switzky, Joshua (CPC) ;Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: Balboa CAC 101518 Presentation pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022056.pdf
2018-10-15 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;MALAMUT, JOHN (CAT) ;Nora Collins re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023925.pdf
2018-10-15 Unknown Scoping Meeting Checklist.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023927.pdf
2018-10-15 Unknown 2018-10-16_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023928.pdf
2018-10-15 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;MALAMUT, JOHN (CAT) ;Nora Collins re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023931.pdf
2018-10-15 Unknown Scoping Meeting Checklist.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023933.pdf
2018-10-15 Unknown 2018-10-16_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023934.pdf
2018-10-15 Unknown Scoping Meeting Checklist.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023939.pdf
2018-10-15 Unknown Scoping Meeting Checklist.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023945.pdf
2018-10-15 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Switzky, Joshua (CPC) re: slides from city tonight and some thoughts pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024605.pdf
2018-10-16 Tong, Reanna (CPC) Email to: Tong, Reanna (CPC) ;CTYPLN - CITY PLANNING EVERYONE re: Copy: Y-PLAN Brown Bag - Youth Engagement in Planning pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005397.pdf
2018-10-16 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: FW: Balboa Park Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005786.pdf
2018-10-16 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Park Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005791.pdf
2018-10-16 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: RE: Balboa Park Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005796.pdf
2018-10-16 Balboa Reservoir Email to: Dennis Hong re: Re: Fw: Balboa Park Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005801.pdf
2018-10-16 Nick Marinakis Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir EIR pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005806.pdf
2018-10-16 Todd David, SF Housing Action Coalition Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: News from SFHAC - Vallco Mall Moves Forward! pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012020.pdf
2018-10-16 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Mwanga-Conley, Nalungo (FIR) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: AWSS meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012026.pdf
2018-10-16 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Scott Falcone re: FW: Balboa Park Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022879.pdf
2018-10-16 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;MALAMUT, JOHN (CAT) ;Nora Collins re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023937.pdf
2018-10-16 Unknown 2018-10-16_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023940.pdf
2018-10-16 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;MALAMUT, JOHN (CAT) ;Nora Collins re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023943.pdf
2018-10-16 Unknown 2018-10-16_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023946.pdf
2018-10-16 Steven Vettel Email to: Amanda Leahy' ;Susan Yogi ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;McKellar, Jennifer ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;MALAMUT, JOHN (CAT) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Draft Travel Demand Memorandum pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023949.pdf
2018-10-16 Unknown 2018-10-05 Kittelson Travel Demand Memo w_sponsor comments.DOCX pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023950.pdf
2018-10-16 Steven Vettel Email to: Amanda Leahy' ;Susan Yogi ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;McKellar, Jennifer ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;MALAMUT, JOHN (CAT) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Draft Travel Demand Memorandum pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023969.pdf
2018-10-16 Unknown 2018-10-05 Kittelson Travel Demand Memo w_sponsor comments.DOCX pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023971.pdf
2018-10-17 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir - internal meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005399.pdf
2018-10-17 Susan Yogi Email to: Susan Yogi ;Joel Roos ;Joe Kirchofer ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Nora Collins ;Brian Schuster re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005400.pdf
2018-10-17 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Copy: Jeremy call Jeanie pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005402.pdf
2018-10-17 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Zack Subin re: RE: Balboa Reservoir housing development: investigate 1500+ units pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005807.pdf
2018-10-17 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: theboss3 re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005809.pdf
2018-10-17 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Ira Kaplan re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005810.pdf
2018-10-17 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Phil Crone re: RE: Studying 1500 Units in the Balboa Reservoir EIR pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005811.pdf
2018-10-17 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Nathan Ng re: RE: EIR for Housing in Balboa pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005813.pdf
2018-10-17 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Nick Marinakis re: RE: Balboa Reservoir EIR pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005814.pdf
2018-10-17 Thibodeau, Martin (CPC) Email to: Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: RE: Updates for Balboa Reservoir CAC Website pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006404.pdf
2018-10-17 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Mwanga-Conley, Nalungo (FIR) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: AWSS meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012028.pdf
2018-10-17 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Re: AWSS meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012030.pdf
2018-10-17 Unknown image001.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012032.pdf
2018-10-17 Mwanga-Conley, Nalungo (FIR) Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: AWSS meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012033.pdf
2018-10-17 Mwanga-Conley, Nalungo (FIR) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Reidy, James (FIR) ;Scanlon, Olivia (FIR) re: Availability for Balboa AWSS meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012036.pdf
2018-10-17 Scanlon, Olivia (FIR) Email to: Mwanga-Conley, Nalungo (FIR) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Reidy, James (FIR) re: RE: Availability for Balboa AWSS meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012037.pdf
2018-10-17 Amanda Leahy Email to: White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Paine, Carli ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;Shahamiri, James ;Henderson, Tony re: RE: Balboa Reservoir: Review Travel Demand Memo and Transit Analysis Scope pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015300.pdf
2018-10-17 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Travel Demand and Transit Analysis Scoping Meeting_Draft Notes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015303.pdf
2018-10-17 Unknown BRCAC_Combined_Presentation_101518.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021684.pdf
2018-10-17 Amanda Leahy Email to: White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Paine, Carli (MTA) ;Jefferis, Richard (MTA) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;Shahamiri, James (MTA) ;Henderson, Tony (MTA) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir: Review Travel Demand Memo and Transit Analysis Scope pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023990.pdf
2018-10-17 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Travel Demand and Transit Analysis Scoping Meeting_Draft Notes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023993.pdf
2018-10-17 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;MALAMUT, JOHN (CAT) ;Nora Collins re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meetings - Updated Poll for Thursday pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023997.pdf
2018-10-17 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;MALAMUT, JOHN (CAT) ;Nora Collins re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meetings - Updated Poll for Thursday pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023998.pdf
2018-10-17 Unknown 2018-10-16_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Notes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024081.pdf
2018-10-17 Unknown 2018-10-16_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Notes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024087.pdf
2018-10-18 Karen Murray Email to: Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir - Design meeting agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022058.pdf
2018-10-18 Balboa Reservoir Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Fwd: Balboa Park Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022061.pdf
2018-10-19 Allan LeBlanc Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005815.pdf
2018-10-19 Mwanga-Conley, Nalungo (FIR) Email to: Scanlon, Olivia (FIR) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Reidy, James (FIR) re: RE: Availability for Balboa AWSS meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012038.pdf
2018-10-19 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Mwanga-Conley, Nalungo (FIR) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: AWSS meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012040.pdf
2018-10-19 Mwanga-Conley, Nalungo (FIR) Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: AWSS meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012043.pdf
2018-10-19 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Mwanga-Conley, Nalungo (FIR) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: AWSS meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012047.pdf
2018-10-19 Scanlon, Olivia (FIR) Email to: Mwanga-Conley, Nalungo (FIR) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Reidy, James (FIR) re: RE: Availability for Balboa AWSS meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012051.pdf
2018-10-19 Simi, Gina (CPC) Email to: Will Carruthers re: RE: MEDIA: Balboa Reservoir EIR Scoping Process pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021463.pdf
2018-10-19 Joel Roos Email to: Shaw, Jeremy ' re: 1500 Unit Varian Balboa pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024606.pdf
2018-10-21 Marilyn I. Rodriguez Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005816.pdf
2018-10-21 ajahjah Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir:Impact on Muni Railway's Public Service pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005817.pdf
2018-10-21 Unknown 2018 10 21 construction phasing.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024093.xlsx
2018-10-22 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Marilyn I. Rodriguez re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005819.pdf
2018-10-22 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: ajahjah re: RE: Balboa Reservoir:Impact on Muni Railway's Public Service pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005820.pdf
2018-10-22 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Allan LeBlanc re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005822.pdf
2018-10-22 Stuart Rosenthal Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir Housing pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005823.pdf
2018-10-22 Mwanga-Conley, Nalungo (FIR) Email to: Mwanga-Conley, Nalungo (FIR) ;Rivera, Anthony (FIR) ;Rubino, Arlene (PUC) ;Reidy, James (FIR) ;Miller, Katie (PUC) ;Birmingham, Thomas (PUC) ;Teahan, Bill (PUC) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Scanlon, Olivia (FIR) re: Copy: Monthly Meeting/ SFFD & PUC pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011871.pdf
2018-10-22 Mwanga-Conley, Nalungo (FIR) Email to: Rivera, Anthony (FIR) ;Rubino, Arlene (PUC) ;Reidy, James (FIR) ;Miller, Katie (PUC) ;Birmingham, Thomas (PUC) ;Teahan, Bill (PUC) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: Monthly Meeting/ SFFD & PUC pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012053.pdf
2018-10-22 Mwanga-Conley, Nalungo (FIR) Email to: Rivera, Anthony (FIR) ;Rubino, Arlene (PUC) ;Reidy, James (FIR) ;Miller, Katie (PUC) ;Birmingham, Thomas (PUC) ;Teahan, Bill (PUC) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Scanlon, Olivia (FIR) re: Monthly Meeting/ SFFD & PUC pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012055.pdf
2018-10-22 Mwanga-Conley, Nalungo (FIR) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Reidy, James (FIR) re: FW: Balboa Reservoir Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012057.pdf
2018-10-22 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Mwanga-Conley, Nalungo (FIR) ;Reidy, James (FIR) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012059.pdf
2018-10-22 Paine, Carli Email to: Kearstin Dischinger re: agenda for Balboa pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012626.pdf
2018-10-22 Susan Yogi Email to: Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony ;Horn, Jeffrey ;MALAMUT, JOHN (CAT) re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015307.pdf
2018-10-22 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 10/23 agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023999.pdf
2018-10-22 Unknown 2018-10-23_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024001.pdf
2018-10-22 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 10/23 agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024004.pdf
2018-10-22 Unknown 2018-10-23_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024006.pdf
2018-10-22 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Susan Yogi ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Wietgrefe, Wade re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 10/23 agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024009.pdf
2018-10-22 Unknown Draft scoping presentation 10-22-18.pptx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024011.pdf
2018-10-22 Unknown Draft scoping script 10-22-18.doc pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024021.pdf
2018-10-22 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Susan Yogi ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Wietgrefe, Wade re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 10/23 agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024030.pdf
2018-10-22 Unknown Draft scoping presentation 10-22-18.pptx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024032.pdf
2018-10-22 Unknown Draft scoping script 10-22-18.doc pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024042.pdf
2018-10-22 Susan Yogi Email to: Poling, Jeanie re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 10/23 agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024051.pdf
2018-10-22 Unknown Draft scoping presentation 10-22-18 [Read-Only].pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024053.pdf
2018-10-22 Susan Yogi Email to: Poling, Jeanie re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 10/23 agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024063.pdf
2018-10-22 Unknown Draft scoping presentation 10-22-18 [Read-Only].pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024065.pdf
2018-10-22 Steven Vettel Email to: Poling, Jeanie re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 10/23 agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024075.pdf
2018-10-22 Steven Vettel Email to: Poling, Jeanie re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 10/23 agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024077.pdf
2018-10-22 Unknown FigX_Proposed Construction Phasing_sy.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024609.pdf
2018-10-23 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;White, Elizabeth (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir to ERO office hour pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005403.pdf
2018-10-23 Mwanga-Conley, Nalungo (FIR) Email to: Rivera, Anthony (FIR) ;Rubino, Arlene (PUC) ;Reidy, James (FIR) ;Miller, Katie (PUC) ;Birmingham, Thomas (PUC) ;Teahan, Bill (PUC) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Scanlon, Olivia (FIR) re: Monthly Meeting/ SFFD & PUC pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012062.pdf
2018-10-23 Birmingham, Thomas Email to: Mwanga-Conley, Nalungo (FIR) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012064.pdf
2018-10-23 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: 'Birmingham, Thomas' re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012066.pdf
2018-10-23 Birmingham, Thomas Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012069.pdf
2018-10-23 Birmingham, Thomas Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Reidy, James (FIR) ;Rivera, Anthony (FIR) ;Batelaan, Brandy (PUC) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Balboa Development AWSS Discussion pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012072.pdf
2018-10-23 Mwanga-Conley, Nalungo (FIR) Email to: Birmingham, Thomas (PUC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012073.pdf
2018-10-23 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Hunter, Mari E ;Paine, Carli re: parking data - can you opine on relevant dates pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012627.pdf
2018-10-23 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Approved_Meeting_Minutes-070918_FINAL.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021581.pdf
2018-10-23 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;MALAMUT, JOHN (CAT) ;Nora Collins re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 10/16 Meeting Notes pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024079.pdf
2018-10-23 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;MALAMUT, JOHN (CAT) ;Nora Collins re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 10/16 Meeting Notes pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024085.pdf
2018-10-23 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: updated construction phasing Balboa Res pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024091.pdf
2018-10-23 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Susan Yogi ;Joe Kirchofer ;Karen Murray ;Steven Vettel ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Joel Roos ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 10/23 agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024094.pdf
2018-10-23 Unknown Draft scoping presentation 10-23-18.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024096.pdf
2018-10-23 Unknown diagram markup_sy both options.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024113.pdf
2018-10-23 Joe Kirchofer Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Susan Yogi re: FW: updated construction phasing Balboa Res pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024607.pdf
2018-10-23 Brian Schuster Email to: Susan Yogi ;Joe Kirchofer ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: updated construction phasing Balboa Res pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024610.pdf
2018-10-24 Joseph Alvarado Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: DO not even consider another transfer of wealth development @ CCSF, if you wan to build something build a parking garage to serve the students and a playing field on top so later the field adjacent to Batmale can be developed at a later date... pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005824.pdf
2018-10-24 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Rick Williams re: RE: Fire Department Meeting on Balboa Reservoir Master Plan and Development pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011177.pdf
2018-10-24 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Birmingham, Thomas re: Declined: Balboa Development AWSS Discussion pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012076.pdf
2018-10-24 Birmingham, Thomas Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Reidy, James (FIR) ;Rivera, Anthony (FIR) ;Batelaan, Brandy (PUC) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Security Desk, 525GG re: Balboa Development AWSS Discussion pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012077.pdf
2018-10-24 Rick Williams Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: Re: Fire Department Meeting on Balboa Reservoir Master Plan and Development pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012078.pdf
2018-10-24 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: 'Rick Williams' re: RE: Fire Department Meeting on Balboa Reservoir Master Plan and Development pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012082.pdf
2018-10-24 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Birmingham, Thomas re: Declined: Balboa Development AWSS Discussion pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012087.pdf
2018-10-24 Rick Williams Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: Re: Fire Department Meeting on Balboa Reservoir Master Plan and Development pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012106.pdf
2018-10-24 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: 'Rick Williams' re: RE: Fire Department Meeting on Balboa Reservoir Master Plan and Development pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012111.pdf
2018-10-24 Rick Williams Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: Re: Fire Department Meeting on Balboa Reservoir Master Plan and Development pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012122.pdf
2018-10-24 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: 'Rick Williams' re: RE: Fire Department Meeting on Balboa Reservoir Master Plan and Development pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012129.pdf
2018-10-24 Paine, Carli Email to: Henderson, Tony ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Hunter, Mari E ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: Balboa Res transportation meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012628.pdf
2018-10-24 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Paine, Carli ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: December Balboa Res Transportation/Site design meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012629.pdf
2018-10-24 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;MALAMUT, JOHN (CAT) re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015309.pdf
2018-10-24 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;MALAMUT, JOHN (CAT) re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015311.pdf
2018-10-24 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;MALAMUT, JOHN (CAT) re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015313.pdf
2018-10-24 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;MALAMUT, JOHN (CAT) re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015315.pdf
2018-10-24 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;MALAMUT, JOHN (CAT) re: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015317.pdf
2018-10-24 Jefferis, Richard Scott Email to: Susan Yogi re: Accepted: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015319.pdf
2018-10-24 Susan Yogi Email to: Susan Yogi ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;MALAMUT, JOHN (CAT) re: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016375.pdf
2018-10-24 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Paine, Carli (MTA) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: December Balboa Res Transportation/Site design meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024613.pdf
2018-10-25 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir scoping presentation pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005406.pdf
2018-10-25 Rita M EVANS Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir EIR Option and Variants pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005826.pdf
2018-10-25 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Rita M EVANS re: RE: Balboa Reservoir EIR Option and Variants pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005827.pdf
2018-10-25 Christine Godinez Jackson Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir scoping meeting at LWHS Oct 30 6 pm pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005828.pdf
2018-10-25 Rita M EVANS Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir EIR Option and Variants pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005831.pdf
2018-10-25 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Rita M EVANS re: RE: Balboa Reservoir EIR Option and Variants pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005834.pdf
2018-10-25 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Rita M EVANS re: RE: Balboa Reservoir EIR Option and Variants pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005837.pdf
2018-10-25 Rita M EVANS Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir EIR Option and Variants pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005840.pdf
2018-10-25 Birmingham, Thomas Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Reidy, James (FIR) ;Rivera, Anthony (FIR) ;Batelaan, Brandy (PUC) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Security Desk, 525GG re: Balboa Development AWSS Discussion pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012137.pdf
2018-10-25 Hunter, Mari E Email to: Kearstin Dischinger ;Paine, Carli re: RE: parking data - can you opine on relevant dates pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012630.pdf
2018-10-25 Paine, Carli Email to: Jefferis, Richard Scott re: RE: Balboa Res transportation meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015320.pdf
2018-10-25 Paine, Carli Email to: Jefferis, Richard Scott re: RE: Balboa Res transportation meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015321.pdf
2018-10-25 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Scoping-10302018.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021643.pdf
2018-10-25 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Unapproved_Meeting_Minutes-101518_FINAL.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021652.pdf
2018-10-25 Susan Yogi Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Brian Schuster re: RE: updated construction phasing Balboa Res pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024105.pdf
2018-10-25 Susan Yogi Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: updated construction phasing Balboa Res pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024109.pdf
2018-10-26 Unknown Scoping presentation (ID 1041719).pptx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005257.pdf
2018-10-26 Thibodeau, Martin (CPC) Email to: Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir CAC Website Updates pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006405.pdf
2018-10-26 Unknown Twin Peaks Drafting Connection - Back in Service.msg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011182.pdf
2018-10-26 Unknown 181026_LEE ALTERNATE STUDY.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011208.pdf
2018-10-26 Paine, Carli Email to: Hunter, Mari E ;Kearstin Dischinger re: RE: parking data - can you opine on relevant dates pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012631.pdf
2018-10-27 Monica Collins Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ; re: Oct 30, 2018 Scoping Meeting Comment pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005844.pdf
2018-10-28 Aaron Goodman Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir 2018-007883ENV - Oct 30th 6-8pm Meeting - Comments pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005847.pdf
2018-10-28 Unknown 181024_LeeAveAlts.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011198.pdf
2018-10-28 Unknown 181024_LeeAveAlts.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011207.pdf
2018-10-28 Unknown 181024_LeeAveAlts.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011232.pdf
2018-10-29 J Sneed Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005849.pdf
2018-10-29 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Monica Collins re: RE: Oct 30, 2018 Scoping Meeting Comment pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005850.pdf
2018-10-29 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Aaron Goodman re: RE: Balboa Reservoir 2018-007883ENV - Oct 30th 6-8pm Meeting - Comments pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005853.pdf
2018-10-29 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: J Sneed re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005855.pdf
2018-10-29 Andrew Ciscel Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: public land use: 100% LOW-INCOME HOUSING pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005856.pdf
2018-10-29 Christine Hanson Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: public comment at scoping pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005857.pdf
2018-10-29 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Shaw, Jeremy ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Joe Kirchofer ;Small, Maia (CPC) ;Barata, Luiz (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Fisher, Lisa (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir UDAT/Design - Rm 528 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110007631.pdf
2018-10-29 Scanlon, Olivia (FIR) Email to: Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: re: two issues to respond. pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011183.pdf
2018-10-29 Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) Email to: Scanlon, Olivia (FIR) re: RE: re: two issues to respond. pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011184.pdf
2018-10-29 Scanlon, Olivia (FIR) Email to: Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: RE: re: two issues to respond. pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011185.pdf
2018-10-29 Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) Email to: Scanlon, Olivia (FIR) re: RE: re: two issues to respond. pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011187.pdf
2018-10-29 Unknown Balboa Reservoir Fire Access.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011188.pdf
2018-10-29 Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) Email to: Scanlon, Olivia (FIR) re: RE: re: two issues to respond. pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011190.pdf
2018-10-29 Scanlon, Olivia (FIR) Email to: Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: Re: two issues to respond. pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011192.pdf
2018-10-29 Unknown image001.png pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011194.pdf
2018-10-29 Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) Email to: Scanlon, Olivia (FIR) re: RE: re: two issues to respond. pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012138.pdf
2018-10-29 Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) Email to: Scanlon, Olivia (FIR) re: RE: re: two issues to respond. pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012139.pdf
2018-10-29 Unknown Balboa Reservoir Fire Access.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012140.pdf
2018-10-29 Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) Email to: Scanlon, Olivia (FIR) re: RE: re: two issues to respond. pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012142.pdf
2018-10-30 Taylor Hughes Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir project support pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005858.pdf
2018-10-30 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Christine Hanson re: Re: public comment at scoping pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005859.pdf
2018-10-30 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Andrew Ciscel re: Re: public land use: 100% LOW-INCOME HOUSING pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005860.pdf
2018-10-30 Mike Zonta Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005861.pdf
2018-10-30 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Mike Zonta re: Re: Balboa Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005862.pdf
2018-10-30 Meg Pirnie Kammerud Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa development pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005863.pdf
2018-10-30 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Meg Pirnie Kammerud re: Re: Balboa development pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005864.pdf
2018-10-30 Jane Ivory Ernstthal Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005865.pdf
2018-10-30 Michael Ahrens Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Scoping Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005866.pdf
2018-10-30 Thibodeau, Martin (CPC) Email to: Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: RE: Updates for Balboa Reservoir CAC Website pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006407.pdf
2018-10-30 Law, Chad (FIR) Email to: Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: Fw: lee ave in balboa park pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011195.pdf
2018-10-30 Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) Email to: Law, Chad (FIR) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Fire Access pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011199.pdf
2018-10-30 Unknown Balboa Reservoir Fire Access.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011203.pdf
2018-10-30 Sallaberry, Mike Email to: Karen Murray ;Paine, Carli re: RE: Balboa/Lee Ave and Fire Dept pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012633.pdf
2018-10-31 Michael Ahrens Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Re: Scoping Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005867.pdf
2018-10-31 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Jane Ivory Ernstthal re: Re: pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005869.pdf
2018-10-31 Susan Yogi Email to: Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015323.pdf
2018-11-01 aj Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;BRCAC (ECN) ;Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) ;Board of Supervisors, (BOS) ;Secretary, Commissions (CPC) ;Hood, Donna (PUC) re: Impact on Public Services and Cultural Resources (MUNI, City College, schools) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005871.pdf
2018-11-01 Unknown 2018-11-1 MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005873.pdf
2018-11-01 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: re: Balboa Reservoir EIR scoping pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005875.pdf
2018-11-01 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: aj re: Re: Impact on Public Services and Cultural Resources (MUNI, City College, schools) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005876.pdf
2018-11-01 Law, Chad (FIR) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: Fw: Balboa/Lee Ave and Fire Dept pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011205.pdf
2018-11-01 Sallaberry, Mike Email to: Paine, Carli re: RE: Balboa/Lee Ave and Fire Dept pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012637.pdf
2018-11-01 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Sallaberry, Mike ;Karen Murray ;Paine, Carli re: RE: Balboa/Lee Ave and Fire Dept pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012642.pdf
2018-11-01 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015324.pdf
2018-11-01 Unknown 2018-10-23_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Notes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015326.pdf
2018-11-01 Unknown 2018-11-01_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Notes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015328.pdf
2018-11-02 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: Balboa Web Updates - 110218.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006408.pdf
2018-11-02 Unknown Balboa Web Updates - 110218.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006409.pdf
2018-11-02 HelpDesk Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: [Help Desk SR# 14326] Service Request Notification (Status: Closed ) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006410.pdf
2018-11-02 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Thibodeau, Martin (CPC) re: RE: [Help Desk SR# 14326] Service Request Notification (Status: Closed ) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006411.pdf
2018-11-02 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;Lesk, Emily ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 10/23 and 11/1 Notes pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015325.pdf
2018-11-02 Unknown balboareservoir_EIR_Scoping_Meeting-103018.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021659.pdf
2018-11-02 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger re: Re: ceqa high growth base plan pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024614.pdf
2018-11-04 aj Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: DEFICIENT MITIGATIONS FOR ADVERSE IMPACTS ON PUBLIC SERVICES OF SCHOOLS, TRANSIT pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005878.pdf
2018-11-04 aj Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir: ON OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005885.pdf
2018-11-04 Unknown 2018-9-4 AFFORDABLE HOUSING SCAM.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005888.pdf
2018-11-05 McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) Email to: McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Horn, Jeffrey (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Check-in (Updated rooms) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005407.pdf
2018-11-05 Unknown DraftPersiaTriangleHandout 11.5.18 .pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005417.pdf
2018-11-05 Amber Hasselbring Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir -need to mitigate for the loss of biodiversity pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005895.pdf
2018-11-05 o k Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Comment on Balboa Reservoir EIR pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005897.pdf
2018-11-05 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: o k re: RE: Comment on Balboa Reservoir EIR pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005898.pdf
2018-11-05 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: aj re: RE: DEFICIENT MITIGATIONS FOR ADVERSE IMPACTS ON PUBLIC SERVICES OF SCHOOLS, TRANSIT pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005900.pdf
2018-11-05 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: aj re: RE: Balboa Reservoir: ON OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005903.pdf
2018-11-05 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Amber Hasselbring re: RE: Balboa Reservoir -need to mitigate for the loss of biodiversity pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005906.pdf
2018-11-05 Janet Lohr Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005908.pdf
2018-11-05 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Hong, Seung Yen ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Banks, Ernie (DPW) ;Nora Collins ;Kwong, John (DPW) re: Balboa Infrastructure Meeting Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009529.pdf
2018-11-05 Unknown 20181107 Draft City Meeting Agenda.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009530.pdf
2018-11-05 Paine, Carli Email to: Henderson, Tony ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Hunter, Mari E ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: Balboa Res transportation meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015331.pdf
2018-11-05 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger re: RE: Balboa Reservoir UDAT/Design - Rm 528 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024615.pdf
2018-11-06 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Copy: Room for Balboa Reservoir meeting with Reuben Smith pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005408.pdf
2018-11-06 aj Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Fw: Hypocrisy in 11/17/2016 letter from City to CCSF pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005909.pdf
2018-11-06 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Janet Lohr re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005920.pdf
2018-11-06 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: aj re: RE: Hypocrisy in 11/17/2016 letter from City to CCSF pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005921.pdf
2018-11-06 Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005923.pdf
2018-11-06 Janet Lohr Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005924.pdf
2018-11-06 aj Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Evidence of Secondary Impact pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005926.pdf
2018-11-06 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Lesk, Emily ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: FW: Balboa Reservoir: Monthly Infrastructure Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019518.pdf
2018-11-07 Carl Petersen Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservior pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005928.pdf
2018-11-07 Debra Wilensky Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005929.pdf
2018-11-07 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Janet Lohr re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005931.pdf
2018-11-07 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: aj re: RE: Evidence of Secondary Impact pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005933.pdf
2018-11-07 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Carl Petersen re: RE: Balboa Reservior pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005936.pdf
2018-11-07 Kortkamp, Ken Email to: Brian Scott re: RE: Balboa Reservoir: Monthly Infrastructure Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009531.pdf
2018-11-07 Paine, Carli Email to: Shahamiri, James;Henderson, Tony;Sallaberry, Mike;Jefferis, Richard Scott re: Pls Review by 11/15: Balboa Reservoir - Draft 2 Travel Demand Memo pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015332.pdf
2018-11-07 Unknown Travel Demand Memo_Draft 2.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015334.pdf
2018-11-07 Unknown Travel Demand Memo_Draft 2_Tracked.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015394.pdf
2018-11-07 Unknown Travel Demand D2_SFMTA Comments.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015421.xlsx
2018-11-07 Wong, Christopher J Email to: Wong, Christopher J ;Lutenski, Leigh ;Petrick, Molly ;Adams, Derek S ;Russell, Rosanna S ;Security Desk, 525GG re: Copy: Meeting - Balboa Reservoir Transition pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017343.pdf
2018-11-08 McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) Email to: McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Switzky, Joshua (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir check-in (rescheduled due to Veteran's Day) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005409.pdf
2018-11-08 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Golan, Yael (REC) ;Bradley, Stacy (REC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir NOP & RPD: Conference Call In: (712) 775-7031; Meeting ID: 988 181 479 # pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005410.pdf
2018-11-08 Hugh Shiels Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005937.pdf
2018-11-08 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Hugh Shiels re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005939.pdf
2018-11-08 Brian Scott Email to: Kortkamp, Ken (PUC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir: Monthly Infrastructure Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009533.pdf
2018-11-08 Unknown SampleProject_TravelDemand_DistributionApplication_PM_110618update.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015425.xlsx
2018-11-08 Joe Kirchofer Email to: CJ Higley ;Russell, Rosanna S re: RE: Balboa Executed ENA extension pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018633.pdf
2018-11-08 Rainey, Tahonnie Email to: Rainey, Tahonnie ;Kortkamp, Ken ;Martinsen, Shayne ;Security Desk, 525GG ;Kristen Belt ;Tim Mollette-Parks ;;Kitchingham, Kevin (MYR) re: Balboa Park housing SCP Pre-application Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019509.pdf
2018-11-08 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Kearstin Dischinger re: RE: Balboa Reservoir UDAT/Design - Rm 528 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024617.pdf
2018-11-09 r and k Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir EIR Comment Variant #3 Proposed San Ramon closure pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005941.pdf
2018-11-09 Unknown BR - EIR Variant #3 Closure of San Ramon 11-9-18.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005942.pdf
2018-11-09 Rick Williams Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: Re: Fire Department Meeting on Balboa Reservoir Master Plan and Development pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011209.pdf
2018-11-09 Unknown SFFD Balboa Reservoir Master Plan.Fire Dept. Access.Attachment A 11.7.2018pdf.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011215.pdf
2018-11-09 Unknown SFFD Balboa Reservoir Master Plan.Fire Dept. Access.Attachment A 11.7.2018pdf.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011263.pdf
2018-11-09 Unknown SFFD Balboa Reservoir Master Plan.Fire Dept. Access.Attachment A 11.7.2018pdf.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012744.pdf
2018-11-09 Unknown SFFD Balboa Reservoir Master Plan.Fire Dept. Access.Attachment A11.7.2018pdf.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012766.pdf
2018-11-09 Paine, Carli Email to: Hunter, Mari E re: RE: contact for balboa reservoir parking lot pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014708.pdf
2018-11-09 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Eric Rago re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Parking (Getaround) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014709.pdf
2018-11-09 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Hunter, Mari (MTA) ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018639.pdf
2018-11-09 Hunter, Mari E Email to: Russell, Rosanna S re: Re: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018641.pdf
2018-11-09 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: CJ Higley re: FW: Balboa Executed ENA extension pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018643.pdf
2018-11-09 Unknown Reservoir Community Partners, LLC - Second Amendment to ENA.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018647.pdf
2018-11-09 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Hunter, Mari (MTA) ;Russell, Rosanna S re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018654.pdf
2018-11-09 Hunter, Mari E Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018656.pdf
2018-11-09 Unknown CCSF Ocean Campus Site Plan 11-09-2018.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022092.pdf
2018-11-10 Pauline Jue Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: EIR on alboa Park Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005943.pdf
2018-11-10 Virginia Schultz Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005944.pdf
2018-11-10 Robert Hall Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir EIR Scoping Comments pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005946.pdf
2018-11-10 Unknown Balboa Reservoir EIR Scoping Comments.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005948.pdf
2018-11-10 Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir Project Case No.: 2018-007883ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005949.pdf
2018-11-10 Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: RE: Re: Balboa Reservoir Project Case No.: 2018-007883ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005951.pdf
2018-11-10 Unknown 181109 Balboa Reservoir.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005953.pdf
2018-11-10 Leslie Simon Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir Project Case No: 2018-007883ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005954.pdf
2018-11-10 Unknown Comments on Scope of Balboa Reservior EIR.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005970.pdf
2018-11-11 Laura Lee Frey Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: scoping of Balboa Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005959.pdf
2018-11-11 Rita M EVANS Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir Project, Public Comment on Scoping pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005960.pdf
2018-11-11 Unknown EIR Variants Comments 11-12-2018.doc pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005961.pdf
2018-11-11 Crizer Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005963.pdf
2018-11-11 Sonja Trauss Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005964.pdf
2018-11-11 Larry Bernard Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Park Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005966.pdf
2018-11-12 Christine Martinez Weibel Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: EIR Public Scoping pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005967.pdf
2018-11-12 Michael Ahrens Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Comments of Westwood Park Association- Scoping- Case No 2018-007883ENV- Balboa Reservoir Proposed Development- Written Comment Deadline -November 12, 2018 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005969.pdf
2018-11-12 Sarah Guttman Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005975.pdf
2018-11-12 Jean Barish Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir EIR Scoping Letter - Case No. 2018-007883ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005976.pdf
2018-11-12 Unknown Balboa Reservoir Scoping Letter [JBB].docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005977.pdf
2018-11-12 Unknown Balboa Reservoir Alternative Drawings.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005982.pdf
2018-11-12 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Jean Barish re: Re: Balboa Reservoir EIR Scoping Letter - Case No. 2018-007883ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005984.pdf
2018-11-12 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Michael Ahrens re: Re: Comments of Westwood Park Association- Scoping- Case No 2018-007883ENV- Balboa Reservoir Proposed Development- Written Comment Deadline -November 12, 2018 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005985.pdf
2018-11-12 Kirk Palmer Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Public input on scope and content of environmental-impact analysis and info for proposed Balboa Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005986.pdf
2018-11-12 Unknown 2018-007883ENV_Input_Community.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005987.pdf
2018-11-12 Lisa Anderson Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: EIR on Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005991.pdf
2018-11-12 Madeline Mueller Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir Project, case # 2018 - 007883 ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005992.pdf
2018-11-12 Starchild Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Re: [sfbarentersfed] Re: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005995.pdf
2018-11-12 Brian Marabello Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: BR EIR - Neighbor Comments pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005997.pdf
2018-11-12 Unknown Data\PresetImageFill5-15.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005998.pdf
2018-11-12 Unknown Data\PresetImageFill2-12.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005999.pdf
2018-11-12 Unknown Data\PresetImageFill4-14.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006000.pdf
2018-11-12 Unknown Data\PresetImageFill0-10.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006001.pdf
2018-11-12 Unknown Data\PresetImageFill1-11.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006002.pdf
2018-11-12 Unknown Data\PresetImageFill3-13.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006003.pdf
2018-11-12 Unknown Data\bullet_gbutton_gray-16.png pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006004.pdf
2018-11-12 Unknown Index\CalculationEngine.iwa pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006007.iwa
2018-11-12 Unknown Index\AnnotationAuthorStorage.iwa pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006009.iwa
2018-11-12 Unknown Metadata\DocumentIdentifier pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006013.pdf
2018-11-12 Unknown Metadata\BuildVersionHistory.plist pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006014.pdf
2018-11-12 Unknown preview.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006015.pdf
2018-11-12 Unknown preview-micro.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006016.pdf
2018-11-12 Unknown preview-web.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006017.pdf
2018-11-12 Fred Muhlheim Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir Project Case #2018-007883ENV, Written Comment Submittal pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006018.pdf
2018-11-12 Unknown FM BR scoping ltr. Nov '18.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006019.pdf
2018-11-12 Christine Hanson Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir Project 2018-007883ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006022.pdf
2018-11-12 Unknown sent parking comment.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006027.pdf
2018-11-12 Christine Hanson Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Previous message from Christine Hanson pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006032.pdf
2018-11-12 Christine Hanson Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir Project Case No: 2018-007883ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006033.pdf
2018-11-12 Yonathan Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir EIR Scoping pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006035.pdf
2018-11-12 Yonathan Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir EIR Scoping pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006037.pdf
2018-11-12 Jennifer Heggie Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir Project, case #2018 - 007883 ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006039.pdf
2018-11-12 Unknown JH_BR_EIRScopingRequest.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006040.pdf
2018-11-12 Jennifer Heggie Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir Project, case #2018 - 007883 ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006045.pdf
2018-11-12 Harry Bernstein Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir Project, case # 2018 - 007883 ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006046.pdf
2018-11-12 Lisa Spinali Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: San Ramon Review in Balboa Reservoir EIR Study pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006049.pdf
2018-11-12 Unknown Balboa Reservoir Scoping Letter [JBB].docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006133.pdf
2018-11-12 Unknown Balboa Reservoir Alternative Drawings.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006138.pdf
2018-11-13 Dreger, Mark Email to: White, Elizabeth (CPC) re: RE: Ocean Avenue Safety Project - request for information pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003376.pdf
2018-11-13 White, Elizabeth (CPC) Email to: White, Elizabeth (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir - San Ramon Way, TDM, and CCSF cumulative impact analysis questions pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005411.pdf
2018-11-13 Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) Email to: Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Low, Jen (BOS) ;Yee, Norman (BOS) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir Environmental Review pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005412.pdf
2018-11-13 Unknown Index\Document.iwa pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006005.iwa
2018-11-13 Unknown Index\ViewState.iwa pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006006.iwa
2018-11-13 Unknown Index\DocumentStylesheet-5049.iwa pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006008.iwa
2018-11-13 Unknown Index\Metadata.iwa pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006011.iwa
2018-11-13 Unknown Metadata\Properties.plist pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006012.pdf
2018-11-13 DCP, Reception (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Fax at reception re: Balboa Reservoir Project (2018-007883ENV) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006050.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: r and k re: RE: Balboa Reservoir EIR Comment Variant #3 Proposed San Ramon closure pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006051.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Pauline Jue re: RE: EIR on alboa Park Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006053.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Virginia Schultz re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006054.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Robert Hall re: RE: Balboa Reservoir EIR Scoping Comments pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006056.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Case No.: 2018-007883ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006058.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: re: RE: Re: Balboa Reservoir Project Case No.: 2018-007883ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006060.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Leslie Simon re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Case No: 2018-007883ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006062.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Laura Lee Frey re: RE: scoping of Balboa Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006067.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Rita M EVANS re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project, Public Comment on Scoping pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006068.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Crizer re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006069.pdf
2018-11-13 Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006070.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Sonja Trauss re: RE: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006071.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Larry Bernard re: RE: Balboa Park Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006073.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Christine Martinez Weibel re: RE: EIR Public Scoping pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006075.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Sarah Guttman re: RE: Balboa Reservoir project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006077.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Kirk Palmer re: RE: Public input on scope and content of environmental-impact analysis and info for proposed Balboa Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006078.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Lisa Anderson re: RE: EIR on Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006079.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Madeline Mueller re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project, case # 2018 - 007883 ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006080.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Brian Marabello re: RE: BR EIR - Neighbor Comments pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006083.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Fred Muhlheim re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Case #2018-007883ENV, Written Comment Submittal pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006084.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Christine Hanson re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project 2018-007883ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006085.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Christine Hanson re: RE: Previous message from Christine Hanson pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006090.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Christine Hanson re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Case No: 2018-007883ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006091.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Yonathan re: RE: Balboa Reservoir EIR Scoping pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006093.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Jennifer Heggie re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project, case #2018 - 007883 ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006095.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Jennifer Heggie re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project, case #2018 - 007883 ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006096.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Harry Bernstein re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project, case # 2018 - 007883 ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006097.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Lisa Spinali re: RE: San Ramon Review in Balboa Reservoir EIR Study pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006100.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Kirk Palmer re: RE: Public input on scope and content of environmental-impact analysis and info for proposed Balboa Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006101.pdf
2018-11-13 Unknown Fax received 11-13-18.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006103.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Starchild re: RE: [sfbarentersfed] Re: Balboa Reservoir notice of preparation of an EIR and Oct 30 public scoping meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006107.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Yonathan re: RE: Balboa Reservoir EIR Scoping pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006110.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Debra Wilensky re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006112.pdf
2018-11-13 Jennifer Heggie Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir Project, case #2018 - 007883 ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006114.pdf
2018-11-13 Amy O'Hair Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Comment regarding scope of EIR for Balboa Reservoir PRoject pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006116.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Amy O'Hair re: RE: Comment regarding scope of EIR for Balboa Reservoir PRoject pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006117.pdf
2018-11-13 Michael Ahrens Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Scoping Letters- Proposed Balboa Reservoir Project, Case No. 2018-007883ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006119.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Michael Ahrens re: RE: Scoping Letters- Proposed Balboa Reservoir Project, Case No. 2018-007883ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006120.pdf
2018-11-13 Michael Ahrens Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Re: Scoping Letters- Proposed Balboa Reservoir Project, Case No. 2018-007883ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006121.pdf
2018-11-13 Harry Bernstein Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir project, case # 2018 - 007883 ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006123.pdf
2018-11-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Harry Bernstein re: RE: Balboa Reservoir project, case # 2018 - 007883 ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006124.pdf
2018-11-13 Paine, Carli Email to: Shahamiri, James ;Henderson, Tony ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Jefferis, Richard Scott re: RE: Pls Review by 11/15: Balboa Reservoir - Draft 2 Travel Demand Memo pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015422.pdf
2018-11-13 Sandoval, Teresa Email to: Russell, Rosanna S re: RE: Balboa Executed ENA extension pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018658.pdf
2018-11-13 Unknown Balboa Reservoir- Second Amendment to ENA.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018662.pdf
2018-11-13 Unknown Balboa Reservoir- Second Amendment to ENA.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018667.pdf
2018-11-13 Michael Ahrens Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Re: Moving on pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022884.pdf
2018-11-14 Beverly Tharp Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa Resevoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006125.pdf
2018-11-14 Hannah Hughes Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;BRCAC (ECN) ;Board of Supervisors, (BOS) ;Rahaim, John (CPC) ;Secretary, Commissions (CPC) re: CEQA and Land Use Notice Request for Balboa Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006126.pdf
2018-11-14 Unknown 2018.11.14 CEQA & Land Use Notice Request for Balboa Reservoir.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006127.pdf
2018-11-14 Unknown 2018.11.14 CEQA & Land Use Notice Request for Balboa Reservoir.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006142.pdf
2018-11-14 Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Fire Department Meeting on Balboa Reservoir Master Plan and Development pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011221.pdf
2018-11-14 Unknown SFFD comments for Balboa Reservoir Fire Access.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011227.pdf
2018-11-14 Unknown SFFD comments for Balboa Reservoir Fire Access.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011246.pdf
2018-11-14 Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Fire Department Meeting on Balboa Reservoir Master Plan and Development pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012144.pdf
2018-11-14 Unknown SFFD comments for Balboa Reservoir Fire Access.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012150.pdf
2018-11-14 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: 'Rick Williams' re: Balboa comments pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012152.pdf
2018-11-14 Unknown SFFD comments for Balboa Reservoir Fire Access.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012153.pdf
2018-11-14 Unknown SFFD comments for Balboa Reservoir Fire Access.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012164.pdf
2018-11-14 Unknown SFFD comments for Balboa Reservoir Fire Access.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012169.pdf
2018-11-14 Unknown SFFD comments for Balboa Reservoir Fire Access.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012764.pdf
2018-11-14 Jefferis, Richard Scott Email to: Paine, Carli re: RE: Pls Review by 11/15: Balboa Reservoir - Draft 2 Travel Demand Memo pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015426.pdf
2018-11-14 Paine, Carli Email to: Jefferis, Richard Scott re: RE: Pls Review by 11/15: Balboa Reservoir - Draft 2 Travel Demand Memo pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015429.pdf
2018-11-14 Susan Yogi Email to: Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015432.pdf
2018-11-14 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: CJ Higley ;Joe Kirchofer ;DIETRICH, ELIZABETH (CAT) re: Balboa Reservoir- Second Amendment to ENA.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018666.pdf
2018-11-14 Unknown 2018.11.14 CEQA & Land Use Notice Request for Balboa Reservoir.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021115.pdf
2018-11-14 Unknown 20181113 Board Study Session R4.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022080.pdf
2018-11-14 robert muehlbauer Email to: Howard N. Chung ;Michael Ahrens ;Lesk, Emily (ECN) ;Jon Winston re: Re: Moving on pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022886.pdf
2018-11-15 Unknown Noise Monitoring Memorandum_ Balboa Reservior 111518.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110000133.pdf
2018-11-15 Unknown Noise Monitoring Memorandum_ Balboa Reservior 111518.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110000136.pdf
2018-11-15 Unknown Noise Monitoring Memorandum_ Balboa Reservior 111518.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110000144.pdf
2018-11-15 Unknown Noise Monitoring Memorandum_ Balboa Reservior 111518.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110000147.pdf
2018-11-15 Unknown GHG checklist 11-15-18 (ID 1108934).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110004975.pdf
2018-11-15 Unknown Section 21099 checklist 11-15-18 (ID 1108935).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005268.pdf
2018-11-15 Lisa Spinali Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Re: San Ramon Review in Balboa Reservoir EIR Study pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006130.pdf
2018-11-15 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Wietgrefe, Wade ;Susan Yogi re: FW: Balboa Reservoir EIR Scoping Letter - Case No. 2018-007883ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006132.pdf
2018-11-15 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Hannah Hughes ;Theresa Rettinghouse ;Michael Lozeau re: FW: CEQA and Land Use Notice Request for Balboa Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006140.pdf
2018-11-15 Hannah Hughes Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Re: FW: CEQA and Land Use Notice Request for Balboa Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006145.pdf
2018-11-15 o k Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Re: Comment on Balboa Reservoir EIR pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006148.pdf
2018-11-15 Karen Murray Email to: Fisher, Lisa (CPC) re: Fwd: Balboa Reservoir Sustainability Follow-Up pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006257.pdf
2018-11-15 Law, Chad (FIR) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: Fw: lee ave in balboa park pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011229.pdf
2018-11-15 Henderson, Tony Email to: Paine, Carli re: RE: Pls Review by 11/15: Balboa Reservoir - Draft 2 Travel Demand Memo pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015434.pdf
2018-11-15 Unknown Travel Demand D2_SFMTA Comments_TH.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015437.xlsx
2018-11-15 Paine, Carli Email to: Henderson, Tony re: RE: Pls Review by 11/15: Balboa Reservoir - Draft 2 Travel Demand Memo pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015438.pdf
2018-11-15 Paine, Carli Email to: Henderson, Tony;Shahamiri, James;Jefferis, Richard Scott re: Review by 11/26: Balboa Res Transit Assessment pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015441.pdf
2018-11-15 Unknown Balboa Reservoir_Transit Assessment_Draft_2018-11-15.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015442.pdf
2018-11-15 Unknown Transit Assessment_SFMTA Comments.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015523.xlsx
2018-11-15 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: SooHoo, Candace (CPC) re: FW: CEQA and Land Use Notice Request for Balboa Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021113.pdf
2018-11-15 John Watkins Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Current CCSF Documents pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022079.pdf
2018-11-16 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: re: RE: Re: Balboa Reservoir Project Case No.: 2018-007883ENV pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006151.pdf
2018-11-16 Law, Chad (FIR) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: Re: lee ave in balboa park pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011233.pdf
2018-11-16 Law, Chad (FIR) Email to: Sallaberry, Mike (MTA) re: Fire Access - Lee Ave in Balboa Reservoir Development pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011237.pdf
2018-11-16 Sallaberry, Mike Email to: Law, Chad (FIR) re: RE: Fire Access - Lee Ave in Balboa Reservoir Development pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011238.pdf
2018-11-16 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Law, Chad (FIR) re: Re: lee ave in balboa park pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012155.pdf
2018-11-16 Unknown Outlook-1478110208.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012159.pdf
2018-11-16 Unknown Outlook-1478110208.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012160.pdf
2018-11-16 Karen Murray Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: Fwd: Balboa Reservoir Sustainability Follow-Up pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024619.pdf
2018-11-18 Unknown 181107 Balboa_Infrastructure Meeting Notes.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006329.pdf
2018-11-18 Unknown 181107 Balboa_Infrastructure Meeting Notes.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012775.pdf
2018-11-19 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Thomas, Christopher (CPC) re: FW: Balboa Reservoir (2018-007883ENV) - Noise pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110000132.pdf
2018-11-19 Unknown Noise Monitoring Memorandum_ Balboa Reservior 111518 (002) (ID 1108912).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005030.pdf
2018-11-19 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Susan Yogi re: FW: Balboa Resevoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006153.pdf
2018-11-19 Karen Murray Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir UDAT/Design - Rm 528 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006307.pdf
2018-11-19 Unknown 181101_Meeting with Planning Department_Notes_DRAFT_kmd.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006309.pdf
2018-11-19 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir EIR pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008273.pdf
2018-11-19 Unknown 2018.1109 CCSF Ocean Campus Site Plan.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008275.pdf
2018-11-19 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Steven Vettel ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Nora Collins ;Shaw, Jeremy ;MALAMUT, JOHN (CAT) ;Tim Erney ; re: NOP Comments pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008276.pdf
2018-11-19 Unknown 2018-11-15_Scoping Comments Table_DRAFT.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008278.xlsx
2018-11-19 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;MALAMUT, JOHN ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015524.pdf
2018-11-21 Jefferis, Richard Scott Email to: Paine, Carli re: RE: Review by 11/26: Balboa Res Transit Assessment pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015526.pdf
2018-11-21 Paine, Carli Email to: Jefferis, Richard Scott re: RE: Review by 11/26: Balboa Res Transit Assessment pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015528.pdf
2018-11-22 Unknown OEWD Compliance Records 6-12-19\Balboa Leg Final 180163 4-3-18.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016462.pdf
2018-11-26 Unknown 1.27.18 Phase I ESA Appendix C (ID 1108930).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110004143.pdf
2018-11-26 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Gibson, Lisa (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005414.pdf
2018-11-26 aj Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Phase 1 ESA Appendix C pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006154.pdf
2018-11-26 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: aj re: RE: Phase 1 ESA Appendix C pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006155.pdf
2018-11-26 Unknown 1.27.18 Phase I ESA Appendix C.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006156.pdf
2018-11-26 aj Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: ESA? pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006159.pdf
2018-11-26 aj Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: RE: ESA? pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006161.pdf
2018-11-26 aj Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: RE: ESA? pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006164.pdf
2018-11-26 Law, Chad (FIR) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: Fw: Fire Access - Lee Ave in Balboa Reservoir Development pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011240.pdf
2018-11-26 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: FW: Balboa SFFD comments and Response pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011243.pdf
2018-11-26 Unknown Response to SFFD Comments dated 11132018.11.26.2018..pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011245.pdf
2018-11-26 Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Balboa SFFD comments and Response pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011248.pdf
2018-11-26 Unknown SFFD Reply Comments 11.26.2018.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011251.pdf
2018-11-26 Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Balboa SFFD comments and Response pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011253.pdf
2018-11-26 Unknown SFFD Reply Comments 11.26.2018.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011256.pdf
2018-11-26 Rick Williams Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: Re: Balboa SFFD comments and Response pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012161.pdf
2018-11-26 Unknown Response to SFFD Comments dated 11132018.11.26.2018..pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012163.pdf
2018-11-26 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: FW: Balboa SFFD comments and Response pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012166.pdf
2018-11-26 Unknown Response to SFFD Comments dated 11132018.11.26.2018..pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012168.pdf
2018-11-26 Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Balboa SFFD comments and Response pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012171.pdf
2018-11-26 Unknown SFFD Reply Comments 11.26.2018.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012174.pdf
2018-11-26 Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Balboa SFFD comments and Response pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012176.pdf
2018-11-26 Unknown SFFD Reply Comments 11.26.2018.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012179.pdf
2018-11-26 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: 'Rick Williams' re: FW: Balboa SFFD comments and Response pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012181.pdf
2018-11-26 Unknown SFFD Reply Comments 11.26.2018.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012185.pdf
2018-11-26 Unknown 181105_SFMTA Meeting_Minutes.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012660.pdf
2018-11-26 Unknown Response to SFFD Comments dated 11132018.11.26.2018..pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012763.pdf
2018-11-27 Unknown Sustainable Neighborhoods Matrix_Draft_2018-11-27.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006314.pdf
2018-11-27 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Paine, Carli ;Hunter, Mari E re: RE: parking data - can you opine on relevant dates pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012646.pdf
2018-11-28 Karen Murray Email to: Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir UDAT/Design - Rm 528 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006311.pdf
2018-11-28 - on behalf of - Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Henderson, Tony ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Hunter, Mari E ;Sallaberry, Mike re: FW: Balboa Reservoir: Monthly Infrastructure Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015530.pdf
2018-11-28 - on behalf of - Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Henderson, Tony ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Hunter, Mari E ;Sallaberry, Mike re: FW: Balboa Reservoir: Monthly Infrastructure Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015532.pdf
2018-11-28 Jefferis, Richard Scott Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Accepted: Balboa Reservoir: Monthly Infrastructure Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015533.pdf
2018-11-28 Lesk, Emily (ECN) Email to: Jefferis, Richard Scott re: Automatic reply: Balboa Reservoir: Monthly Infrastructure Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015534.pdf
2018-11-28 Petrick, Molly Email to: Petrick, Molly ;Kortkamp, Ken ;Adams, Derek S re: Balboa Reservoir Stormwater pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019514.pdf
2018-11-29 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Brian Scott ;Petrick, Molly ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Storrs, Bruce (DPW) ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir: Monthly Infrastructure Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006316.pdf
2018-11-29 Paine, Carli Email to: White, Elizabeth ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir: Please fill out doodle poll for a meeting to discuss a scope to analyze automobile delay and parking (please complete by EOD) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012648.pdf
2018-11-29 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Brian Scott ;Petrick, Molly ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Storrs, Bruce (DPW) ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir: Monthly Infrastructure Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012650.pdf
2018-11-29 Hunter, Mari E Email to: Kearstin Dischinger ;Paine, Carli re: RE: parking data - can you opine on relevant dates pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012651.pdf
2018-11-29 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Hunter, Mari E ;Paine, Carli re: RE: parking data - can you opine on relevant dates pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012653.pdf
2018-11-29 Jefferis, Richard Scott Email to: Lesk, Emily (ECN) re: Accepted: FW: Balboa Reservoir: Monthly Infrastructure Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015535.pdf
2018-11-29 White, Elizabeth (CPC) Email to: White, Elizabeth ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Henderson, Tony ;Hunter, Mari E ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir: Non-CEQA Transportation Topics pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016377.pdf
2018-11-29 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Hunter, Mari (MTA) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018686.pdf
2018-11-29 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) ;Hunter, Mari (MTA) ;Truong, Lawrence K re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018689.pdf
2018-11-29 Hunter, Mari E Email to: Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018692.pdf
2018-11-29 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Hunter, Mari (MTA) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018695.pdf
2018-11-29 Hunter, Mari E Email to: Russell, Rosanna S ;Wong, Christopher J re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018699.pdf
2018-11-29 Hunter, Mari E Email to: Russell, Rosanna S re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018703.pdf
2018-11-29 Unknown 20181101_WSA_Memo.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019329.pdf
2018-11-29 Joe Kirchofer Email to: Shaw, Jeremy re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 11/1/18 agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024670.pdf
2018-11-29 Joe Kirchofer Email to: Shaw, Jeremy re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 11/1/18 agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024673.pdf
2018-11-30 Kearstin Dischinger Email to: Sallaberry, Mike ;Karen Murray ;wingmok re: Fire and Jensen - Balboa pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012656.pdf
2018-11-30 Unknown 2018_11_30_Cross_Section.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012663.pdf
2018-11-30 Unknown Balboa_Reservoir_Transit_Assessment_City + Sponsor_edits.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012667.pdf
2018-11-30 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Hunter, Mari E ;Wong, Christopher (PUC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014710.pdf
2018-11-30 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Hunter, Mari (MTA) ;Wong, Christopher J re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018707.pdf
2018-11-30 Thomas, Christopher (CPC) Email to: Lau, Fan re: FW: WSA pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019326.pdf
2018-11-30 Lau, Fan Email to: 'Thomas, Christopher (CPC)' re: RE: WSA pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019330.pdf
2018-12-03 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Susan Yogi re: FW: Balboa - Noise pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110000143.pdf
2018-12-03 Tong, Reanna (CPC) Email to: Tong, Reanna (CPC) ;CTYPLN - CITY PLANNING EVERYONE re: Copy: UCB MRED + D Persia Triangle Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005415.pdf
2018-12-03 Rick Williams Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011258.pdf
2018-12-03 Unknown Balboa SFFD Access Diagram with LPHydrant Locations.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011260.pdf
2018-12-03 Unknown Fig_11.2-Proposed-LPW-Fire-Hydrant-Locations.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011261.pdf
2018-12-03 Unknown Fig_13.1-Proposed-AWSS-System.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011262.pdf
2018-12-03 Unknown Fire_Truck_Turning_20181115.dwg.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011269.pdf
2018-12-03 Unknown 181113_EIR_StreetSections.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011277.pdf
2018-12-03 Karen Murray Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011282.pdf
2018-12-03 Unknown 181130_LeeAvenueSections.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011285.pdf
2018-12-03 Rick Williams Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: Re: Balboa SFFD comments and Response pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012193.pdf
2018-12-03 Karen Murray Email to: Paine, Carli;Shahamiri, James;Henderson, Tony;Sallaberry, Mike;Hunter, Mari E re: Re: December Balboa Res Transportation/Site design meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012657.pdf
2018-12-03 Unknown 181203-SFMTA-Diagram.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012659.pdf
2018-12-03 Karen Murray Email to: Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Henderson, Tony ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Hunter, Mari E re: Re: December Balboa Res Transportation/Site design meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012690.pdf
2018-12-03 Paine, Carli Email to: Kearstin Dischinger ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Karen Murray ;wingmok ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: RE: Fire and Jensen - Balboa pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012692.pdf
2018-12-03 Karen Murray Email to: Paine, Carli re: Re: Fire and Jensen - Balboa pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012694.pdf
2018-12-03 Sallaberry, Mike Email to: Karen Murray ;Paine, Carli re: RE: Fire and Jensen - Balboa pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012696.pdf
2018-12-03 Karen Murray Email to: Sallaberry, Mike re: Re: Fire and Jensen - Balboa pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012699.pdf
2018-12-03 Paine, Carli Email to: Karen Murray ;Shahamiri, James ;Henderson, Tony ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Hunter, Mari E re: RE: December Balboa Res Transportation/Site design meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012702.pdf
2018-12-03 Karen Murray Email to: Paine, Carli re: Re: December Balboa Res Transportation/Site design meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012705.pdf
2018-12-03 Unknown Fire_Truck_Turning_20181115.dwg.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012708.pdf
2018-12-03 Unknown 181130_LeeAvenueSections.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012734.pdf
2018-12-03 Unknown 181113_EIR_StreetSections.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012758.pdf
2018-12-03 Paine, Carli Email to: Karen Murray ;Shahamiri, James ;Henderson, Tony ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Hunter, Mari E re: RE: December Balboa Res Transportation/Site design meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014715.pdf
2018-12-03 Francis, John (CPC) Email to: Rueben Smith ; re: City Feedback on CCSF FMP pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016425.pdf
2018-12-03 Unknown Jun 2017 SFMTA to CCSF Letter re FMP.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016427.pdf
2018-12-03 Truong, Lawrence K Email to: Hunter, Mari (MTA) ;Russell, Rosanna S re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018712.pdf
2018-12-04 Unknown Balboa Reservoir EIR scoping meeting presentation 10-30-18 (ID 1052076).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110004909.pdf
2018-12-04 Unknown Balboa Reservoir EIR Supervisor Yee 11-15-18 meeting minutes (ID 1051417).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110004920.pdf
2018-12-04 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Sider, Dan (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir AB 900 check in pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005421.pdf
2018-12-04 Sider, Dan (CPC) Email to: Sider, Dan (CPC) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Park AB900 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005422.pdf
2018-12-04 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Brian Scott ;Petrick, Molly ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Storrs, Bruce (DPW) ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir: Monthly Infrastructure Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006317.pdf
2018-12-04 Unknown Monthly Infrastructure Check-In Agenda 12-5-18.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006319.pdf
2018-12-04 Peter Waller Email to: Fisher, Lisa (CPC);Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: Sustainability Open House pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006321.pdf
2018-12-04 Unknown 180206 SF Sustainable Neighborhoods Framework Memo_LF (2)_PW Notes.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006322.pdf
2018-12-04 Karen Murray Email to: Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir: Monthly Infrastructure Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006326.pdf
2018-12-04 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Low, Jen (BOS) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir EIR 11/15/18 meeting minutes pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008279.pdf
2018-12-04 Unknown Balboa Reservoir EIR Supervisor Yee 11-15-18 meeting minutes.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008281.pdf
2018-12-04 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Rick Williams re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011292.pdf
2018-12-04 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: FW: Balboa Reservoir: Monthly Infrastructure Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012197.pdf
2018-12-04 Unknown Monthly Infrastructure Check-In Agenda 12-5-18.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012200.pdf
2018-12-04 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir: Monthly Infrastructure Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012202.pdf
2018-12-04 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir: Monthly Infrastructure Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012205.pdf
2018-12-04 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: 'Rick Williams' re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012208.pdf
2018-12-04 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir: Monthly Infrastructure Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012211.pdf
2018-12-04 Unknown image001.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012214.pdf
2018-12-04 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Paine, Carli ;Karen Murray ;Sallaberry, Mike re: RE: Fire and Jensen - Balboa pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012716.pdf
2018-12-04 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Brian Scott ;Petrick, Molly ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Storrs, Bruce (DPW) ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir: Monthly Infrastructure Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012720.pdf
2018-12-04 Unknown Monthly Infrastructure Check-In Agenda 12-5-18.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012722.pdf
2018-12-04 Paine, Carli Email to: Karen Murray re: RE: December Balboa Res Transportation/Site design meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012724.pdf
2018-12-04 Karen Murray Email to: Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) re: Fwd: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012728.pdf
2018-12-04 Unknown Balboa SFFD Access Diagram with LPHydrant Locations.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012741.pdf
2018-12-04 Unknown Fig_11.2-Proposed-LPW-Fire-Hydrant-Locations.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012742.pdf
2018-12-04 Unknown Fig_13.1-Proposed-AWSS-System.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012743.pdf
2018-12-04 Unknown Fire_Truck_Turning_20181115.dwg.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012750.pdf
2018-12-04 Karen Murray Email to: Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir: Monthly Infrastructure Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012772.pdf
2018-12-04 Paine, Carli Email to: Karen Murray re: RE: December Balboa Res Transportation/Site design meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014718.pdf
2018-12-04 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Brian Scott ;Petrick, Molly ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Storrs, Bruce (DPW) ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir: Monthly Infrastructure Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015536.pdf
2018-12-04 Unknown Monthly Infrastructure Check-In Agenda 12-5-18.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015538.pdf
2018-12-04 Unknown OEWD Compliance Records 6-12-19\20181205 Balboa Monthly Inf Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016443.pdf
2018-12-04 Hunter, Mari E Email to: Truong, Lawrence K ;Russell, Rosanna S re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018720.pdf
2018-12-05 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir AB 900 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005423.pdf
2018-12-05 Susan Yogi Email to: White, Elizabeth ;MALAMUT, JOHN ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015540.pdf
2018-12-06 McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) Email to: McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) ;Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir check-in pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005424.pdf
2018-12-06 Paine, Carli Email to: Shahamiri, James ;White, Dustin ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony re: What should be in a Master Infrastructure Plan pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015542.pdf
2018-12-06 Paine, Carli Email to: Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;White, Dustin ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony re: What should be in a Master Infrastructure Plan pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016383.pdf
2018-12-07 Unknown 2018-12-7_WSA Memorandum_revised (ID 1108916).docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110004818.pdf
2018-12-07 Unknown 2018-12-7_WSA Memorandum_revised w attachments (ID 1108915).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110004823.pdf
2018-12-07 Unknown NP Single Site Calc_V6_Additional Housing Option_Phase 1+2 (ID 1108917).xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005059.xlsx
2018-12-07 Unknown NP Single Site Calc_V6_Developers Option__Phase 1 (ID 1108918).xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005060.xlsx
2018-12-07 Unknown NP Single Site Calc_V6_Developers Option_Phase 1+2 (ID 1108914).xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005061.xlsx
2018-12-07 Thibodeau, Martin (CPC) Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: posting to BRCAC today pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006412.pdf
2018-12-07 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Thibodeau, Martin (CPC) re: RE: posting to BRCAC today pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006414.pdf
2018-12-09 Unknown 00_EIR Outline-TOC 12-11-18.doc pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020172.pdf
2018-12-10 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Brian Scott ;Adams, Derek ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Storrs, Bruce (DPW) ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Banks, Ernie (DPW) ;Nora Collins ;Kwong, John (DPW) ;Paine, Carli (MTA) ;Shahamiri, James (MTA) ;Henderson, Tony (MTA) ;Jefferis, Richard (MTA) ;Hunter, Mari (MTA) ;Sallaberry, Mike (MTA) ;Fisher, Lisa (CPC) re: Balboa Infrastructure Next Steps pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006332.pdf
2018-12-10 Unknown Balboa MIP TOC Draft 12-10-18.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006333.pdf
2018-12-10 Thibodeau, Martin (CPC) Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: posting to BRCAC today pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006416.pdf
2018-12-10 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Lutenski, Leigh ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Storrs, Bruce (DPW) ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Banks, Ernie (DPW) ;Nora Collins ;Kwong, John (DPW) ;Paine, Carli (MTA) ;Shahamiri, James (MTA) ;Henderson, Tony (MTA) ;Jefferis, Richard (MTA) ;Hunter, Mari (MTA) ;Sallaberry, Mike (MTA) ;Fisher, Lisa (CPC) ;Moy, Barbara (DPW) ;Petrick, Molly (PUC) ;Rivera, Javier (DPW) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir Monthly Infrastructure Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008320.pdf
2018-12-10 Unknown Balboa MIP TOC Draft 12-10-18.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009702.pdf
2018-12-10 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Brian Scott ;Adams, Derek ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Storrs, Bruce (DPW) ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Banks, Ernie (DPW) ;Nora Collins ;Kwong, John (DPW) ;Paine, Carli (MTA) ;Shahamiri, James (MTA) ;Henderson, Tony (MTA) ;Jefferis, Richard (MTA) ;Hunter, Mari (MTA) ;Sallaberry, Mike (MTA) ;Fisher, Lisa (CPC) ;Moy, Barbara (DPW) ;Petrick, Molly (PUC) ;Rivera, Javier (DPW) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: Balboa Reservoir Monthly Infrastructure Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011295.pdf
2018-12-10 Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) Email to: Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) re: Accepted: Balboa Reservoir Monthly Infrastructure Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011296.pdf
2018-12-10 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: FW: Balboa Infrastructure Next Steps pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011297.pdf
2018-12-10 Unknown Balboa MIP TOC Draft 12-10-18.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011299.pdf
2018-12-10 Unknown EIR Ch 2_Project Description (ID 1053238).docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011328.pdf
2018-12-10 Unknown 2010-12-10_Balboa Initial Study Ad Draft 1 (ID 1053236).docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011377.pdf
2018-12-10 Unknown EIR Ch 2_Project Description (ID 1053239).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011479.pdf
2018-12-10 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Lutenski, Leigh ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Storrs, Bruce (DPW) ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Banks, Ernie (DPW) ;Nora Collins ;Kwong, John (DPW) ;Paine, Carli (MTA) ;Shahamiri, James (MTA) ;Henderson, Tony (MTA) ;Jefferis, Richard (MTA) ;Hunter, Mari (MTA) ;Sallaberry, Mike (MTA) ;Fisher, Lisa (CPC) ;Moy, Barbara (DPW) ;Petrick, Molly (PUC) ;Rivera, Javier (DPW) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir Monthly Infrastructure Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011873.pdf
2018-12-10 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) re: Accepted: Balboa Reservoir Monthly Infrastructure Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012215.pdf
2018-12-10 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: FW: Balboa Infrastructure Next Steps pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012216.pdf
2018-12-10 Unknown Balboa MIP TOC Draft 12-10-18.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012218.pdf
2018-12-10 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Brian Scott ;Adams, Derek ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Storrs, Bruce (DPW) ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Banks, Ernie (DPW) ;Nora Collins ;Kwong, John (DPW) ;Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Henderson, Tony ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Hunter, Mari E ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Fisher, Lisa (CPC) re: Balboa Infrastructure Next Steps pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014722.pdf
2018-12-10 Unknown Balboa MIP TOC Draft 12-10-18.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014723.pdf
2018-12-10 Paine, Carli Email to: Hunter, Mari E re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Monthly Infrastructure Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014728.pdf
2018-12-10 Unknown Balboa MIP TOC Draft 12-10-18.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014742.pdf
2018-12-10 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Brian Scott ;Adams, Derek ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Storrs, Bruce (DPW) ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Banks, Ernie (DPW) ;Nora Collins ;Kwong, John (DPW) ;Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Henderson, Tony ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Hunter, Mari E ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Fisher, Lisa (CPC) ;Moy, Barbara (DPW) ;Petrick, Molly (PUC) ;Rivera, Javier (DPW) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: Balboa Reservoir Monthly Infrastructure Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015543.pdf
2018-12-10 Jefferis, Richard Scott Email to: Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) re: Accepted: Balboa Reservoir Monthly Infrastructure Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015544.pdf
2018-12-10 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Lutenski, Leigh ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Storrs, Bruce (DPW) ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Banks, Ernie (DPW) ;Nora Collins ;Kwong, John (DPW) ;Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Henderson, Tony ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Hunter, Mari E ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Fisher, Lisa (CPC) ;Moy, Barbara (DPW) ;Petrick, Molly (PUC) ;Rivera, Javier (DPW) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: Balboa Reservoir Monthly Infrastructure Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016384.pdf
2018-12-10 Unknown EIR Ch 2_Project Description 12-11-18.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020261.pdf
2018-12-10 Unknown EIR Ch 2_Project Description 12-11-18.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020309.pdf
2018-12-10 Unknown EIR Ch 5_Variants 12-11-18.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020399.pdf
2018-12-10 Unknown EIR Ch 5_Variants 12-11-18.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020413.pdf
2018-12-10 Unknown Initial Study Ad Draft 1 12-11-18.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020427.pdf
2018-12-10 Unknown Initial Study Ad Draft 1 12-11-18.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020531.pdf
2018-12-10 Unknown 181205_BalboaReservoir_SustainabilityOpenHouse-FINAL.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021552.pdf
2018-12-11 Ionin, Jonas (CPC) Email to: Richards, Dennis (CPC) ;Johnson, Milicent (CPC) ;Koppel, Joel (CPC) ;Moore, Kathrin (CPC) ;Melgar, Myrna (CPC) ;;Rich Hillis re: FW: Keep our Public land Balboa Reservoir Public pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006168.pdf
2018-12-11 CPC-Commissions Secretary Email to: Richards, Dennis (CPC) ;Johnson, Milicent (CPC) ;Koppel, Joel (CPC) ;Moore, Kathrin (CPC) ;Melgar, Myrna (CPC) ;;Rich Hillis re: FW: Keep our Public land Balboa Reservoir Public pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006169.pdf
2018-12-11 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: re: RE: Keep our Public land Balboa Reservoir Public pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006170.pdf
2018-12-11 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Thibodeau, Martin (CPC) re: RE: posting to BRCAC today pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006418.pdf
2018-12-11 Storrs, Bruce (DPW) Email to: Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) re: Accepted: Balboa Reservoir Monthly Infrastructure Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009694.pdf
2018-12-11 Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011304.pdf
2018-12-11 Unknown Balboa Reservoir Fire Access.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011306.pdf
2018-12-11 Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012223.pdf
2018-12-11 Unknown Balboa Reservoir Fire Access.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012225.pdf
2018-12-11 Joe Kirchofer Email to: White, Elizabeth ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Henderson, Tony ;Hunter, Mari E ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Nora Collins re: RE: Balboa Reservoir: Non-CEQA Transportation Topics - please provide list of topics for discussion at meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012778.pdf
2018-12-11 Unknown Additional Transportation Study - draft scope - 12.11.18.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012783.xlsx
2018-12-11 White, Elizabeth (CPC) Email to: Paine, Carli ;Poling, Jeanie ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Henderson, Tony ;Hunter, Mari E ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir: Non-CEQA Transportation Topics (meeting to be cancelled) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014729.pdf
2018-12-11 Joe Kirchofer Email to: White, Elizabeth ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Henderson, Tony ;Hunter, Mari E ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir: Non-CEQA Transportation Topics (meeting to be cancelled) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014732.pdf
2018-12-11 White, Elizabeth (CPC) Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Paine, Carli ;Poling, Jeanie ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Henderson, Tony ;Hunter, Mari E ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir: Non-CEQA Transportation Topics - please provide list of topics for discussion at meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014736.pdf
2018-12-11 Thomas, Christopher (CPC) Email to: Lau, Fan re: Non-potable water calculator version pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019334.pdf
2018-12-12 White, Elizabeth (CPC) Email to: White, Elizabeth ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Henderson, Tony (MTA) ;Hunter, Mari (MTA) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir: Non-CEQA Transportation Topics pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005425.pdf
2018-12-12 Rick Williams Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011308.pdf
2018-12-12 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Rick Williams re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011311.pdf
2018-12-12 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Rick Williams re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011315.pdf
2018-12-12 Rick Williams Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011319.pdf
2018-12-12 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: 'Rick Williams' re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012227.pdf
2018-12-12 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: 'Rick Williams' re: RE: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012231.pdf
2018-12-12 Susan Yogi Email to: Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Henderson, Tony re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015545.pdf
2018-12-12 Susan Yogi Email to: Wietgrefe, Wade ;MALAMUT, JOHN ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 11/29 notes and 12/13 agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015547.pdf
2018-12-12 Unknown 2018-12-13_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015549.pdf
2018-12-12 Unknown 2018-11-29_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Notes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015552.pdf
2018-12-12 Jefferis, Richard Scott Email to: Susan Yogi re: Accepted: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 11/29 notes and 12/13 agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015555.pdf
2018-12-12 Unknown 2018-12-13_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015558.pdf
2018-12-12 Unknown 2018-11-29_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Notes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015561.pdf
2018-12-12 Unknown juzna-dolina-effekt-bratislava-housing-slovenia-competition_dezeen_site-plan.gif pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021817.pdf
2018-12-12 Unknown BalboaReservoir_OpenSpaceWorkshop_20180606_8.5x11.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022811.pdf
2018-12-12 Unknown Reservoir_OpenSpaceFestival_20180828_initial mailer.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310022844.pdf
2018-12-12 Unknown Preliminary shadow fan.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310023008.pdf
2018-12-12 Unknown Avalon_Ocean_Avenue-20180917-113827.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024530.pdf
2018-12-12 Unknown Avalon_Ocean_Avenue-20180916-121907.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024531.pdf
2018-12-12 Unknown Avalon_Ocean_Avenue-20180915-140052.jpg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024532.pdf
2018-12-13 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Karen Murray ;Peter Waller re: Balboa Reservoir UDAT/Design pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006338.pdf
2018-12-13 Unknown Balboa Reservoir Principles Simplified.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006340.pdf
2018-12-13 Unknown Standards vs Guidelines.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006341.pdf
2018-12-13 Susan Yogi Email to: Wietgrefe, Wade ;MALAMUT, JOHN ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 11/29 notes and 12/13 agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015556.pdf
2018-12-13 Susan Yogi Email to: Wietgrefe, Wade ;MALAMUT, JOHN ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015564.pdf
2018-12-13 Jefferis, Richard Scott Email to: Susan Yogi re: Accepted: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015566.pdf
2018-12-13 Truong, Lawrence K Email to: Kortkamp, Ken ;Perkins, Pauline ;Henderson, Brian ;Lau, Fan ;Munoz, Cheryl ;Larano, Samuel ;Torrey, Irina ;Russell, Rosanna S ;Petrick, Molly ;Freeman, Craig ;Marx, Thomas ;CDD Engineering ;Tran, Michael ;Adams, Derek S ;Van Loan, Marsha ;Fong, Lynn S ;Young, Sam W ;Miller, Katie L ;Huang, Linda C re: Balboa Reservoir EIR - January 8, 2019 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019152.pdf
2018-12-13 Chang, Taylor Email to: Lau, Fan re: RE: Non-potable water calculator version pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019335.pdf
2018-12-13 Unknown Comment Log_Balboa Project.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020258.xlsx
2018-12-13 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Karen Murray ;Peter Waller re: Balboa Reservoir UDAT/Design pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024677.pdf
2018-12-13 Unknown Balboa Reservoir Principles Simplified.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024679.pdf
2018-12-13 Unknown Standards vs Guidelines.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024680.pdf
2018-12-14 Susan Yogi Email to: Wietgrefe, Wade ;MALAMUT, JOHN ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015567.pdf
2018-12-14 Crocker, Pauline (PUC) Email to: Crocker, Pauline (PUC) ;Kortkamp, Ken (PUC) ;Lipp, Alaina (PUC) re: Balboa Reservoir EIR Comments Due pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019513.pdf
2018-12-17 Unknown Expanded Standard Paving Order_attachments.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110007653.pdf
2018-12-17 Law, Chad (FIR) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: Fwd: Balboa Reservoir Project - DEIR Content Review pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011323.pdf
2018-12-18 Fisher, Lisa (CPC) Email to: Rodgers, AnMarie (CPC) ;CTYPLN - CITYWIDE POLICY PLANNING re: PPAR + work plan template (for use) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003553.pdf
2018-12-18 Unknown 181214 Fisher Work Plan_template.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003554.xlsx
2018-12-19 Unknown Balboa Reservoir Archaeological Sensitivity Assessment_12-11-2018 (ID 1108925).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110004853.pdf
2018-12-19 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Brian Scott ;Adams, Derek ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Storrs, Bruce (DPW) ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Banks, Ernie (DPW) ;Nora Collins ;Kwong, John (DPW) ;Paine, Carli (MTA) ;Shahamiri, James (MTA) ;Henderson, Tony (MTA) ;Jefferis, Richard (MTA) ;Hunter, Mari (MTA) ;Sallaberry, Mike (MTA) ;Fisher, Lisa (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Infrastructure Next Steps pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009700.pdf
2018-12-19 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Fisher, Lisa ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Storrs, Bruce (DPW) ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Banks, Ernie (DPW) ;Nora Collins ;Kwong, John (DPW) ;Paine, Carli (MTA) ;Shahamiri, James (MTA) ;Henderson, Tony (MTA) ;Jefferis, Richard (MTA) ;Hunter, Mari (MTA) ;Sallaberry, Mike (MTA) ;Moy, Barbara (DPW) ;Petrick, Molly (PUC) ;Rivera, Javier (DPW) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Monthly Infrastructure Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009707.pdf
2018-12-19 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Brian Scott ;Adams, Derek ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Storrs, Bruce (DPW) ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Banks, Ernie (DPW) ;Nora Collins ;Kwong, John (DPW) ;Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Henderson, Tony ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Hunter, Mari E ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Fisher, Lisa (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Infrastructure Next Steps pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110014740.pdf
2018-12-19 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Fisher, Lisa ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Storrs, Bruce (DPW) ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Banks, Ernie (DPW) ;Nora Collins ;Kwong, John (DPW) ;Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Henderson, Tony ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Hunter, Mari E ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Moy, Barbara (DPW) ;Petrick, Molly (PUC) ;Rivera, Javier (DPW) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Monthly Infrastructure Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015577.pdf
2018-12-19 Lau, Fan Email to: Thomas, Christopher (CPC) re: RE: Non-potable water calculator version pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019336.pdf
2018-12-21 Unknown Order_200369_-_Exp_Standard_Paving_Order.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110007664.pdf
2018-12-24 Unknown NOA-NOP posted at County Clerk (ID 1055654).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005028.pdf
2018-12-26 Thibodeau, Martin (CPC) Email to: Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) re: RE: Updates to Balboa Reservoir CAC Website pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006420.pdf
2018-12-26 Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) Email to: Thibodeau, Martin (CPC) re: RE: Updates to Balboa Reservoir CAC Website pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006422.pdf
2018-12-26 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Public_Documents_and_Emails-101518.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006425.pdf
2018-12-26 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Public_Documents_and_Emails-070918.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006447.pdf
2018-12-26 Shanahan, Thomas (ECN) Email to: Thibodeau, Martin (CPC) re: RE: Updates to Balboa Reservoir CAC Website pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006475.pdf
2018-12-26 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Public_Documents_and_Emails-070918.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021593.pdf
2018-12-26 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Public_Documents_and_Emails-101518.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310021621.pdf
2018-12-27 Unknown Balboa_Reservoir_Transit_Assessment_Draft2_2018-12-27.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015579.pdf
2018-12-27 Unknown Balboa_Reservoir_Transit_Assessment_Draft2_2018-12-27.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015607.pdf
2018-12-27 Unknown Balboa_Reservoir_Transit_Assessment_Draft2_2018-12-27_tracked.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015706.pdf
2018-12-28 Paine, Carli Email to: Henderson, Tony;Shahamiri, James;Jefferis, Richard Scott re: By 1/4: comments on Balboa Res Transit Assessment D2 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015578.pdf
2018-12-28 Paine, Carli Email to: Henderson, Tony ;Shahamiri, James ;Jefferis, Richard Scott re: RE: By 1/4: comments on Balboa Res Transit Assessment D2 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015744.pdf
2018-12-31 Jefferis, Richard Scott Email to: Paine, Carli re: RE: By 1/4: comments on Balboa Res Transit Assessment D2 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015746.pdf
2019-01-03 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir check in pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005433.pdf
2019-01-03 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;MALAMUT, JOHN ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015748.pdf
2019-01-03 Unknown 2019-01-03_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015750.pdf
2019-01-03 Shahamiri, James Email to: Paine, Carli ;Henderson, Tony ;Jefferis, Richard Scott re: RE: By 1/4: comments on Balboa Res Transit Assessment D2 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015753.pdf
2019-01-04 Unknown Balboa Reservoir tribal notice 1-7-19 (ID 1108924).docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110004925.pdf
2019-01-04 Susan Yogi Email to: Susan Yogi ;Brian Schuster ;Karl Heisler ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Pollak, Josh (CPC) ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005434.pdf
2019-01-04 Law, Chad (FIR) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: Fwd: Balboa Reservoir Project EIR pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011325.pdf
2019-01-04 Unknown ATT00001.htm pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011376.pdf
2019-01-04 Unknown ATT00002.htm pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011478.pdf
2019-01-04 Unknown ATT00003.htm pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011521.pdf
2019-01-04 Harold, Kathy (FIR) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: Fw: Balboa Reservoir Project EIR pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012234.pdf
2019-01-04 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Harold, Kathy (FIR) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project EIR pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012238.pdf
2019-01-04 Harold, Kathy (FIR) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir Project EIR pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012242.pdf
2019-01-04 Harold, Kathy (FIR) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: Fw: Balboa Reservoir Project EIR pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012246.pdf
2019-01-04 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;MALAMUT, JOHN ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015755.pdf
2019-01-07 Byrd, Virnaliza (CPC) Email to: '' re: Tribal Notification - Balboa Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005312.pdf
2019-01-07 Unknown 1-7-19_2018-007883ENV.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005313.pdf
2019-01-07 Byrd, Virnaliza (CPC) Email to: re: Tribal Notification - Balboa Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005315.pdf
2019-01-07 Unknown 1-7-19_2018-007883ENV.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005316.pdf
2019-01-07 Byrd, Virnaliza (CPC) Email to: re: Tribal Notification - Balboa Reservoir Project pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005318.pdf
2019-01-07 Unknown 1-7-19_2018-007883ENV.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005319.pdf
2019-01-07 White, Elizabeth (CPC) Email to: White, Elizabeth ;Joe Kirchofer ;Poling, Jeanie pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005435.pdf
2019-01-07 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: Balboa Reservoir EIR pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008283.pdf
2019-01-07 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Harold, Kathy (FIR) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project EIR pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012251.pdf
2019-01-07 White, Elizabeth (CPC) Email to: White, Elizabeth ;Joe Kirchofer ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Shahamiri, James ;Paine, Carli ;Steven Vettel ;Amanda Leahy ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir - Signal Timing Meeting/Conference Call (Updated Agenda) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016385.pdf
2019-01-07 Unknown Balboa Reservoir CEQA files\Comment Log_Balboa Project_WRD.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019064.xlsx
2019-01-07 Truong, Lawrence K Email to: Kortkamp, Ken ;Crocker, Pauline ;Henderson, Brian ;Lau, Fan ;Munoz, Cheryl ;Larano, Samuel ;Torrey, Irina ;Russell, Rosanna S ;Petrick, Molly ;Freeman, Craig ;Marx, Thomas ;CDD Engineering ;Tran, Michael ;Adams, Derek S ;Van Loan, Marsha ;Fong, Lynn S ;Young, Sam W ;Miller, Katie L ;Huang, Linda C re: RE: Balboa Reservoir EIR - January 8, 2019 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019154.pdf
2019-01-07 Lau, Fan Email to: Truong, Lawrence K re: RE: Balboa Reservoir EIR - January 8, 2019 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019157.pdf
2019-01-07 Unknown Comment Log_Balboa Project_WRD.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019160.xlsx
2019-01-07 Lau, Fan Email to: Truong, Lawrence K re: RE: Balboa Reservoir EIR - January 8, 2019 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020160.pdf
2019-01-07 Unknown Comment Log_Balboa Project_WRD.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020163.xlsx
2019-01-07 Unknown EIR Ch 2_Project Description 12-11-18+ RSR comments.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020351.pdf
2019-01-07 Carlin, Michael (PUC) Email to: Carlin, Michael (PUC) ;Rich, Ken (ECN) ;DIETRICH, ELIZABETH (CAT) ;Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) ;Russell, Rosanna S ;Wong, Christopher J ;Petrick, Molly ;Security Desk, 525GG ; re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110021026.pdf
2019-01-07 Rich, Ken (ECN) Email to: Lam, Jenny (MYR) re: MLB's upcoming meetings with the Chancellors of City College and UCSF pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024916.pdf
2019-01-08 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Pollak, Josh (CPC) ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir AQ pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005439.pdf
2019-01-08 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Sider, Dan (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir AB900 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005440.pdf
2019-01-08 Rick Williams Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir FD Access Equivalency Form. AB-005 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011522.pdf
2019-01-08 Unknown 20190108-AB-005-FDequivrequest-BalboaResMP.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011523.pdf
2019-01-08 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Rick Williams re: RE: Balboa Reservoir FD Access Equivalency Form. AB-005 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011527.pdf
2019-01-08 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Petrick, Molly (PUC) ;Adams, Derek (PUC) ;Paine, Carli (MTA) ;Kwong, John (DPW) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: Balboa Infrastructure Plan Update pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011529.pdf
2019-01-08 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir EIR pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012257.pdf
2019-01-08 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: 'Rick Williams' re: RE: Balboa Reservoir FD Access Equivalency Form. AB-005 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012259.pdf
2019-01-08 Unknown OEWD Compliance Records 6-12-19\CHECK FOR CONFIDENTIALITY\2019-01-08 - Balboa Reservoir - Title Objection Letter.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016802.pdf
2019-01-08 Unknown 2019-01-08 - Balboa Reservoir - Title Objection Letter.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110017274.pdf
2019-01-08 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Truong, Lawrence K re: Comment Log_Balboa Project (Real Estate Services comments 1.17.19).xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018726.pdf
2019-01-08 Unknown Comment Log_Balboa Project (Real Estate Services comments 1.17.19).xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018727.xlsx
2019-01-08 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Truong, Lawrence K re: Comment Log_Balboa Project (Real Estate Services comments 1.17.19).xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018728.pdf
2019-01-08 Unknown Comment Log_Balboa Project (Real Estate Services comments 1.17.19).xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018729.xlsx
2019-01-08 Unknown 2019-01-08 - Balboa Reservoir - Title Objection Letter.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018732.pdf
2019-01-08 Unknown Comment Log_Balboa Project (Real Estate Services comments 1.17.19).xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019049.xlsx
2019-01-08 Truong, Lawrence K Email to: Lau, Fan re: RE: Balboa Reservoir EIR - January 8, 2019 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019161.pdf
2019-01-08 Crocker, Pauline Email to: Kortkamp, Ken ;Lipp, Alaina re: RE: Balboa Reservoir EIR Comments Due pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019520.pdf
2019-01-08 Crocker, Pauline Email to: Truong, Lawrence K re: RE: Balboa Reservoir EIR - January 8, 2019 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019521.pdf
2019-01-08 Unknown Comment Log_Balboa Project_UPD.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019524.xlsx
2019-01-08 Unknown Comment Log_Balboa Project (Real Estate Services comments 1.17.19).xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020257.xlsx
2019-01-08 Unknown Initial Study Ad Draft 1 12-11-18.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020683.pdf
2019-01-08 Rich, Ken (ECN) Email to: Lam, Jenny (MYR) re: RE: MLB's upcoming meetings with the Chancellors of City College and UCSF pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024917.pdf
2019-01-09 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Dwyer, Debra (CPC) re: Copy: Geo and soils - Balboa Reservoir and standard language pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005441.pdf
2019-01-09 SooHoo, Candace (CPC) Email to: Thibodeau, Martin (CPC) re: Housing Units for Annual Report pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006478.pdf
2019-01-09 Mwanga-Conley, Nalungo (FIR) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: Fire Commission Report Update-Due Tues, January 15th @4pm pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011531.pdf
2019-01-09 Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) Email to: 'Rick Williams' ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir FD Access Equivalency Form. AB-005 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011534.pdf
2019-01-09 Unknown SFFD approved for Balboa Reservoir FD Access Equivalency Form. AB-005.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011536.pdf
2019-01-09 Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) Email to: Rick Williams ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir FD Access Equivalency Form. AB-005 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012261.pdf
2019-01-09 Unknown SFFD approved for Balboa Reservoir FD Access Equivalency Form. AB-005.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012263.pdf
2019-01-09 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Kung, Terina ;Noeker, MaryPat re: FW: Balboa Reservoir - Title Objection Letter pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018730.pdf
2019-01-09 Noeker, MaryPat Email to: Russell, Rosanna S ;Kung, Terina re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Title Objection Letter pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018758.pdf
2019-01-09 Unknown Cert of Comp New APNs 190 to 194.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018765.pdf
2019-01-09 Lam, Jenny (MYR) Email to: Rich, Ken (ECN) re: RE: MLB's upcoming meetings with the Chancellors of City College and UCSF pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024920.pdf
2019-01-10 Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) Email to: Karen Murray re: RE: City's Expanded Standard Paving Order pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110007651.pdf
2019-01-10 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Rich, Ken (ECN) ;Lam, Jenny (MYR) re: RE: MLB's upcoming meetings with the Chancellors of City College and UCSF pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024923.pdf
2019-01-11 Unknown DSG_IP Reviwing Agencies.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110010401.pdf
2019-01-11 Unknown 190111 Balboa Reservoir Lee Ave Memo.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110010404.pdf
2019-01-11 Unknown 20190111 Draft Balboa Reservoir IP.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110010407.pdf
2019-01-11 Rick Williams Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir FD Access Equivalency Form. AB-005 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011539.pdf
2019-01-11 Unknown DSG_IP Reviwing Agencies.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011543.pdf
2019-01-11 Unknown 190111 Balboa Reservoir Lee Ave Memo.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011546.pdf
2019-01-11 Unknown 20190111 Draft Balboa Reservoir IP.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011549.pdf
2019-01-11 Karen Murray Email to: Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) ;Fisher, Lisa (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: DSG Draft Memos pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024681.pdf
2019-01-11 Unknown 190110 Balboa Reservoir Memo to Planning Department .pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024683.pdf
2019-01-11 Unknown 190110 Balboa Reservoir Unresolved Issues.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024687.pdf
2019-01-11 Unknown 190111 Balboa Reservoir Lee Ave Memo.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024690.pdf
2019-01-11 Unknown DSG_IP Reviwing Agencies.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024693.pdf
2019-01-14 Unknown 190110 Balboa Reservoir Unresolved Issues.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110010402.pdf
2019-01-14 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Fisher, Lisa (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Paine, Carli (MTA) ;Adams, Derek (PUC) ;Petrick, Molly (PUC) ;Kwong, John (DPW) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: Balboa Reservoir - Master Infrastructure Plan Submission - Completeness Review pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011541.pdf
2019-01-14 Unknown 190110 Balboa Reservoir Unresolved Issues.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011544.pdf
2019-01-14 Unknown 20190111 Balboa IP Outstanding Issues Memo.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011710.pdf
2019-01-14 Truong, Lawrence K Email to: Kortkamp, Ken ;Henderson, Brian ;Lau, Fan ;Munoz, Cheryl ;Larano, Samuel ;Torrey, Irina ;Russell, Rosanna S ;Petrick, Molly ;Freeman, Craig ;Marx, Thomas ;CDD Engineering ;Tran, Michael ;Adams, Derek S ;Van Loan, Marsha ;Fong, Lynn S ;Young, Sam W ;Miller, Katie L ;Huang, Linda C ;Lipp, Alaina re: RE: Balboa Reservoir EIR - January 8, 2019 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019164.pdf
2019-01-14 Unknown Balboa Reservoir SEIR Ch 5_Variants.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019167.pdf
2019-01-14 Munoz, Cheryl Email to: Lau, Fan re: FW: Balboa Reservoir EIR - January 8, 2019 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019181.pdf
2019-01-14 Lau, Fan Email to: Truong, Lawrence K re: RE: Balboa Reservoir EIR - January 8, 2019 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019184.pdf
2019-01-14 Truong, Lawrence K Email to: Lau, Fan re: RE: Balboa Reservoir EIR - January 8, 2019 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019187.pdf
2019-01-15 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: White, Elizabeth (CPC) re: FW: Balboa Reservoir EIR pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003377.pdf
2019-01-15 Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) Email to: Small, Maia (CPC) ;Barata, Luiz (CPC) ;Salvadori, Ilaria (CPC) ;Horn, Jeffrey (CPC) re: FW: balboa communication matrix (and comment tracking) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003555.pdf
2019-01-15 Unknown DPH 01-14-19 (ID 1108931).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110004942.pdf
2019-01-15 jon winston Email to: Michael Ahrens ;;Robert Muehlbauer ;Christy Godinez ;Howard N. Chung ;Maurice Rivers ;Amy O'Hair re: Upcoming BRCAC meetings pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110007686.pdf
2019-01-15 White, Elizabeth (CPC) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir EIR pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012266.pdf
2019-01-15 Peter Waller Email to: Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) re: RE: thanks! pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024695.pdf
2019-01-16 Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) Email to: Salvadori, Ilaria (CPC) re: Balboa - links to key information pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003557.pdf
2019-01-16 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005442.pdf
2019-01-16 Fisher, Lisa (CPC) Email to: Fisher, Lisa (CPC) ;Exline, Susan (CPC) ;Switzky, Joshua (CPC) ;Small, Maia (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Barata, Luiz (CPC) ;Horn, Jeffrey (CPC) ;Salvadori, Ilaria (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa: Bi-Wkly Check-In pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110007640.pdf
2019-01-16 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Fisher, Lisa (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Paine, Carli (MTA) ;Adams, Derek (PUC) ;Petrick, Molly (PUC) ;Kwong, John (DPW) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Master Infrastructure Plan Submission - Completeness Review pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011712.pdf
2019-01-16 Patt, Mike (FIR) Email to: White, Elizabeth (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir EIR pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012268.pdf
2019-01-16 White, Elizabeth (CPC) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir EIR pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012271.pdf
2019-01-16 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Fisher, Lisa (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Paine, Carli ;Adams, Derek (PUC) ;Petrick, Molly (PUC) ;Kwong, John (DPW) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Master Infrastructure Plan Submission - Completeness Review pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012784.pdf
2019-01-16 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;MALAMUT, JOHN ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015757.pdf
2019-01-16 Unknown 2019-01-17_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015759.pdf
2019-01-16 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Susan Yogi ;Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Wietgrefe, Wade ;MALAMUT, JOHN ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - Agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015762.pdf
2019-01-17 Salvadori, Ilaria (CPC) Email to: Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: RE: Balboa - links to key information pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003558.pdf
2019-01-17 Unknown 190117 Balboa Work Flow.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003623.xlsx
2019-01-17 Unknown 190117 Balboa Work Flow.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110007642.xlsx
2019-01-18 Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) Email to: Harold, Kathy (FIR) re: Projects for large community developments. pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011714.pdf
2019-01-18 Scanlon, Olivia (FIR) Email to: DeCossio, Dan (FIR) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: FW: Fire inspector for fire suppression systems? pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012274.pdf
2019-01-18 Kortkamp, Ken Email to: Truong, Lawrence K re: RE: Balboa Reservoir EIR - January 8, 2019 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019525.pdf
2019-01-18 Truong, Lawrence K Email to: Kortkamp, Ken re: RE: Balboa Reservoir EIR - January 8, 2019 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019528.pdf
2019-01-22 Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) Email to: Horn, Jeffrey (CPC) ;Fisher, Lisa (CPC) ;Barata, Luiz (CPC) ;Salvadori, Ilaria (CPC) re: FW: the completeness review of Balboa DSG pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003560.pdf
2019-01-22 Unknown Citywide Communications_UCSF Mission Bay Platform.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011717.pdf
2019-01-22 Unknown 2019-01-17_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Notes.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015768.pdf
2019-01-23 Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) Email to: Salvadori, Ilaria (CPC) re: Balboa comment spreadsheet pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003562.pdf
2019-01-23 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir review pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005445.pdf
2019-01-23 Susan Yogi Email to: Susan Yogi ;Brian Schuster ;Joe Kirchofer ;Steven Vettel ;Karl Heisler ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa project call w/ smaller group pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005446.pdf
2019-01-23 Unknown Temporary T-Third Line Bus Substitution and Road Closures to Accommodate Construction on UCSF Mission Bay Platform.msg pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011715.pdf
2019-01-23 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;MALAMUT, JOHN ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015764.pdf
2019-01-24 Salvadori, Ilaria (CPC) Email to: Hong, Seung Yen re: Balboa Park/ Open Space pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003563.pdf
2019-01-25 Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) Email to: Salvadori, Ilaria (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Park/ Open Space pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003564.pdf
2019-01-28 White, Elizabeth (CPC) Email to: Bryant, Michael (FIR) re: Balboa Reservoir Project and San Francisco Fire Department Station 15 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003379.pdf
2019-01-28 Bryant, Michael (FIR) Email to: White, Elizabeth (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir Project and San Francisco Fire Department Station 15 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003380.pdf
2019-01-28 Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) Email to: Barata, Luiz (CPC) ;Salvadori, Ilaria (CPC) re: Balboa vision discussion pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003565.pdf
2019-01-28 Unknown _NOP Scoping Comments_and Meeting (ID 1064464).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003716.pdf
2019-01-28 Calpin, Megan (CPC) Email to: Calpin, Megan (CPC) ;CTYPLN - ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING re: Copy: Lunch with Balboa High School students pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005447.pdf
2019-01-28 Unknown 2019-01-31_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015771.pdf
2019-01-29 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Fisher, Lisa (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Adams, Derek (PUC) ;Petrick, Molly (PUC) ;Kwong, John (DPW) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Master Infrastructure Plan Submission - Completeness Review pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011718.pdf
2019-01-29 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;MALAMUT, JOHN ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Kern, Chris (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - 1/17 notes and 1/31 agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015766.pdf
2019-01-29 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;MALAMUT, JOHN ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Kern, Chris (CPC) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting - Revised 1/31 agenda pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015774.pdf
2019-01-29 Unknown 2019-01-31_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda_rev.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015776.pdf
2019-01-29 Russell, Rosanna S Email to:;Brad Wiblin ;Joe Kirchofer re: Balboa Reservoir Development ENA- Commencement of Phase 2.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018818.pdf
2019-01-29 Unknown Balboa Reservoir Development ENA- Commencement of Phase 2.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018819.pdf
2019-01-31 Susan Yogi Email to: Susan Yogi ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Brian Schuster ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Karl Heisler re: Copy: Balboa - Check In w/ EP pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005450.pdf
2019-01-31 Unknown Balboa Reservoir Development ENA- Commencement of Phase 2.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020221.pdf
2019-01-31 Unknown Balboa Reservoir SEIR Ch 5_Variants.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020235.pdf
2019-02-01 Susan Yogi Email to: Susan Yogi ;Joe Kirchofer ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Karl Heisler ;Steven Vettel re: Copy: Balboa - Placeholder pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005452.pdf
2019-02-01 Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) Email to: Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Master Infrastructure Plan Submission - Completeness Review pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011720.pdf
2019-02-01 Unknown SFFD Comment for Balboa Reservoir Infrastructure Plan.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011722.pdf
2019-02-01 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Master Infrastructure Plan Submission - Completeness Review pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011725.pdf
2019-02-01 Fisher, Lisa (CPC) Email to: Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir - Master Infrastructure Plan Submission - Completeness Review pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011727.pdf
2019-02-01 Petrick, Molly Email to: Fisher, Lisa (CPC) ;Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Master Infrastructure Plan Submission - Completeness Review pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011731.pdf
2019-02-01 Unknown SPFUC Comments Draft Balboa IP.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011735.xlsx
2019-02-01 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Petrick, Molly (PUC) ;Fisher, Lisa (CPC) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Master Infrastructure Plan Submission - Completeness Review pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011736.pdf
2019-02-01 Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) Email to: Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Master Infrastructure Plan Submission - Completeness Review pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012294.pdf
2019-02-01 Unknown SFFD Comment for Balboa Reservoir Infrastructure Plan.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012296.pdf
2019-02-01 Unknown SPFUC Comments Draft Balboa IP.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020157.xlsx
2019-02-01 Petrick, Molly Email to: Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) re: RE: Balboa AB900 - all staff contact list pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020164.pdf
2019-02-01 Unknown Balboa all-staff contact list Jan 2019.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020166.xlsx
2019-02-02 Unknown OEWD Compliance Records 6-12-19\CHECK FOR CONFIDENTIALITY\Commencement of Phase 2 - executed doc.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016921.pdf
2019-02-02 Joe Kirchofer Email to: Russell, Rosanna S ;Nathan Hong ;Brad Wiblin re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Development ENA- Commencement of Phase 2.pdf - executed pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018831.pdf
2019-02-02 Unknown Commencement of Phase 2 - executed doc.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018832.pdf
2019-02-04 Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) Email to: Salvadori, Ilaria (CPC) ;Barata, Luiz (CPC) ;Horn, Jeffrey (CPC) re: FW: Balboa DSG Completeness Review pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003566.pdf
2019-02-04 Unknown 190204_Balboa Reservoir D4D TOC.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003568.pdf
2019-02-04 Unknown Balboa DSG Completeness Review_2-4-2019.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003572.xlsx
2019-02-04 Unknown Balboa DSG Completeness Review_2-4-2019.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003573.pdf
2019-02-04 Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) Email to: 'Joe Kirchofer' ;Kearstin Dischinger ;;Peter Waller re: Balboa DSG Completeness Review pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006342.pdf
2019-02-04 Unknown 190204_Balboa Reservoir D4D TOC.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006344.pdf
2019-02-04 Unknown Balboa DSG Completeness Review_2-4-2019.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006348.xlsx
2019-02-04 Unknown Balboa DSG Completeness Review_2-4-2019.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006349.pdf
2019-02-04 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Brian Scott ;Adams, Derek ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Storrs, Bruce (DPW) ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Banks, Ernie (DPW) ;Nora Collins ;Kwong, John (DPW) ;Paine, Carli (MTA) ;Shahamiri, James (MTA) ;Henderson, Tony (MTA) ;Jefferis, Richard (MTA) ;Hunter, Mari (MTA) ;Sallaberry, Mike (MTA) ;Fisher, Lisa (CPC) ;Moy, Barbara (DPW) ;Petrick, Molly (PUC) ;Rivera, Javier (DPW) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Monthly Infrastructure Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009726.pdf
2019-02-04 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Brian Scott ;Adams, Derek ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Storrs, Bruce (DPW) ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Banks, Ernie (DPW) ;Nora Collins ;Kwong, John (DPW) ;Paine, Carli (MTA) ;Shahamiri, James (MTA) ;Henderson, Tony (MTA) ;Jefferis, Richard (MTA) ;Hunter, Mari (MTA) ;Sallaberry, Mike (MTA) ;Fisher, Lisa (CPC) ;Moy, Barbara (DPW) ;Petrick, Molly (PUC) ;Rivera, Javier (DPW) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: Wednesday Balboa Infrastructure Meeting CANCELLED pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011741.pdf
2019-02-04 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Brian Scott ;Adams, Derek ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Storrs, Bruce (DPW) ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Banks, Ernie (DPW) ;Nora Collins ;Kwong, John (DPW) ;Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Henderson, Tony ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Hunter, Mari E ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Fisher, Lisa (CPC) ;Moy, Barbara (DPW) ;Petrick, Molly (PUC) ;Rivera, Javier (DPW) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: Wednesday Balboa Infrastructure Meeting CANCELLED pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015779.pdf
2019-02-04 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Brian Scott ;Adams, Derek ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Storrs, Bruce (DPW) ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Banks, Ernie (DPW) ;Nora Collins ;Kwong, John (DPW) ;Paine, Carli ;Shahamiri, James ;Henderson, Tony ;Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Hunter, Mari E ;Sallaberry, Mike ;Fisher, Lisa (CPC) ;Moy, Barbara (DPW) ;Petrick, Molly (PUC) ;Rivera, Javier (DPW) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Monthly Infrastructure Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015780.pdf
2019-02-04 Unknown Commencement of Phase 2 - executed doc.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020254.pdf
2019-02-05 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Range, Jessica (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Pollak, Josh (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir AQ pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005453.pdf
2019-02-05 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Range, Jessica (CPC) ;Pollak, Josh (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir AQ to ERO office hour pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005454.pdf
2019-02-05 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;MALAMUT, JOHN ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015781.pdf
2019-02-05 Unknown Balboa Reservoir WSA files\Submittal v2_Apr 2019\NP Single Site Calc_V6_Additional Housing Option_Phase 1_rev.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019078.xlsx
2019-02-05 Unknown NP Single Site Calc_V6_Additional Housing Option_Phase 1_rev.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019348.xlsx
2019-02-05 Unknown NP Single Site Calc_V6_Additional Housing Option_Phase 1_rev.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019401.xlsx
2019-02-06 Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) Email to: Fisher, Lisa (CPC) ;Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) ;Barata, Luiz (CPC) ;Salvadori, Ilaria (CPC) re: Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) shared the folder Balboa Reservoir" with you." pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003576.pdf
2019-02-06 Kwong, John (DPW) Email to: Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) ;Wong, Christopher (PUC) ;KAPLA, ROBB (CAT) re: RE: Balboa AB900 - all staff contact list pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008343.pdf
2019-02-06 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Kwong, John (DPW) ;Wong, Christopher (PUC) ;KAPLA, ROBB (CAT) re: RE: Balboa AB900 - all staff contact list pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110008345.pdf
2019-02-06 Kwong, John (DPW) Email to: Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) ;Wong, Christopher (PUC) ;KAPLA, ROBB (CAT) re: RE: Balboa AB900 - all staff contact list pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009727.pdf
2019-02-06 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Kwong, John (DPW) ;Wong, Christopher (PUC) ;KAPLA, ROBB (CAT) re: RE: Balboa AB900 - all staff contact list pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110009729.pdf
2019-02-06 Unknown Balboa Reservoir WSA files\Submittal v2_Apr 2019\NP Single Site Calc_V6_Additional Housing Option_Phase 1+2_rev.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019077.xlsx
2019-02-06 Unknown Balboa Reservoir WSA files\Submittal v2_Apr 2019\NP Single Site Calc_V6_Developers Option__Phase 1_rev.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019079.xlsx
2019-02-06 Unknown Balboa Reservoir WSA files\Submittal v2_Apr 2019\NP Single Site Calc_V6_Developers Option_Phase 1+2.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019080.xlsx
2019-02-06 Unknown 2019-2-6_WSA Memorandum_revised w summary sheets.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019338.pdf
2019-02-06 Unknown NP Single Site Calc_V6_Additional Housing Option_Phase 1+2_rev.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019349.xlsx
2019-02-06 Unknown NP Single Site Calc_V6_Developers Option__Phase 1_rev.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019350.xlsx
2019-02-06 Unknown NP Single Site Calc_V6_Developers Option_Phase 1+2.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019351.xlsx
2019-02-06 Unknown 2019-2-6_WSA Memorandum_revised w summary sheets.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019391.pdf
2019-02-06 Unknown NP Single Site Calc_V6_Additional Housing Option_Phase 1+2_rev.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019402.xlsx
2019-02-06 Unknown NP Single Site Calc_V6_Developers Option__Phase 1_rev.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019403.xlsx
2019-02-06 Unknown NP Single Site Calc_V6_Developers Option_Phase 1+2.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019404.xlsx
2019-02-07 Unknown 190207_Strategy Development and Implementation Worksheet.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015803.pdf
2019-02-07 Unknown 190207_Strategy Development and Implementation Worksheet.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015811.pdf
2019-02-08 Susan Yogi Email to: Susan Yogi ;Karl Heisler ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Brian Schuster re: Copy: Balboa - Call w/ Jeanie and Wade pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005455.pdf
2019-02-08 Russell, Rosanna S Email to: Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) ;Wong, Christopher J re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - City College encroachment notification pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110018921.pdf
2019-02-08 Thomas, Christopher (CPC) Email to: Lau, Fan re: WSA request for Balboa Reservoir project (2018-007883ENV) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019337.pdf
2019-02-08 Unknown Planning WSA submittal memo to PUC_Balboa Reservoir.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019347.pdf
2019-02-08 Unknown Planning WSA submittal memo to PUC_Balboa Reservoir.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019400.pdf
2019-02-11 Amanda Leahy Email to: Amanda Leahy ;White, Elizabeth ;;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Horn, Jeffrey (CPC) ;Paine, Carli (MTA) ;Shahamiri, James (MTA) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir - Lee Avenue Loading Operations pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005456.pdf
2019-02-11 Unknown 3B_Noise-Impact and MM Preview.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015785.pdf
2019-02-11 Lau, Fan Email to: 'Thomas, Christopher (CPC)' re: RE: WSA request for Balboa Reservoir project (2018-007883ENV) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110019352.pdf
2019-02-12 Unknown Balboa MIP Completeness Check_RCP_responses_2_11_19.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003579.xlsx
2019-02-12 Unknown Balboa MIP Completeness Check_RCP_responses_2_11_19.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003583.xlsx
2019-02-12 Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) Email to: Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) re: Copy: Balboa pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005457.pdf
2019-02-12 Unknown Balboa MIP Completeness Check_RCP_responses_2_11_19.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110010394.xlsx
2019-02-12 Unknown Balboa MIP Completeness Check_RCP_responses_2_11_19.xlsx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012791.xlsx
2019-02-13 Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) Email to: Salvadori, Ilaria (CPC) ;Barata, Luiz (CPC) ;Horn, Jeffrey (CPC) re: FW: DSG Timeline pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003577.pdf
2019-02-13 Unknown 2019-02-13_Balboa Res CEQA draft schedule (ID 1069048).pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110004832.pdf
2019-02-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie ;Thomas, Christopher (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: Copy: room for Balboa Reservoir meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005458.pdf
2019-02-13 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir sims to ERO office hour pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005459.pdf
2019-02-13 Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) Email to: 'Joe Kirchofer' ;Dischinger, Kearstin (CPC) ; re: DSG Timeline pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006352.pdf
2019-02-13 Shaw, Jeremy (CPC) Email to: Thibodeau, Martin (CPC) re: RE: Numbers pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006480.pdf
2019-02-13 HelpDesk Email to: Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: [Help Desk SR# 14749] Service Request Notification (Status: Closed ) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006481.pdf
2019-02-13 Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) Email to: Fisher, Lisa ;Peter Waller ;Gary Strang ;Wendy Mok re: Balboa Design Meeting - Second phase kick-off pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110007649.pdf
2019-02-13 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;MALAMUT, JOHN ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Chris Sanchez re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015783.pdf
2019-02-13 Unknown 2019-02-13_Balboa Res CEQA draft schedule.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015795.pdf
2019-02-13 Unknown 2019-02-14_Balboa Reservoir Meeting Agenda.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015798.pdf
2019-02-14 McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) Email to: McKellar, Jennifer (CPC) re: Copy: FW: Balboa room hold pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005460.pdf
2019-02-14 Rita M EVANS Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir Project, Public Comment on Scoping pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006172.pdf
2019-02-14 Huggins, Monica (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Re: 2417 Green St (2017-002545ENV-03) neighborhood notice pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006174.pdf
2019-02-14 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Rita M EVANS re: RE: Balboa Reservoir Project, Public Comment on Scoping pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006175.pdf
2019-02-14 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Petrick, Molly (PUC) ;Fisher, Lisa (CPC) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Adams, Derek (PUC) ;Paine, Carli (MTA) ;Kwong, John (DPW) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Master Infrastructure Plan Submission - Completeness Review pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110010389.pdf
2019-02-14 Mwanga-Conley, Nalungo (FIR) Email to: Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) re: Fire Commission Report Update Due @4pm on 2/20 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011742.pdf
2019-02-14 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Petrick, Molly (PUC) ;Fisher, Lisa (CPC) ;Andrawes, Kamal (FIR) ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Adams, Derek (PUC) ;Paine, Carli ;Kwong, John (DPW) re: RE: Balboa Reservoir - Master Infrastructure Plan Submission - Completeness Review pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012786.pdf
2019-02-14 Unknown CCSF Infrastructure Encroachments Ltr.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110020251.pdf
2019-02-15 Unknown OEWD Compliance Records 6-12-19\CCSF Balboa Encroachment Letter KR 2-15-19.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016769.pdf
2019-02-15 Unknown OEWD Compliance Records 6-12-19\CCSF Infrastructure Encroachments Ltr with Attachments 2-14-19.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016771.pdf
2019-02-15 Unknown CCSF Infrastructure Encroachments Ltr with Attachments 2-14-19.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024928.pdf
2019-02-15 Unknown CCSF Balboa Encroachment Letter KR 2-15-19.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024959.pdf
2019-02-17 Rich, Ken (ECN) Email to: re: Letter regarding the Balboa Reservoir pre-draftEIR\2019-07-310024927.pdf
2019-02-19 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Wietgrefe, Wade (CPC) ;Pollak, Josh (CPC) re: Copy: Balboa Reservoir AQ memo review pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005461.pdf
2019-02-19 Susan Yogi Email to: Susan Yogi ;Poling, Jeanie (CPC) ;Brian Schuster ;Karl Heisler re: Copy: Brief check in- AQ pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005462.pdf
2019-02-19 Unknown 3D_AirQuality-Impact and MM Preview_sy.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005463.pdf
2019-02-19 Stefiuk, Emily Email to: Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Nguyen, Roger ;Iberri, Licinia ;Greenaway, David ;Malone, Rob ;Lam, Scarlett L re: Hazards and Climate Resilience Plan: Strategy Brainstorm pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015801.pdf
2019-02-19 Unknown ATT57340 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015806.pdf
2019-02-19 Unknown OEWD Compliance Records 6-12-19\Letter regarding the Balboa Reservoir KR to CRocha 2-17-19.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016930.pdf
2019-02-20 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;MALAMUT, JOHN ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015807.pdf
2019-02-21 Fisher, Lisa (CPC) Email to: Horn, Jeffrey (CPC) ;Exline, Susan (CPC) ;Switzky, Joshua (CPC) ;Small, Maia (CPC) ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) ;Barata, Luiz (CPC) re: Balboa: Bi-Wkly Check-In (AGENDA + MATERIALS) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003580.pdf
2019-02-21 San Francisco Planning Department Email to: Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: Balboa Reservoir: Next CAC Meeting on March 11, 2019 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110007687.pdf
2019-02-22 Unknown Kragen Motion 17885.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003329.pdf
2019-02-22 Unknown Phelan Loop Motion 18153.pdf.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003386.pdf
2019-02-22 Unknown Kragan Motion 17885.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003412.pdf
2019-02-22 Unknown Phelan Loop project drawings_071210.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110003459.pdf
2019-02-22 HelpDesk Email to: Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: [Help Desk SR# 14790] Service Request Notification (Status: Closed ) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006482.pdf
2019-02-22 Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) Email to: Thibodeau, Martin (CPC) re: RE: [Help Desk SR# 14790] Service Request Notification (Status: Closed ) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006483.pdf
2019-02-22 Unknown 6_Alternatives (ID 1071207).docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110013046.pdf
2019-02-22 Stefiuk, Emily Email to: Jefferis, Richard Scott ;Nguyen, Roger ;Iberri, Licinia ;Greenaway, David ;Malone, Rob ;Lam, Scarlett L re: Hazards and Climate Resilience Plan: Strategy Brainstorm pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015809.pdf
2019-02-22 Unknown ATT11836 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015814.pdf
2019-02-23 Unknown 5_Variants (ID 1071206).docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110013024.pdf
2019-02-25 Unknown Website edits.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006488.pdf
2019-02-25 Unknown 2_ProjectDescription (ID 1071216).docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012888.pdf
2019-02-25 Unknown 3B_TransportationandCirculation (ID 1071218).docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012934.pdf
2019-02-25 Unknown 2_ProjectDescription (ID 1071216).docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015830.pdf
2019-02-25 Unknown 3B_TransportationandCirculation (ID 1071218).docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015876.pdf
2019-02-26 Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) Email to: Lutenski, Leigh re: RE: Balboa - PM Check In bi-weekly pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006353.pdf
2019-02-26 Susan Yogi Email to: Joe Kirchofer ;Joel Roos ;Karen Murray ;Poling, Jeanie ;MALAMUT, JOHN ;Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: Canceled: Balboa Reservoir Project Meeting pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015815.pdf
2019-02-27 HelpDesk Email to: Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) re: [Help Desk SR# 14821] Service Request Notification (Status: Closed ) pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006484.pdf
2019-02-27 jon winston Email to: Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) re: Re: Balboa Reservoir CAC Meeting agenda 3/11 pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110007689.pdf
2019-02-27 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Agenda 03-11-19.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110007691.pdf
2019-02-27 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Agenda 03-11-19.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110007698.pdf
2019-02-27 Jefferis, Richard Scott Email to: Stefiuk, Emily ;Nguyen, Roger ;Iberri, Licinia ;Greenaway, David ;Malone, Rob ;Lam, Scarlett L re: RE: Hazards and Climate Resilience Plan: Strategy Brainstorm pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110015817.pdf
2019-02-27 Unknown OEWD Compliance Records 6-12-19\KenRich_BalboaReservoirLetter.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016929.pdf
2019-02-27 Unknown balboareservoir_CAC_Agenda 03-11-19.pdf pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110016937.pdf
2019-02-28 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa review pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005489.pdf
2019-02-28 Poling, Jeanie (CPC) Email to: Poling, Jeanie (CPC) re: Balboa review pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110005490.pdf
2019-02-28 Hong, Seung Yen (CPC) Email to: Thibodeau, Martin (CPC) re: RE: edits pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110006485.pdf
2019-02-28 Unknown Monthly section update February, 2019.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110011790.pdf
2019-02-28 Unknown Monthly section update February, 2019.docx pre-draftEIR\2019-07-110012319.pdf
2019-03-01 Lutenski, Leigh (ECN) Email to: Brian Scott ;Adams, Derek ;Peter Waller ;Karen Murray ;Storrs, Bruce (DPW) ;Kearstin Dischinger ;Patt, Mike (FIR) ;Banks, Ernie (DPW) ;Nora Collins ;Kwong, John (DPW) ;Paine, Carli (MTA) ;Shahamiri, James (MTA) ;Henderson, Tony (MTA) ;Jefferis, Richard (MTA) ;Hunter, Mari